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Status Updates posted by dotcom

  1. No need to give credit. Using it is good enough.

  2. True. the 4" ones are the best of the bunch, and then they're still lacking

  3. It is. If you want to find more like it, just search silentreaper in DeviantArt. Particurarily the DN Game Show one. That one's hilarious :D

  4. Oh, heck. DN topic is Dying D:

  5. Oh LOL, my post count is my year of birth.

  6. Indeed. how's life going?

  7. And pennyless. Lucky, but without a dang cent

  8. hi, greg i hope BL11 is great!, ... did you get my PM?, it's been more than a month now...

  9. Can't do, don't think Mexican theaters would adverstise TLR, and I only go there

  10. Yes I do. GIMMEH!



    ( : )

    Fat bunny FTW

  11. Oh, the new alien girl, thank god

  12. Ah, angry review consumer. Cool.

  13. Not as much as most of the rest do, he doesn't

  14. That is one fine Paildramon av.

  15. And since you recognize it, I come to the conclusion that you're cool :)

  16. ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh i am fangirling all over small news today

  17. I just posted my second Flash Fiction piece and it is RIDICULOUSLY DARK.

  18. Not so, there's the official topic, and those never die

  19. --anomech is hit by Validus, he shrinks...weird (And see what I say? the comment got cut)

    Oh, and i saw the AS 3-pack in Toys R Us yesterday, with Nanomech, Validus, and The Queen, Validus sucks, that's all I can say

  20. Tezca why are you so great

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