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Brutaka stole my ship!

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Status Updates posted by Brutaka stole my ship!

  1. Happy New Year Paige! Forgive me for my timing, my computer broke a few days ago. *hugs* Hey, you remember that old epic I made a few months back? Well, that kinda died. I just haven't had the time to get it fixed right what with school & all.

  2. Happy New Year Paige! Forgive me for my timing, my computer broke a few days ago. *hugs* Hey, you remember that old epic I made a few months back? Well, that kinda died. I just haven't had the time to get it fixed right what with school & all.

  3. HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!! Cute Etna...

  4. Have you read the new Empire of the Skrall serial yet? When I read about those invisible dudes that made Tuma's species extinct, all I could think of was: "Generals? On Bara Magna?! IMPOSSIBLE!

  5. He's big, he's bold, he's beautiful, he's... THE MAN WITH LESS HAIR!!! *applaud or die*

  6. Hectic as ever. If not for the internetz, my soul would have done in long ago!

  7. Hello there strange one...

  8. Hello! I uh, um, hi there! Uh... So, you like Star Wars? Heh... Argh. Sorry about the awkwardness, I'm kinda new here & not exactly... ######, I sound like an cool dude don't I?

  9. Her name is Lindsey. I met her in school & I am not afraid to say that I love her! She's the greatest.

  10. Hey Acid, This'll be my last day on BZP. Just giving you & my friends a little heads up goodbye & be on the lookout for my last forum post. The one that makes me 300.

  11. Hey dude, I've been pretty busy, how's it going?

  12. Hey dude! Yo, I'm sorry I missed your birthday. Things have never been busier over here believe me. So how're you doing!

  13. Hey I forgot to mention, what bionicle character do you consider yourself? I am a Steltian trader with a bit of bad luck when it comes to big trades like, my old ship... I also carry a red Great Huna in my pack as a good-luck charm.

    You sort of gave me the impression that you were a fierce Toa warrior that likes guns. :)

  14. Hey Nukaya, check out my new interests page to know more about the man who is writing this comment.

  15. Hey Nukaya, I'm still buried in schoolwork so I haven't been able to be on BZ for a bit. Just letting you know that I'm coming up with a few Bionicle Epics that I'm hoping to upload & I'm also going to be selling a few Star Wars & Bionicle LEGO Bricks pretty soon. If you're interested or anything, I could give you a pretty noble-sized discount... a friends discount on an

  16. Hey Paige, my computer has been doing really badly for a while so don't get mad if I reply to you late 0kay. : ) Goodnight Paige. *hugs*

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