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Everything posted by Redge

  1. No Comrade Phantoka! Do not fall for the propaganda and fear mongering of the evil Algebra swine!
  2. Oh please, our host hasn't been on here in ages. My theory is that you secretly took her our in her sleep. Just a theory mind you. That reminds me, I have a new idea for a challange. I don't remember the format, but it's called Title: "Grudgematch" Explanation thingy: Redge & Angle Bob are sick of each other. It's a fight to the death! Player: Redge or Angle Bob Objective: Defeat the other member.
  3. Oh, the ARK is from WAAAAAAY before I ever changed my name to Omega. But I could see Omega on the ARK. I mean, Shadow is his best friend.

  4. I'll put something together and upload it to Forest Town Commentaries. I'll ask ToaMaster1619 to upload it to. In other news, here is a little post I posted in B:NG: I know I at least started reply multiple times but I don't know if I ever sent a PM. I'm a little behind on the scripts organization-wise, but once that's sorted out, I'll begin working on that. It's quite alright oh great leader, you don't have to worry about offending Angle Bob. He doesn't have emotions after all. He is but a cruel tyrant who steals the ideas of others and crushes all artistic inspiratation, and ordering people to work. He does not need to be of any high priority to you, oh great one.
  5. What the flibbidy gob are you talking about?
  6. We have a Hero Factory character, so of coarse we need a Hero Factory stage. And the mountain is awesome! But good idea about the chute level.
  7. And gets the least amount of respect, as well as has the least amount of people listen to him.
  8. Pshaw. Anymore, your only 2nd in command because you took the position of head story writer before anyone else could. Just wait until we get into making the levels themselves.
  9. Yes, so you can get credit while stealing other people's ideas AND destroying their artistic integrity at the same time. But I wouldn't really care if I died, as I would be dead. Jessica MIGHT care. My ex-girlfriend would probably care, but it wouldn't be sadness or sympathy. It would be more humor, or joy. Then again, they life near me, so they might die along with me.
  10. As looooooooooooooooooooooong time ago (back in the original topic) we agreed that Pridak would be a character in the sequel story, as we are trying to stick to one character per line (except for the Mata, of course.), and we have Ehlek.
  11. Well it kinda went though this one climax where you had to fight each other, then it just kept on going and then there was a hole nother big boss fight against the bahrahg. Not to mention 2 locations.
  12. Well it is pretty cool. it involves Bohrok. I might do two levels as well. In the original, the level was pretty long, I might make it into two.
  13. I live in eastern North Carolina. Unfortunately. I'll see what I can do with Lewa and Kopaky.
  14. Kay, can do concept art for LEGO city. I might be able to get some people for concept art, programmers, etc. via that one site. With the videos and the people.
  15. Dunno. I was SUPPOSED to go there tomorrow, but now a Hurricane is coming through the area, so I dunno.
  16. Well the Vezon that you meet in the beginning is NOT the SSB Vezon, he is the Vezon from the main canon, who happened to hop into this dimension. (1 detail to note is that he is missing the Ignika from his skull. But then later in the story (Algerbra Bill says that he will be handling it) Vakama, Ehlek, and Taka meet the SSB Vezon (who comes from 2006 and HAS the Ignika) who is looking for Fenrakk, as the blast separated it from him. Vakama get's all friendly with him, but then Vezon attacks them, claiming that they stole Fenrakk, and Boss fight. Afterwards Vezon deduces that you DO NOT have Fenrakk, and joins your team. I will PM you about Redge.
  17. I'm writing a Metru Nui under Roodaka's control chapter, with Krika and Matoro. I then have to wright a Mahvrah's Caves level, and then a Laboratory Fortress Wall level. I finished Lewa & Kopaka, but again, their chapter is saved on a computer in another building, so yeah.
  18. ...as in I quote "That was a joke..." from Metus in TLR, as voiced by David Leisure in all of his mighty glory. And sometimes explaining a joke or that it was a joke is what makes a joke funny. Unless explaining the joke to comedic effect is used too oftenly, as it then becomes an overused saying (like with Ntom64 of TVtropes. HA. Take THAT for obscure references.)
  19. HEY! QUOTING "THAT WAS A JOKE." IS MY THING! I'LL KILL YOU YOU FILTHY PIRAKA! KILL YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! Lol, but I don't really need two characters, as I have Krika, who I have written, designed, added to the game, assigned moveset for, and hopefully voice acted for.
  20. This is fine, but try to make where they are not Metru Nui. Well it COULD be, but I'm already doing the Roodaka/Visorak Metru Nui level (go back a page or so and I did call dibs on doing Roodaka's part.)
  21. Yes, I know. Gornt is the real name, so Gormt is making fun of it.
  22. Or Gormt. Don't forget Gormt.
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