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Brutaka stole my ship!

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Status Updates posted by Brutaka stole my ship!

  1. I'm sure your day is going a lot better than mine. How R ya?

  2. Good evening... I just burned my brain juice doing Algebra class II advanced Honors! :D

  3. Dumb joke, its from Invader Zim.

    But, I see from Nukaya's conversation with you, we all share something in common: It seems we like cookie dough. How existential.

  4. Gir: I MADE IT MYSELF!!! :D

    Me: *facepalm*

  5. Wazza difference? I know not of this guy! I was wa, wait a minute.... WHY WAS THERE BACON IN THE SOAP!

  6. SilverGali wrote: Artemis Fowl, I am in serious and utter love with you. ;D

    Brutaka stole my ship! wrote: XD XD XD XD

  7. XD Wish I could have seen your face when the thing happened! Oh? Guess Takadox needed his identity changed so Brutaka wouldn't come looking for him?

  8. Sup buddy! I see from the comments that, someone like you.

    A lot. XD

  9. Its this really awesome anime OVA that was made a long while back. Almost no one remembers it but, it is truly a classic. I was watching it on YT in between commercials for the debate.

  10. Thanks!! Anyway, what I was meaning to say was McCain just got smashed headfirst into the ground by the Epic one! (Obama) And you should also(when you have the time) definitely check out Maps on YT. Its really a great classic.

  11. I missed a few crucial words that you were supposed to read on that one. Meh, I'm speed typing. It happens. : /

  12. My boy, this peace is what all true warriors strive for!

  13. Please delete that last comment. It didn't come out right. :(

  14. So, the weekend has finally arrived... YES!!! YES!!!!!

  15. Sure, I might drop the price in a few weeks, maybe more, but if I do, I'll be sure to let you know.

  16. FireDawn found me, & so I found you! :D

  17. Hey Nukaya, check out my new interests page to know more about the man who is writing this comment.

  18. Maybe later. I got to do guitar now!

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