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Bara no Mitsukai

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Everything posted by Bara no Mitsukai

  1. lighten up....that mean relax, right? Well, I am a bit happy...I just found Irokui's discography

  2. ehn, I could just add you to my list of blocked users...

  3. that word with...d...u.....d.....e....ugh...just typing it makes me react...blech...

  4. you use the D word a lot.....it irritates me....why do you like such an ugly word?....

  5. wow. OH! by the way. When responding to the comment, you should click on the persons name, and leave a comment on THEIR profile, otherwise they'll never know you commented until they stumble on your page again. WElcome to BZP ^.^

  6. Jesus was born in Dunstable!!! ^O^ (Vicar of Dibley reference!)...and to be honest...While I love Mr. Bean....Not the Nine O'Clock News was much more....amazing ^O^

  7. so much vileness for such a young little boy O.O;;....I like it!!!!

  8. well, ...Utada is her American Career, Utada Hikaru is her Japanese career. Also, when commented, you should comment on the person's page, not on your own. That way, they can read your comment instead of accidentally stumbling upon it 5 months later! ^O^

  9. ^O^ hyave you listened to DVAR?

  10. ehn...and it's CodyKunLvsGackt...made it a while ago...

  11. I get a lot of friend requests...it just gets easier to accept them sometimes....

  12. crazy world....>.> Um...my newest moc is....on the second page...with...0 posts...um....>.>

  13. well, I also kind of liked him....in a certain way.....

  14. not that old ^O^ I mean, someone who was a member/friend back in 2003. I told him I was gay around 2005-ish, and he never spoke to me again.

  15. Connitecut? I used to know someone from there...an old BZP member...


  17. why not befriend you here?

  18. just on the video hosting website...but what good is that? ^O^

  19. eh? you really think I'll recognise them if you take the hyphens out?

  20. I only recognised the video one...PMing is fun, though! ^O^

  21. I'd say it's stupider ^O^

    but now I am urged to jump on you and squeal with delight that someone so young is actually smart.

    Meanwhile, listen to DVAR. I don't know why, but I think you'd like the music....

  22. Welcome to BZP ^.^ I hope you enjoy your stay! WOW O.O Your birthday is a day before mine!

  23. *collapses on the floor*


    Am I really of such little importance?

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