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Makuta of Comedy

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Status Updates posted by Makuta of Comedy

  1. HI, the new chapter's up, take a look

  2. I'll try, I'll probably watch it on ####### or something like that.

  3. Oh, that and the new logo I made for it.

  4. The comic random was GREAT!!!!!!!!!

  5. hey KTM can you tell me what u think about my comic series i started

  6. all i need to know is if you want your sprite charecter to be a matoran, toa nuva, makuta, vahki or toa metru

  7. HI, the new chapter's up, take a look

  8. Sounds awesome, I will have to try and see it.

  9. HI, the new chapter's up, take a look

  10. could you put me in your comedy what happens when I'm not home?




    Mask power: pie controll

    stength:super strong

    adtional: Insane.

    comment me back.

  11. I decided to change them for a while.

  12. What would I have to do

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