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Posts posted by Millennium

  1. Kaiba Blader looks handsome! In both forms, though he is best in white than in black.


    Yotfrid too is amazing, great use of that Stars-armor piece.


    That rahkshi doesn't look really rahkshi-like...and I love the unnamed le-matoran. Bohrok shields <3

  2. According to hinduism, we are currently living in Kali Yuga, the fourth and final stage of the world cycle, the age of immorality and degeneration, after which a new golden age will follow.


    There is a dispute as to how long Kali Yuga is supposed to last. Some say 400000 years, others say a mere 8000. Scholars agree, though, that our current Kali Yuga has started about 5000 years ago.


    It will end when Vishnu reincarnates as Kalki, his 10th avatar, and slains the demon god Kali, cause and ppersonification of all evil (not to be confused with the death goddess Kali, the two are different, unaffiliated beings).

  3. I loved the Bohrok-Kal myself.


    That aside, I think they were legit. The Bohrok were swarms so it made sense for them to be identical, and the same applies to Rahkshi, Vahki, etc.


    On the other hand, I disliked the over-personalization that came from 2007. In-story there were good reasons for the Toa Mahri, for example, to be so different from one another even if belonging to the same Toa team but I just didn't like so much diversity in what was supposed to be a 'group of equals' (the barraki, even if were hideous for the most part, were fine because they all suffered from pit mutagen and that works randomly - but not on mahri-matoran, apparently.


    As far as G2 is concerned, I'd appreciate clone sets if they were beasts/robots in an 'organization' of some sorts...and if they were not clones like the Bohrok but like the Visorak, which shared identical body structures but each type had its own unique elements.

  4. From antiquity up to the spanish conquest, mesoamerican shamans used a lot of natural hallucinogens for their rituals: jimsonweed, psilocybe mushrooms (which the aztecs called teonanacatl, flesh of the gods) and also acacia sap, for all plants belonging to the acacia genus contain the hallucinogen known as DMT.


    Occasionally, bees who feed on acacia flowers produce an honey with mild hallucinogenic properties.

  5. The great pyramid of Giza was erected at a time when mammoths still roamed northern Europe, Russia and Canada.


    The Chinese and Roman empires knew of each other since ancient times, as Taqin Guo and Sera Maior respectively.

    Around the first century AD, chinese emperor Hedi sent general Ban Chao to the west to reestablish order in those regions. He did that and went further west and, under persian guides, reached the Caspian sea. He wanted to meet the ruler of Taqin Guo. Realizing that, and that if Rome and China had a direct contact, the persians who sold european stuff to chinese and viceversa, would suffer a great economic loss, persuaded Ban Chao to go back, insisting that he was only halfway to Rome and that he couldn't afford such a journey. Them persian pricks.

  6. Do I sense some hindu mythology influence? The insistence of four arms, each of them with its own weapon, reminds me a lot of those indian gods, maybe that's just me...but I like that.


    The protector of creation looks overfilled with power that just screams to be unleashed and man, ain't that a nice thing?


    The protector of control...he is less original than his counterpart, looking like a twisted version of the canonical Gen2 Makuta. Of what he is supposed to look like, at least. He ain't bad though.


    I guess that if Makuta were to be taken over, for real, by the MoUP, he would certainly look like the Demon of control.


    All in all, outstanding work!

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