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-Toa Lhikevikk-

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by -Toa Lhikevikk-

  1. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    Considering how surprisingly well I enjoyed Time and the Rani, I'm watching Timelash next. This time, I'll be completing the Sixth Doctor's era.
    I think it's fair to say that I've watched more than half of all Doctor Who episodes ever, now?
  2. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    On an unrelated note, what should I change my name to now? Preferably something containing Lhikevikk, though I will not accept any variations on the name itself.
    (Also, how do I mark all comment in my blog as "read"?)
    EDIT: Apparently wishing for something makes it happen. Huh. (iwishihadaponyandapotofgoldandsomeicecreamandashinynewcarandalasergunandaspaceshipandatoenailclippingand...)
  3. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    I had my first real lucid dream last night. It was WEIRD. I don't remember all of it, unfortunately, (even lucid dreams have that problem), but there are some rather interesting highlights. I think it started with me standing on a balcony in a school, looking down on a basketball game (or some similar sport, I don't think what I saw exists as any sort of real sport), and then I think, "Wait, what? Why am I in a school? I've been homeschooled my whole life... oh gosh, I'm dreaming. This is a lucid dream!"
    And then I jump off the balcony, miss the ground, and start flying. Then I remember that suddenly trying to do something really exciting in a lucid dream will usually wake you up, and then I wake up. Then I think, "Darn, I woke up, I wish I could fall back asleep and resume the dream." So I do exactly that and continue flying. (In retrospect, I suspect that may have been a false awakening. I did not feel the the usual fatigue that one feels when awakening directly from REM sleep.) After that, random stuff happens (I can't remember exactly what) and then I find a supply closet, imagine that it leads outside, walk through it and escape from the school. Faced with two guards, I look for a weapon, find none, so I reach into my pocket and imagine a laser gun, which materialized in my hand. I fire at the guards and kill them. Then I felt sorry for killing the guards, so I rewind the dream to back when they they were alive (this was by far one of the weirdest parts), but they shoot at me so I kill them again. Afterwards, a friend of mine follows me outside and tries to convince me to return. I try explaining to him that he's in a dream and that he's only an imaginary copy of someone I know IRL. He only believes after I show him my watch, which keeps showing random letters and numbers each time I look at it. (This is a good way of achieving lucidity in a dream, FYI.) More random stuff happens and then I jump out of a skyscraper, float in mid-air for a while, get bored for a while and decide to wake up and resume the dream some other night.
  4. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    Since other members have exercised their abilities within the blog rules and posted entries about who they would support for U.S. President, I thought I would do the same.
    And then decided against it.
    I kinda like being mysterious and keeping my political views secret, eh?
    But really, it's also because I haven't finished putting together a hypothetical Cabinet for my favoured President/Vice President team. When I do, I'll post the whole group I support (maybe). I can tell you one name, though -- Vermin Supreme is on this list, and not as a joke. I really do support him for a particular position.
    But what could it be?
  5. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    I think this might be the first time I change it on a whim without planning it in advance. I changed it about one minute after I read Burnmad's suggestion.
    So, how long until I regret it?
  6. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    As the result of the sudden outbreak of irrational fears among the Empire's subjects, Lhikevikk, have been temporarily released from the the Emperor's dungeon to serve as the Imperial Penguin Therapist. I am here to deal with your phobias and hopefully make them better (or worse, since I can make more money that way). I can also treat any other psychological issues you may be dealing with. Don't be afraid to ask for assistance!
    DISCLAIMER: I'm just having some fun here okay please don't interpret this as legitimate psychological advice I'd probably severely worsen your conditions if you did that so don't try it okay
  7. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    Hey, Angel Bob? Who's the one with a dangerous sig NOW?
    (Yes, I know you replaced your Weeping Angel banners with Makuta Hunt banners long time ago. And yes, I know most people won't understand the joke. But for those who do... oh boy. XD)
  8. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    Should I change my name to mirror!Lhikevikk, y/n?
    Complete with 30 days of pretending to e my evil mirror counterpart, a la Star Trek's "Mirror, Mirror" and various sequels, Doctor Who's "Inferno" or , of course, Bionicle's "Dark Mirror"?
    Also, does every sci-fi franchise do a mirror story at some point? It seems like it.
  9. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    Remember that blog entry from about two years where I promised to fulfill the alleged 2012 prophecy by destroying the world myself?
    [buries compressed star in Earth's core and sets timer to 10:00 AM Eastern Time, December 21, 2012]
    The countdown... begins.

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