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Premier Retired Staff
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Posts posted by Eeko

  1. Oh wow. I think you've outdone yourself here Taka.Only using blues looks really cool, it makes the whole piece seem very sad.I love the shadow It's perfect, and doesn't look like it was easy to pull off.I can't really find anything "wrong" with this, but it would be neat if there were some reflections in the puddle.Great job on this Taka!

  2. I like it!It's really smooth and kinda holds that MNOG sense of mystique in it.The perspective seems a little wonky here and there, but I think it actually adds to the piece. It makes him seem more mysterious.The only problem I have with it, is that based on the gradient on the mask, there should be a greater contrast in color around the corner of his torso.

  3. Nice! Is this an edit? Or did you draw it then edit from there?Anyways, good things first.I love the shading on Pohatu, I've never seen an effect quite like it. It gives him an almost 3D model effect.I also love the desert, the blurring as it goes back works very well, and the sandstorm fits very well.Now onto the (gulp) bad.First and foremost, the background. The texture is way to tiled to be anywhere near believable. You would have done well to draw a custom sky, or at leat try and find some non-default texture brushes.Secondly, the light blurring around the rocks and Pohatu's feet. It doesn't really make sense why that's there. Maybe you were trying to make the sand look displaced, but it looks like an obvious attempt to ease transitions.Lastly, is the text. The gloss is completely unnecessary, and the font choice doesn't really flow with the piece. It's too clean, and 'comic-y' to make sense with the stormy backdrop.I know that seems like a lot of bad, but I really do like this piece. I think it has lots of potential.I look forward to more!

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