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Blog Comments posted by -Shannara-

  1. Oh, and I have been given some little inspirations over there. I would like to do a Japan-inspired MOC soon-ish, but I'm sorta pressed for time to really sit down and plan something brand new out.


    And I'm finally getting back on track-ish. Two nights ago I couldn't fall asleep 'till 4. Last night it was 1:30. Not looking forward to waking up at 6 tomorrow for school... >.<

  2. Ugh. I find myself rather ashamed to have started these controversies.


    The point of PBZP was to honor BZP members, but have a little more order about it. Yes, it is usually customary and polite to ask the advice of the member who is being MOC'd. And I can't say I like most of Tigs' MOCs in his PBZP.


    But beyond the basic 26 member idea, I was completely unaware of any real requirements. It's however you want to interpret the member. If your idea is a Neo-Matoran, that's fine. Usually I like to make something more personal and intricate as a representation. If another member doesn't do the same thing, it's their choice.


    And as far as members meaning something to the MOCist... At some point, you're gonna run out of friends with the letters of the alphabet. I know very few X's on BZPower; Xemnix and xccj are the two that only two that immediately come to mind.


    There are more arguments in here too, but I don't wanna get into all the ins and outs of BZP popularity. I'm sick of hearing preaching on that subject. >.<



  3. Well Mistress Piyufi, you could have things such as rampaging MOCs destroying the place such as some of Shannara's MOCs and yeah...

    I'm thinking more along the lines of a conspiracy... You know, BBC contest MOCs being used to overthrow the powers that be...

    Ah ha... And trying to figure out who's behind it...


    Plus I'm -sure- that the other little tidbits you mentioned will work fine in little sub-plots. References to spam, flame, dupe topics, contest mixups... All dat stuf. :)

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