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Makuta of Comedy

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Status Updates posted by Makuta of Comedy

  1. Cool new avatar,

    I like the green stripes

  2. cool persanal picture

  3. cool personal photo

  4. Cool you turned premeir, sure I'll vote for it.

  5. cooleo avatar, did you make it yourself?,

    thanks for the avatar.

  6. coolness, whatdya think of the new comic series ive started

  7. could you put me in your comedy what happens when I'm not home?




    Mask power: pie controll

    stength:super strong

    adtional: Insane.

    comment me back.

  8. darn, if thats true then i know 1 question that i got wrong on my science test, XD

  9. Darnit Shad... I can't not watch it now...

  10. decode the message yet?

  11. Depends on which forum you post it in, which did you have in mind?

  12. do you know why blackout is scaring people about mephiles getting them?, is he goin crazy lolz

  13. doesn't everybody like charlie the unicorn!?

  14. doesn't everyone like the cloak!?

  15. ehh

    i change my mind i guess i will write the hewkii chapter for The Mahri's Secret Diaries!

    i already started it i'll be done tommorow.

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