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Status Updates posted by delta48

  1. did you still want that crysis 2 beta code? im not meaning to be bothersome

  2. why is you name bunny with a seizure

  3. hey do you have odst im lookin for people to do firefight with

  4. whats your XBLA tag?

  5. what is the cake is a lie

  6. also what was your psn tag?

  7. im gonna try and get assasin's creed tomorrow

  8. uh...... what was the comment for

  9. are you ready for endure today?

  10. cool show none the less

  11. how did i save your life?

  12. let me guess its called the splicer

  13. ya he's an old friend of mine

  14. this page is dead

  15. SALTED NUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. I HAVE A HAT!!!!

  17. i was watching it on fx

  18. the nda only requires that you not spill any details about the beta your free to use the code anyway you please also my psn is resev

  19. oh but i still dont like her

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