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Status Updates posted by Overlord


  2. [continued]provocation on someone's profile. I've had a fair success rate - but as the phrase goes, "fair is 'fail' with an R".[/dupe]

  3. Indeed. In fact, that's what I originally intended for him to be. As for your question...

    [dupe]Simply put, Project ReNEWal is bringing back old members who haven't been around in a while by commenting on their profiles. It's not quite as simple as that - I try to make conversation, usually, not just some random comment, though it's inherently random to comment without

  4. I like your Toa Mata MOCs.

  5. Your name is somewhat repetitive, as we all know what a samurai is and a ronin is basically a mercenary samurai. :P

  6. Not to be random, but your signature is one line too long. :P

  7. Just this day, I found a MOC called Kaukau. I was quite interested in her design, so much so that I finally decided to try and track down her maker. My search led me to you. And I'd like to say that you've given me an idea for my seventh Gali Mistika revamp.

  8. In case you're wondering, my BBC #54 entry is up. :P

  9. Sorry for double comment. >~

  10. Your signature is one line too big...

  11. Your signature is one line too big...

  12. @Your location: how about returned? :P

  13. Sadly, it would seem that half of your art got deleted when maj switched to majhost.

  14. Oh, and @Your location: shouldn't that be "those who already know where it is"? :P

  15. I like your art.

  16. This may or may not make sense: after reading your interests, I concluded that the professor was not the Professor, because if he were, the SEAL would have been in the emergency room after that. But as he wasn't, he couldn't have been, as he didn't, likely because he can't.

  17. That is to say - make more of them! :P

  18. I second the comment below me.

  19. @Your interests: ah, many video games but not BIONICLE? :P jk

  20. I like many of your interests... or at least the ones you have set on your profile.

  21. @Your interests: though perhaps not BIONICLE anymore, judging by your signature...

  22. I don't suppose you'll ever be continuing your comics? :P

  23. @ToaEddie: Indeed so.

  24. I like your mechs.

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