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Status Updates posted by delta48

  1. go check out my moc topic

  2. aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh my eyes

  3. spoot head j/k

  4. how did you know i got up

  5. hey man hows it going

  6. transformers 2 revenge of the fallen is the new

  7. you ever try spider-man 3 the game

  8. well it did not have free roam i really like free roam the action was pretty cool

  9. i have played the 3rd one a friend of mine got it

  10. well it was so cool i wanted to get it its on my list of games to get

  11. of course im gonna get it it was the most coolest game i ever rented

  12. also i beat the game when i rented it and i kept the save

  13. well you dont really run on walls but you can go rooftop jumping its for 30 bucks now

  14. im gonna try and get assasin's creed tomorrow

  15. its friday oh and check out my moc topic

  16. hes not immune to the virus

  17. what cant kill you one 1 hit

  18. also i think hale turns into a chimera

  19. there is also one that can hide in plain sight

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