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Tylerax Toa of Awesome

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Status Updates posted by Tylerax Toa of Awesome

  1. Oh that explains it. *facepalm* I'll do that right now.

  2. That's weird, I just put a new one up today. What is going on?!

  3. Hey if you get the chance, get you visit my blog and post in some of my entries? I'll do the same if you do, or I'll probably visit your blog right now and see what's up.

  4. Ah it's fine. U have a life so u don't have to worry about it. Besides, it's not like you offended me or anything :P

  5. I thought that logo u put was a site, but anyway, nice! It definitely crushed dreams of seeing the elemental lords as sets, along with the biomechanical dinosaurs. Grr!

  6. u know that one thing that's by people's names that goes grey or gold, gold meaning they are online?

  7. I guess the UDD symbol thing isn't working sometimes then. Ah well

  8. Really? I'll have to visit that!

  9. Why is it when I finish responding to one of your PMs you usually log off? Ugh! :P

  10. K sounds good, I'll PM u when I get started on it.

  11. Oh yeah, about that project, I would love to have you help, but the reason I haven't started it yet is because is football's got me pretty busy and lately I've been replaying old games on my PS2. Also, I guess I'm a little lazy and haven't come around to it :P

  12. Not to bother you, but could you please post in that topic? It's almost dead! :o :( And I was gonna include some extra pics when I had some time off school work. I promise I'll repay the favor somehow.

  13. Thanks! :)

    Hey nice profile picture by the way. Green Day's pretty cool!

  14. Hey, did you see my Toa Mata Articulated? They are awesome!

  15. Ok I'll post in that topic if it's not dead, and the Void picture sounds good. I really wanna know how to make a Takadox with light up eyes! :)

  16. Hey, I'm not sure if I posted in your Avodrakh topic, but he is so cool! Just tell me if I didn't post in it. By the way, how did you get The Void to have light up eyes?

  17. Axe? Were u back on recently? Please come back, people like u here it doesn't matter if u don't like Bionicle sets, it's about the people and the friends u made. Sure we're online friends, but it still counts.

  18. Happy Easter everybody! :D

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