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Everything posted by (Daedalus)

  1. *Incoming Transmission* Tell me what you think about the changes. That was just the way I thought it should be done, but feel free to make the changes you guys think should be done. Also, in the bold sentence, am I the only who thinks that the wording could be slightly improved? I mean, it gets the point across, and it is no way incorrect, but I just feel it could be worded differently. Again, only an opinion. Tell me what you guys think. *End Transmission*
  2. *Incoming Transmission* Hm. I think it is fine. There are a few things that could be edited, most notably the first paragraph (I think the quote should be separated from the rest of the paragraph). *End Transmission*
  3. *Incoming Transmission* I'd be willing to let it end there. We could now compile it into one story and read it over. Then we can decide if we should leave it, edit it, or completely redo it. I mean, we've still got a little while before the story is actually do. We've got plenty of time, and we should use it wisely. *End Transmission*
  4. *Incoming Transmission* *End Transmission*
  5. Um, no, I'm not.

  6. *Incoming Transmission* It's okay, Hawk Six. I actually like the way this is going a bit more than I would had he fully responded to that. That part can be edited later when we are putting this whole thing together. I will let you, KNI, decide if Arcanios and Virgil know Crase, or if he just showed up. Also, I think I should let you guys know that I might have limited access to the internet for a while. I am currently having to use my dad's computer because the video card on mine took a dump. So I apologize ahead of time, just in case. *End Transmission*
  7. *Incoming Transmission* Okay, forget my last post. But before I post the next paragraph, two things: (1.) I'm going to assume that magic can be used (Arcanios used magic to cover Virgil with armor in the story he is in); and (2.) The guy Arcanios and Virgil are protecting is Kevin, unless you guys can think of better way to incorporate him into the story. Hm, maybe we should allow ourselves to do more paragraphs in order to have a bit more control over how we want a particular part to play out. We could do a maximum of three paragraphs or something. That way we can have a bit more liberty per turn without any one person taking full control of the story. Just a suggestion. Yes? No? *End Transmission*
  8. *Incoming Transmission* I hate to come across as dense, but could you perhaps elaborate a bit more on your second edit? *End Transmission*
  9. *Incoming Transmission* I have a feeling this is going to get interesting... *End Transmission*
  10. *Incoming Transmission* Wait, are we just going to make up a story as we go along, or are we going to plan a general idea for a story? I don't really mind either way, I'd just like to know. *End Transmission*
  11. *Incoming Transmission* Well, it should probably be the person with the most writing experience, but I'm not sure. Who do you guys suggest? *End Transmission*
  12. *Incoming Transmission* Hm, perhaps you're right... *End Transmission*
  13. *Incoming Transmission* I'm here, I'm here! Just read all the previous posts, and to KNI: That is a good idea, but a problem with that is difference in style. Generally, as writers, our styles are different. That's what makes us unique. Now, it would be fine in an epic; the difference in style won't be so incredibly noticeable since it would be broken up in chapters. I fear, however, that if we each write an equal portion of a short story, it will be a bit more noticeable. Of course, we do have quite a bit of time until the deadline, so we could try it out and see how it goes. That's what I think, anyways. *End Transmission*
  14. *Incoming Transmission* Good question. I only have three stories currently on BZP, and the main character in two of those died. I suppose they could still be used, but... *End Transmission*
  15. *Incoming Transmission* Eh, here is mine. I'm not sure where exactly the talent is in that little story, but whatever. *End Transmission*
  16. *Incoming Transmission* Forgive me if I'm being somewhat dense, but I am slightly confused. Why are we supposed to post a piece of writing? Is it just to be able to participate in the contest? And is the theme for the contest itself or the piece of writing, or both? Again, forgive if I come across as slow of mind. *End Transmission*
  17. *Incoming Transmission* Oh yes. Sometimes it will be from a quote, sometimes it will be from a single word that I think sounds interesting. I don't usually write the stories that these quotes or words inspire me to form, but I still have them locked into my brain. It isn't just stories, though. It also happens with characters. Example 1: I was listening to "Fireflies" one time, and I heard the word "insomniac." I knew what it meant, and it suddenly seemed like a cool word. Thus I created a character named Insomnia, his name coming from his, well, insomnia. Example 2: My brother was watching The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe one time, and, during a battle scene, a Phoenix entered the battle, and my brother mentioned a quote having to do with it (I think it was something like "A Phoenix will rise out of the ashes"). I researched the Phoenix, and I just thought it was one of the coolest things ever. I then created a character named Phoenix, who shares some traits with this mythological bird. Man, I feel like I am really weird when I talk about stuff like this. *End Transmission*
  18. Yeah, the whole Minotaur bit is new to me. However... *performs quick internet search* Well, according to a few web sites, Theseus was the one who killed the Minotaur, but again, I didn't know this previously. So do you find Greek mythology interesting, or do you just know a good deal about it?

  19. Yes... He also had a son named Icarus. When Daedalus made some wings out of wax and feathers for the two of them to escape from Minos (for whom Daedalus was building the Labyrinth), Icarus flew too close to the sun and the heat melted the wax on his wings, sending Icarus to his death. (I might have a few facts messed up, but that's the gist of it.)

  20. Well, I wouldn't say I know a whole lot about Greek mythology, but I do know something about it. Why do you ask?

  21. *Incoming Transmission* Pretty much what he said. *End Transmission*
  22. (Daedalus)

    My Book

    *Incoming Transmission* I do! I do! *Ahem* But in all honesty, I would like to hear about it. *End Transmission*
  23. *Incoming Transmission* I posted a story, Spare a Folly. I'm not sure if it is any good, though. But hey, that's why I posted it. I also posted a review for Dovydas- King of Zakaz's epic, Flaming Swords. At least I think that would be considered a review... *End Transmission*
  24. (Daedalus)


    *Incoming Transmission* I guess I have to agree that John Lennon did change lives, but that is about all I can agree with. I personally don't experience any touch, feeling, or anything at all, really, when I listen to the Beatles. Especially not when I listen to "Imagine." I'm not saying Lennon's bad or anything; I just don't like him as much as many people do. *End Transmission*
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