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Brutaka stole my ship!

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Status Updates posted by Brutaka stole my ship!

  1. Are you kidding, I EAT POTATOES FOR BREAKFAST!!!!111O.O *eats hammer*

  2. Are you serious? Kiina is... She looks like a monkey.

  3. Artemis pestering you with penguins?

  4. Artemis will forever rue the day he messed with me... AND HE WILL BEGIN RUING NOW!!! *Laughs Maniacally*

  5. As always. At least until his majesty's slumber calls for his shell to come to rest. Every so often. And he is within his spectral dimension, he shall think you, & him, & her, & that one other dude who's name I can't quite recall as of the moment, who have given him reason to slingshot back to the home that is BZP.

    Poetic A'nit!

    Goodnight my la

  6. At first I was thinking about using the Monorailcat, the Hovercat, or even the Icanhazcheezeburger?lolcat.

    I finally decided on a kitteh that best suited my personality. :3

  7. Awesome. I'd better get moving then.

  8. b&?

    Nope, I am very mature for my age.............

    Uh, so yeah, not.

  9. Be expecting two pictures of my face to be coming in your email tomorrow. =]

  10. Begin the plague General.

  11. Begun, the rise of zeh kittehs has! lollollollollol

  12. Boom De Ada to that brother!

  13. Brother! Its been far too long since you & I have had a chat! How are you dude!

  14. Busy with heavy painting I see.

  15. But consider what I've put on the round table. Just consider it.

  16. But seriously, you need more than a couple of images & "For Pony!" on you. Take what I have, & what I've told you, & I will call you THE Richard. I wanted to change my username to Lord of the Dance, but here you are! Unless you wouldn't mind having two Richards on the site to spread the darkness, I won't get in your way. If you still really want me to, I

  17. By the way, your new interests are, interesting.

  18. Cash, Money order, or Paypal. I'm putting up the prices now, but please add your comment in my profile so then I don't know if you got my own comment or not. The prices will be in my trading topic.

  19. Cause I wanted to see how it looked & where in Glatoria does it say I am a guitar?!

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