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Toa Spirit

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Status Updates posted by Toa Spirit

  1. Errr... what was that? Was it random gibberish or a foreign language? Explain.

  2. I'd use the Noble Huna. I've got most of my comic done, just need to add text.

  3. S'allright. I'd have been fine as it was but shop rules are shop rules ya know.

  4. I've added the Co-Author comic.

  5. Hey, Kodrak. How's it going?

  6. KTMs written a first Chapter, it's called Dread.

  7. Thanks. :D

    'Type like one too.' :P Brilliant.

  8. OK. Could you make me one of Ike (as he appears in Brawl) in the same fashion. Thanks in advance, if not - that's cool with me.

  9. :P It's a really cool avvie though.
  10. OK. Is it OK if I introduce a new character? Veq has already posted a pic of him and me fighting Visorak.

  11. C&C stands for Comments And Criticism. And, about my pic, it's my BIONICLE self which Veq drew. You can make an art request to him if you like.

  12. Is the Shadow Enclosures sequel by me, you and Kini still on?

  13. Is the Shadow Enclosures sequel by me, you and KTM still on?

  14. Welcome to BZP!

  15. Ok thanks anyway. Oh and BTW your Ahto veichle MoC is amazing.

  16. The Mahiki is Toa Matau (Metru's mask).

  17. Cool. I really liked the Executioner MoC you did. Any more like that that you've made in the past?

  18. How's my request coming. How long is it away? 2 weeks or so? I understand it is not your major priority and it is hard, but I love your your art and want to see more of it.

  19. After seeing the absolutely Awesomesauce drawing you did of me - I was wondering about giving you an art request. How do I?

  20. Oh, yeah I've made a new epic. In my opinion WAY better than Drifting. Check it out.

  21. Oh, yeah I've made a new epic. In my opinion WAY better than Drifting. Check it out.

  22. I'm using the Arc Kit Ex. Your kit is awesome by the way - the Akaku especially.

  23. Hey GREITEX, are you still on here?

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