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Status Updates posted by delta48

  1. thanks i like the republic commando pic it's awesome i rate you

  2. that comment was 5 days ago boy of course its not the afternoon now

  3. that pic of carnage dont look so soft and cuddly

  4. that sir was a mouth full

  5. that sounds more reasonable

  6. that would be funny but you can get throwing knives and a short sword a hidden blade

  7. that would be weird but i wish you could have a bomb in the game

  8. that's kinda how it was in the game

  9. the almighty weird sponge theme

  10. the game is awesome the free roam is pretty cool and the stealth kills are pretty neat once you unlock all the weapons its awesome

  11. The hats mine.

  12. the hotel creepy pasta wasn't that scary

  13. the nda only requires that you not spill any details about the beta your free to use the code anyway you please also my psn is resev

  14. their kinda in towns docks you can get weapons after you get your targets

  15. then it wont go into effect until 2 years later

  16. then you are not bunni overlord

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