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Premier Retired Staff
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Posts posted by Eeko

  1. 1. What are the little things you do around BZP? Do you make MOCs? Write Stories? Are you an all-rounder? What?I yell at people for breakin' da rulz.2. What are the little things you like about BZP?The togetherness of the smaller member base.3. What are the little things that annoy you slightly about BZP?That even with the smaller member base, we still have flame wars. :(4. If you could change one thing about BZP, what would it be?Allow one word. (No, it's not cool dude)5. Are there little things you do in your posts? Like using a specific colour, various emoticons or generally typing in a horrific font and a scary colour?I post in 991111, and tend to use :P more than I should. I also abuse commas waay too much.6. Have I asked enough questions yet?You can never ask too many questions.

  2. 1. When was your favourite point during your stay on BZP?I really loved '08. The rate at which we were getting story updates made it a really fun time.2. How long have you been a member of BZP?I guess it's about four years now...Dang.3. Should that previous question have been the first question?Probably4. Have you had any long disapperances from BZP? If so, why?Never enormously so, I don't think for any more than a few weeks at a time.5. Are you as interested in BZP as you used to be?I'd say my love for BZP has grown while my love for Bionicle has diminished6. Do you feel that BZP is slowly losing its members, or that BZP generally has less activity?Well, it clearly has less activity then it used to, but we're still gaining members pretty steadily.7. If Bionicle had not been replaced, do you think that BZP would always remain strong as long as Bionicle was "updated" on a regular basis?I think it activity would of lessened eventually, but it proobably would've taken longer.8. Have I asked enough questions yet?Nope.9. Do you want a hug?Not particularly

  3. 1. What country are you from?'Merica2. What languages do you speak?'Merican3. Can you easily buy Lego products in your country?Yep4. Can you still find Bionicle/older Hero Factory sets in your shops?I haven't checked in a while, but I don't think I've seen Bionicle sets since they stopped.5. How long does it take for the latest Lego sets to reach stores?I'd say about a week or two.6. Do you buy Lego products in shops or online? Which is easier?I tended to buy them in shops, because I didn't have to go through my parents. :P7. Would you like to see more Lego products available in your country?I would love a Lego outlet dedicated to old sets. I'd pay lots of money for some really old sets.9. Why do you think I missed out the number 8?Because raptors have trouble counting.10. Am I wasting my time, and does anyone remember me?Maybe and of course.

  4. A long time ago, I had an idea for an epic. I still think it's a pretty sweet idea, but due to poor writing skills, and lack of motivation, it has stayed in the limbo of my mind for about three years now.So yeah.Also, to actually make some 3D Bionicle art. I haven't done any for years.

  5. My most nostalgic memory would be going to my friends house to read the comics.I didn't get LEGO Magazine, so we would schedule dates specifically when the magazine arrived, so we could read them at the same time. Then we would play the Bionicle board game for a few hours. :P

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