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Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Entries posted by Eeko

  1. Eeko
    So I saw The Dark Knight Rises.
    Not as good as Dark Knight in my mind, but man oh man was Bane intense.
    In other news, yay skin!
    It was a lot of fun to see this come together backstage.
    I even had my own little part to play! Granted it was just cataloguing images that I'm not entirely sure were used... but hey, it still looks nice.
  2. Eeko
    Oh man, I had quite a few laughs during this one. Not good laughs, definitely laughing at them.
    Internet explorer. Classic.
    Too much Kinect in my opinion.
    Halo 4 looked to be the only decent thing to come out of that show.
    Splinter Cell looks totally awesome. I know nothing about the series, but still, pretty cool.
    I just can't seem to get excited for the Lara Croft title though. It seems like such a great idea, but all the gameplay they've shown so far just looks terrible. So much quicktime.
    Just Dance 4 makes me want to puke. Just no.
    First off, that lady annoyed the snot out of me. I feel like Tobuscus could've actually been funny were it not for her.
    Not sure how I feel about ZombiU, other than the terrible name. I love that there's a mature FPS for a Nintendo console, but zombies?
    Watch Dogs. Oh my gosh Watch Dogs. That game better be available on Steam. It looks amazing. Cool idea, interesting setup, and it's pretty much an urban Assassin's Creed.
    Speaking of...
    Sony's was hands down the best show today. Even just as far as presentation goes.
    Beyond looks fantastic, a game starring Ellen Page is a great idea.
    I'm hesitant about All Stars. It seems like way too much of a Smash Bros. clone to be taken seriously.
    The Book of Spells looks interesting. I think it'll be a great game for kids, I know I would've loved it.
    Now if they release a LOTR Wonder Book...
    Looking forward to Nintendo's conference tomorrow, I hope they reveal something great!
  3. Eeko
    So, I was in the BZPRPG long ago, and uh, needless to say, it didn't go well.
    I'm not a very good writer, or storyteller, two very vital aspects to TBRPGs.
    So my question is:
    How much bearing does a members writing skill/ability have on your interaction with that player?
    One of the main reasons I never re-joined, other than time, is that I felt embarrassed by my posts.
    When you put my awkwardly worded rambles next to some of the works of art of other RPers, the difference is obvious.
    So yeah, is it a huge deal to you when someone who isn't so great at RPing joins the game?
  4. Eeko
    I just got back from a day of snowboarding where I got at least 1 foot of air from a ramp-less ollie. It made me happy
    ~ :e:
  5. Eeko
    Day 22
    Oh Thursday's, how I love you so.
    Took a Fitness and Wellness exam this morning, I think it went pretty well.
    I spent most of the day reading Plato's Gorgias, which was a really interesting read.
    Also, I found out my roomate definitely does not enjoy any sort of electronic music.
  6. Eeko
    Only 23 more days!! Those of you who are Boy Scouts should know what this is, but for those of you who aren't:
    At Sea Base I get to go Tall Ship sailing through the Bahamas for a week. I can't wait!
    ~ :e:
  7. Eeko
    Well, I finally beat Skyward Sword.
    I was a little disappointed that the final boss battle seemed so short, but it was a great fight nonetheless.
    Now, which comes next, Super Mario Galaxy 2, or Twilight Princess?
  8. Eeko
    Day 53
    I spent a good amount of time today trying to get something to work in Blender. I was trying to have a particle field exert a force on itself, where each particle pulls on every other particle, as mapped to a texture.
    Never did get it to work though.
    I also cleared up some space on my phone, so either tomorrow or Tuesday, I'll take a video of the laser lab to show you all.
  9. Eeko
    So I was wondering:
    In order to play modern games, (e.g. Skyrim, Assassin's Creed...) do I need Windows 7?
    Or can I run most games with XP?
    I haven't used a Windows PC since before Vista came out, so I'm a little out of the loop on such things.
  10. Eeko
    Credit for the title idea goes to Shadonix.
    I need help deciding between two banners however


    They're both under filesize with the avatar I'm going to use, so that's not an issue.
    Please help! I can't decide!!
  11. Eeko
    Day 38
    So, today was pretty awesome.
    I watched Doctor Who, which was pretty sad... I miss Rory already.
    But awesome stuff happened later.
    So, me and about six other guys went on a night adventure. We went hiking for a while, climbed a barbed wire fence, and then climbed onto a water tower.
    We chilled there for about an hour.
    It was awesome.
  12. Eeko
    Huh, I posted this last night. Guess the server ate it.
    Day 25
    So I got together with the Brony on my hall, and we started watching Firefly. Which is totally awesome.
    That's about all I did today, I finished up most of my homework.
    Sooo... later!
  13. Eeko
    Did a car wash today for a church fundraiser.
    Forgot sunscreen.
    In other news, I finally finished Final Fantasy VII.
    Such a great game. Seriously, if you haven't played it, go buy a PS1 and play it. Definitely one of the best RPGs I've ever played.
  14. Eeko
    I'm really tired, so I'll keep this short.
    Day 10
    Got most of my homework done in the morning, so I dedicated the rest of the day to Smash Bros., Wind Waker, and Asylum of the Daleks.
    Then, a bunch of people piled into one room, and we all watched Wall-E.
  15. Eeko
    So I finally did something in Blender, after quite a while.
    They had released the next version, so I had to try out the new internal renderer.
    Anyways, Link
    As an interesting aside, here's what it looks like without any help from the compositer. Link2
  16. Eeko
    When I come home from a long day of taking tests, it really makes me sad when I log onto BZP, and just see page after page of arguing.

    What does make me happy, is seeing page after page (not really) of santa hat ponies.
    So glad that caught on.
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