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Tylerax Toa of Awesome

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Status Updates posted by Tylerax Toa of Awesome

  1. Hi Kahnoa! Wanna check out my Skrall recolors and Ghost Rider? I made a White Skrall too!

  2. Hi Axe! Wanna check out my Skrall Recolors and Ghost Rider MOCs?

  3. So what do you think about Ghost Rider and those Skrall Recolors?

  4. Hey Solar! Wanna check out my Skrall Recolors and Ghost Rider?

  5. Hey where's your post in my Skrall recolor topic? :P But what do you think of Ghost Rider?

  6. Hey wanna check out the Skrall recolors I made?

  7. Wanna see some Skrall recolors I made?

  8. I wanted to keep half because even I know if I have a lot a lot of money, I'm likely to blow it all on Lego stuff and video games, so why not save half for college or something else? Oh to answer your question about money, I get paid at least 7 hours an hour

  9. Thanks for saying I did a good job in Those Crazy Sets

  10. I work at a golf course where most of the time I just pick up range balls. Pretty good pay for an easy job.

  11. Hey everyone! I just got paid $180 and got to keep half! Glatorian Legends, here I come!

  12. Hey, I just got paid $180 from my boss! I got to keep half!

  13. How can you be scared of the Kool-Aid guy? All he does is offer Kool-Aid and says, "Oh yeah!"

  14. I guess I should add you as a friend too?

  15. I'd like to join the RPGs but I've been pretty busy. I think MOCing is funner though.

  16. Are we gonna finish our RPG?

  17. Thanks for commenting about my MOCs! :)

  18. Cool! I'll check it out if I have time

  19. Hey Populus, I was just wondering about your Certavus entry. I think its very awesome and good, but did you have any competition or did they just accept it because it was so good? :P

  20. I'd like to challenge you too! But I'll let you know when I can because I've got to go somewhere pretty soon.

  21. Hi Toa Crash! The next chapter of Those Crazy Sets is up!

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