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Everything posted by (Daedalus)

  1. IC: Krazek (Ba-Metru Barracks) When I was drawn out of my sleep by a particularly loud thunderclap, the first sensation I became aware of was the cold. It seemed to press in around me, sliding its chilling tendrils through my uniform, my armor, through everything, all the way down into my heartlight. I felt trapped, and for a long, seemingly-eternal moment, I thought I was frozen. Another, quieter thunderclap snapped me from my state of semi-consciousness and I let out a gasp. I sat up in my bunk and swung my legs to the floor, my body wet with sweat, despite the cold. I don't like the cold, and it's not because I am naturally comfortable in the heat. Spending a few decades trapped in ice will do that to you. I did my best to slow my breathing and buried my face in my hands. I didn't know what time it was, but it didn't matter. I wasn't going back to sleep. I remained still for a moment and listened to the heavy rain drum against one of the hangars we had quickly transformed into a barracks. It was far from cozy (or warm), but it gave us a relatively safe place to sleep. I stood up and stretched. I wasn't due out for border patrol just yet and I wasn't sure my creaky limbs would appreciate me taking them out in the rain, but I didn't want to stay still. Couldn't stay still. The cold was bringing back bad memories, and I needed to do something to get my mind off of them. I grabbed my gear and headed for the door, trying not to disturb those soldiers still sleeping. Being out here was brutal, and they needed all the sleep they could get. I opened the door as quietly as possible and stepped out into the rain. That sensation I had felt when I first started to wake up came back, and I could almost hear that strange crunching sound of a massive wall of ice smashing through trees and buildings. I shook my head and the sound faded. Calm down, Krazek, I thought to myself. Hunching my shoulders, I set off toward the border.
  2. Name: Krazek Species: Male Su-Matoran Equipment: Krazek possesses a shield and sword. Both are plain in appearance and rather old, but they were gifts from an old Fe-Matoran friend and Krazek refused to discard them and use the standard issue weapons. He also carries in his pack a sling for long-range fighting and writing materials. Personality: Kind and empathetic, Krazek is perceptive but not naturally inquisitive. His eye for detail and desire to understand the various species around him and their proper place in the universe drove him to take on the role of chronicler. He is charismatic in an unobtrusive way, letting his surety in his views of right and wrong guide his beliefs and perceptions. This surety can occasionally drive others to think of him as proud, but he does not let this deter him. He is never hostile and he is rarely driven to anger, but he is distrustful of any who go against their proposed beliefs of promises, even if he does not agree with those beliefs or promises. Powers and skills: Many years of training and fighting have honed his combat abilities. While nowhere near being the best fighter among the Matoran, he is nonetheless capable of holding his own against better fighters, even if only for a short time. He is proficient with his sling. Additionally, his element gives him resistance to heat. Appearance: Bearing the standard orange and white colors of his element, Krazek is nonetheless easily discernible amongst his brethren, even when wearing his uniform. His slightly hunched form and scratched and deformed Kanohi Matatu are evidence of his long, difficult life. His pack and weapons appear a bit worse for wear. His appearance is both authoritative and weary. Background: For many years, Krazek was a chronicler on one of the Southern Islands. The Matoran of this island were fiercely independent and initially rejected the aid of a team of seven Toa who had been sent to protect them. When a small tribe isolated from the rest of the Matoran was destroyed, an uneasy relationship was formed between the Toa and the Matoran. Almost a thousand years later, during a particularly extended time of peace from outside threats and after he had passed the role of chronicler to another Matoran, Krazek headed a rebellion of sorts to remove the Toa from power. Krazek never revealed his reason for doing so. The result was disastrous, and it ended with two of the still living Toa leaving the island with as many Matoran as would follow, in order to escape a coming invasion. Krazek chose to stay, wishing to live or die by his own actions instead of relying on the protection of those he felt he could not trust. He was trapped in ice when the last Toa on the island sacrificed himself to freeze the island, thus rendering the invaders unable to pursue those who were fleeing the island. Krazek was not able to escape until a short time after the battle between Mata Nui and Makuta, though he was unaware of that event for some time. For reasons unrevealed, Krazek harbored a distrust for all of the larger species, the Toa in particular. He often refused their aid and set to wandering, hoping to eventually encounter one of the Matoran who had escaped from their island. To that end he joined the Atero Nuian Military, and though he was not fond of the leaders, a gut feeling told him that joining the army was something he needed to do. He is both apprehensive and eager to discover what happened on Metru Nuva; somehow he feels there is going to be a connection with his past. Weakness: Physically speaking, time has taken its toll on Krazek; he no longer moves as quickly as he used to, and as good a fighter as he is, he cannot fight for extended periods of time. He is a tad slower than most, and his response time grows the longer he fights. Psychologically, his general distrust of the larger species renders him incapable of extended cooperation with them unless he feels that, under the circumstances, there is no other option.
  3. It didn't. That doesn't mean Krazek doesn't think so, but no Matoran died through the Toa's actions.
  4. That would make sense. I guess I should have actually read the whole profile instead of just skim it. Anyway, here is mine: Name: Krazek Species: Male Su-Matoran Equipment: Krazek possesses a shield and sword. Both are plain in appearance and rather old, but they were gifts from an old Fe-Matoran friend and Krazek refused to discard them and use the standard issue weapons. He also carries in his pack a sling for long-range fighting and writing materials. Personality: Kind and empathetic, Krazek is perceptive but not naturally inquisitive. His eye for detail and desire to understand the various species around him and their proper place in the universe drove him to take on the role of chronicler. He is charismatic in an unobtrusive way, letting his surety in his views of right and wrong guide his beliefs and perceptions. This surety can occasionally drive others to think of him as proud, but he does not let this deter him. He is never hostile and he is rarely driven to anger, but he is distrustful of any who go against their proposed beliefs of promises, even if he does not agree with those beliefs or promises. Powers and skills: Many years of training and fighting have honed his combat abilities. While nowhere near being the best fighter among the Matoran, he is nonetheless capable of holding his own against better fighters, even if only for a short time. He is proficient with his sling. Additionally, his element gives him resistance to heat. Appearance: Bearing the standard orange and white colors of his element, Krazek is nonetheless easily discernible amongst his brethren, even when wearing his uniform. His slightly hunched form and scratched and deformed Kanohi Matatu are evidence of his long, difficult life. His pack and weapons appear a bit worse for wear. His appearance is both authoritative and weary. Background: For many years, Krazek was a chronicler on one of the Southern Islands. The Matoran of this island were fiercely independent and initially rejected the aid of a team of seven Toa who had been sent to protect them. When a small tribe isolated from the rest of the Matoran was destroyed, an uneasy relationship was formed between the Toa and the Matoran. Almost a thousand years later, during a particularly extended time of peace from outside threats and after he had passed the role of chronicler to another Matoran, Krazek headed a rebellion of sorts to remove the Toa from power. Krazek never revealed his reason for doing so. The result was disastrous, and it ended with two of the still living Toa leaving the island with as many Matoran as would follow, in order to escape a coming invasion. Krazek chose to stay, wishing to live or die by his own actions instead of relying on the protection of those he felt he could not trust. He was trapped in ice when the last Toa on the island sacrificed himself to freeze the island, thus rendering the invaders unable to pursue those who were fleeing the island. Krazek was not able to escape until a short time after the battle between Mata Nui and Makuta, though he was unaware of that event for some time. For reasons unrevealed, Krazek harbored a distrust for all of the larger species, the Toa in particular. He often refused their aid and set to wandering, hoping to eventually encounter one of the Matoran who had escaped from their island. To that end he joined the Atero Nuian Military, and though he was not fond of the leaders, a gut feeling told him that joining the army was something he needed to do. He is both apprehensive and eager to discover what happened on Metru Nuva; somehow he feels there is going to be a connection with his past. Weakness: Physically speaking, time has taken its toll on Krazek; he no longer moves as quickly as he used to, and as good a fighter as he is, he cannot fight for extended periods of time. He is a tad slower than most, and his response time grows the longer he fights. Psychologically, his general distrust of the larger species renders him incapable of extended cooperation with them unless he feels that, under the circumstances, there is no other option.
  5. I'm working on a profile (that I may or may not use), but I have a quick question: are Matoran allowed to use elemental and Kanohi powers? My Bionicle lore is a bit rusty, but from what I remember they were generally unable to use either. However, I noticed that Vertak (Agnes Oblige's character) can use both, so I just want to clarify if Matoran can use both elemental and Kanohi powers for the purposes of this RPG.
  6. IC: Daedalus, 9/20 Biding his time until Chro's plan was (hopefully) put in motion, Daedalus threw a couple more Thornax fruits at Shadowhawk. OOC: Just out of curiosity, about how many Thornax fruits are there for us to throw?
  7. IC: Daedalus, 9/20 A plan that could actually make use of Daedalus' power? Of course he'd do it. Grabbing a couple of the Thornax fruits, he called out, "I'm game if everyone else is." He then hurled two of the fruits at Shadowhawk.
  8. IC: Daedalus, 9/20 Daedalus saw the kolhii ball hurtling toward him, and with a deftness he didn't know he possessed, he jumped and kicked it toward Luroka.
  9. IC: Daedalus, 15/20 A black glob of shadow-something-or-other hit Daedalus after his attack landed (-1 HP, 14/20), but that was bearable. What wasn't so bearable was the dynamite that launched him backward several yards (-5 HP, 9/20). He hit the ground with a grunt. His right ear, which had been turned toward the explosion, no longer seemed to be working, and his head throbbed from the concussion of the explosion. Fighting down the sudden urge to throw up, Daedalus crawled to his feet and moved away from Shadowhawk. He still wanted to help in this fight, but he needed time to refocus. Plus, he was interested to hear what type of plan could possibly involve him.
  10. IC: Daedalus, 15/20 Bemoaning his only-occasionally-useful power, Daedalus decided he would try to keep Shadowhawk busy so the others could pull off their cooperative posterior-kicking. He got as close as he dared and let loose with a flurry of attacks.
  11. what pun?OOC: You said you didn't see something about being blind. Perhaps pun wasn't the right word. Maybe irony is better. Anyway, I thought it was funny.
  12. OOC: Luroka, I sure hope that pun was intentional, because it was pretty awesome. IC: Daedalus, 15/20 Well, this was rather chaotic. A lot of stuff had happened since Daedalus' last (failed) attack, but he was about to let that stop him. He coiled his spiked whip and ran close (too close, if he was honest with himself) to Shadowhawk. He quickly jumped between Shadowhawk and Zakaro and activated his concussive blast, his intention being to hurl Shadowhawk one way and Zakaro the other. He may not have been particularly fond of any of the other fighters, but the greater number of them present, the better chance they had of killing Shadowhawk.
  13. IC: Daedalus, 15/20 Okay. Big boss person. With lots of crazy powers and weapons at his disposable. This was sure to be interesting. Moving a bit closer to Shadowhawk, Daedalus swung his spiked whip at the boss' ankle and then gave it a yank. His hope was that the whip would wrap around Shadowhawk's ankle, after which he would be tripped by the tug. But that would be a hard move to pull of on anybody, and a boss? Heh. Right.
  14. OOC: He had two Cordak blasters.
  15. OOC: 5/20 HP. IC: Daedalus, 5/20, 20W All of these unavoidable attacks were annoying. Daedalus was sick of this vengeful and murderous mountain. He wanted to get away. But there was nothing he could do about it now. Repositioning himself near Dapper, Daedalus took a swing at the fighter's head.
  16. IC: Daedalus, 15/20, 20W After a cordak blast (-1 HP, 14/20) and the creepy hands that had pulled him under for a while (-4 HP, 10/20), Daedalus was almost unhinged. Things were going bad quickly, and the round still had some time to go. Scanning the mountain, he saw Dapper Man being weird (was he tickling the dead bodies?). Eh, as good a target as any. Daedalus charged toward him and jumped, swinging his spiked whip over his head with as much force as he could muster.
  17. IC: Daedalus, 16/20, 20W Daedalus took a huge risk. It was still early in the round and he wanted to minimize damage. When Zakaro heaved upward, Daedalus let go of his whip, letting Zakaro swing it to his other side and smash it into the ground. Daedalus charged forward and, as he passed Zakaro, activated his concussive blast, his intention being to temporarily incapacitate his opponent. He then approached his whip and gave it a yank to free it from the telephone pole.
  18. IC: Daedalus, 16/20, 20W Perturbed by the fact that his whip hadn't hit a thing, Daedalus didn't even notice the falling icicles until he was speared in the back (-1 HP, 15/20). It wasn't too damaging, but the pain made him mad. When Zakarao's telephone pole came toward him, Daedalus spun to the side and lashed out at Zakaro with his spiked whip.
  19. IC: Daedalus, 18/20, 20W Daedalus got punched (-2 HP, 16/20). Again. This was starting to get embarrassing. He shook it off and, realizing he was now in the midst of several fighters, started spinning his spiked whip over his head, hoping to hit Chro, ShadowVezon, or Pulse. Or all of them. That would be even better.
  20. IC: Daedalus, 20/20, 20W Under other circumstances, Daedalus would have been ready for Chro's attack. Unfortunately, he'd trusted a bit too much in his ability to make allies. Chro's fire punch knocked Daedalus flat (-2 HP, 18/20). It hurt, but it also moved him out of the way of something even hotter (Pulse's plasma, no doubt). As Daedalus scrambled to his feet, he noticed ShadowVezon had run off. Worthless son of a Makuta, that one. He also noticed a stick of dynamite skipping toward Chro. Running forward, he picked up the dynamite and swept it close to Chro, lighting the fuse. He then heaved it toward ShadowVezon. He had no idea how short the fuse was, so he wasn't sure if the traitor would get hurt, but it was worth a try.
  21. IC: Daedalus, 20/20, 20W Daedalus shrugged. "It's worth a try, I guess." He set off in JL and Chro's direction, calling out, "Hey, you two! You wouldn't happen to be looking for more members for your merry band, would you?" After a moment, he added, "We could help you deal with Mr. Dynamite."
  22. IC: Daedalus, 20/20, 20W Daedalus carefully coiled his whip as Pulse ran off. He could have tried to pursue, but the round was still young. There was no need to take too many risks just yet; allying himself with someone else was enough risk for now. Returning ShadowVezon's wary stare, Daedalus said, "Any suggestions for a new target?"
  23. IC: Daedalus, 20/20, 20W Daedalus felt a twisted familiarity with the dead bodies littered about this mountain. Having died four times and then been resurrected thrice in the span of a single week, he knew death. He knew its deepest, darkest secrets. He knew its inner workings. He... actually, you know what, scratch that. He hated this. It was gross and weird and disturbing and made him want to take a really long shower. But that would have to wait until later. Right now he had some bodies to add to this death heap. Looking around, Daedalus saw fighting underway. A group some distance away was going at it, and a dynamite-throwing Pulse was getting shot at by ShadowVezon. Daedalus wasn't much for teamwork, but maybe if he attacked Pulse, he could get on ShadowVezon's good side. Sure, he had rooted for Pupwa in the last round, but hey, the past is the past, right? Running up the mountain, Daedalus swung his spiked whip at Pulse. As he did so, he called out to ShadowVezon, "Hey, what're your thoughts on temporary alliances?"
  24. Ah, well. Congratulations, Pupwa. It was a good duel there at the end.
  25. OOC: I typed my last post on my phone, so I forgot to mention it, but my jetpack is working again. IC: Daedalus, 6/20 Status: Surviving The move was familiar, and it didn't take much for Daedalus to redirect himself upward to dodge the six shots fired at him. He maneuvered over Pupwa and swung down at the fighter's head.
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