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Brutaka stole my ship!

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Status Updates posted by Brutaka stole my ship!

  1. "Paranoid" would probably be the better term.

  2. "Warning: Exposure may cause unstable mutations or death."



  3. *Chillin out, maxin' relaxin' all cool...*

  4. *connects with present kiss*

  5. *continues clicking 5* Sorry dude, about your stomach. I didn't go trick or treating but I did shave all my hair off for a costume.

  6. *gasp* How did you know?!?! O.O lol. Pretty much!

  7. *gives a light salute*

    A true statement indeed Captain.

  8. *Gives Paige multiple 5 stars* What mask would you wear Bionicle-wise?

  9. *hugs* Good morning Paige. :)

  10. *hugs* Hi! I'm just burning my brain doing math. What are you up to?

  11. *hugs* I've been in many different bands since 2005. My most recent was last Saturday, the name was EPIDEMIC. They called it that because there was a song my guys wanted to learn this song by Slayer. Since they couldn't learn it in time, that's where we got the name.

  12. *hugs* Indeed Paige. Indeed.

  13. *Kisses & hugs really hard* Hi! How're you doing this fine night Paige! Too bad ACFII isn't with us anymore, but I trust that one day, he will return. I'm missing those days of extreme hyperness & mutual insanity. *hugs*

    *hugs some more*

    *kisses again*

  14. *kisses back* Sweet dreams...

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