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Lord Kini Hawkeye

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Posts posted by Lord Kini Hawkeye


    And Wind, If you can pay all my bills for me and make it so I have no 'sponsibilities I will come back :P


    You all are the ones who are supposed to be buying me lattes, you know. I don't know what you mean about paying your bills. :P


    I seem to remember legitimately owing you a latte years ago. Huh.


    Well I guess as long as I keep lurking one day I actually will buy you one cause I'll end up at brickcon or something.


    But in all seriousness I blame adult responsibilities for the lack of activity, i'm sure most others would agree.

    • Upvote 1
  2. A lot of the old guard just lurks, myself included, albeit even my lurking has died down in the last few months.


    Bills and responsibility will do that to you, unfortunately. Not only that but I think a lot of people have moved on to other hobbys, especially after the dataclysm. Things were just never the same after that, and if I'm totally honest this will probably be the only post I make for another six to twelve months if my previous record is anything. I think for a lot of us the allure of the community that used to bring us back faded when the community did, increasing the rate of decay so to speak.


    And Wind, If you can pay all my bills for me and make it so I have no 'sponsibilities I will come back :P

    • Upvote 3
  3. Yanno, the fact that I was mentioned at all in a threat about "big names," regardless of TTV involvement or not, actually scares me. Because I'm no one. I'm barely even a Part of TTV, asides being one of the founders. The only thing that scares me more is the fact that LJ was mentioned too.


    But anyways, I would have to say... Lady K for her artwork and stories, Takuta Nui for his writing, and Friar Tuck/Nuju for the BZPRPG and the fact that there's no way it would've become as popular as it did without their help.

  4. IC: {Valnad}


    Valnad stepped off the elevator and into the docking bay, his hand still resting on the hilt of his sword. He looked around at those in the room with him, specifically at the remote probes Brunhilde had sent.


    He felt a shudder go through the hull as the two ships docked, and the familiar hiss as the docking tube was pressurized. He sighed and hoped for the best, hopefully the unknown threat of the probes would be enough to stop the crew of the other ship from attempting hostilities... It would have to be.

  5. IC: {Is a captain a captain if he doesn't have a hat?}


    "Captain, I trust you realize there are only three biomech beings on this ship? We have far from a full crew complement."


    Oh. Right.


    Valnad stepped up to the star map, watching as the holographic image representing the Purahoura drew closer and closer to the Tarnhelm. "Sometimes I wish this wasn't a ghost ship... I'll oversee this personally." He stepped away, hand on the hilt of his sabre as he walked to the elevator bulkhead and stepped inside, pressing the button down to the docking bays.


    As the elevator began it's torturously slow descent, Valnad had a stroke of brilliance. "Brunhilde, have ten of your monitors join us in the docking bay. Have as many as you can manage on standby as well."

  6. IC: {The captain of that one ship that doesn't exist}


    "We're out of control. Our control-stick-things aren't working anymore!"


    Something about that seemed very, very off to Valnad. A ship doesn't just go from flying in formation to out of control without some sort of influence, internal or external, and while they could very well be completely out of control Valnad recognised the characteristic grunting speech of a Skakdi.


    He hated Skakdi.


    "Brunhilde, I want a course correction to put us out of the path of that ship. Subvert their engine systems and bring them to a halt. Offer them assistance as well." The AI did so, and the star map in front of Valnad reflected the change in the other ship's velocity.


    "Brunhilde, see if you can deactivate or otherwise sabotage their ship to ship weapons, and prepare docking tube two. I want an engineering detachment with four armed personnel down there to aid the crippled vessel. In the event that it's a trap, we vent it."

  7. IC {Ô Capitaine, Mon Capitaine}


    Valnad sighed, his hand coming to rest on the hilt of his sword. Perhaps he was old-fashioned, but he hated firearms with a passion. Unless of course they were too big to carry, because who doesn't like that kind of immobile, artillery-esque firepower?


    "Brunhilde, maintain the course that was previously set. We proceed as if they do not exist. Do not fire unless we are fired upon first or they breach the safe threshold of ten thousand kilometers without express permission."

  8. IC: {Capitan Valnad}


    There was static for the briefest of moments and Brunhilde relinquished her hold over the communications systems. The captain waited a few moments before speaking, because the last thing he wanted to do was give these people the impression that they were worth his time.


    "This is Valnad, Captain of the Tarnhelm," he started, the same ethereal quality to his voice as always, distorted and further warped by Brunhilde's masterful manipulation of the communications arrays. In many ways, Valnad found it interesting that Brunhilde even bothered, but he supposed that the unsettling effect of talking to someone who sounded like more of a ghost than an actual person would work in their favour to some extent. "We confirm neutrality, though I am in agreement with the assessment of my AI. Unless you plan on making it worth my while, a rendezvous serves no purpose."


    Valnad looked around the bridge. As he stood in the center of the room, he had an unparalleled view of what was going on inside, and he noted with silent appreciation the efficiency of the newly awoken officers in going about their tasks within moment of filing into the bridge. Valnad had requested to spin up the Tarnhelm's weapon systems as a precautionary measure before this interesting turn of events.


    Valnad didn't order the weapons powered down despite his confirmation of neutrality however. With luck, the sensors on the other ships would not recognise the ship's weapons powered up without a reading of them powered down, which he had no intention of allowing them. If it turned out they were pirates, they were in for a very nasty surprise.


    Nevertheless, he sounded a cautionary alert. The last thing he wanted was a combat situation no one was prepared for. Brunhilde agreed.

  9. IC: {Valnad, Captain of the Tarnhelm}


    "Sir. We have arrived in the Dormus system." Brunhilde said. "I would suggest we investigate the anomaly which has attracted the attention of the Brotherhood and the Order."


    Valnad swivelled in his seat, carefully placing the stone carving tablet he’d been working with onto his desk. The rune carved in it was well practiced, the swooping lines and sharp edges honed by years of repetition and overall boredom. It was with an almost meditative mentality that Valnad approached the carving during the long treks through space, and he’d left very specific orders to Brunhilde not to interrupt him while he was doing so unless it was important.


    He stood, the lights in the room brightening as he stepped out of his quarters and onto the bridge. The raised platform in the center of the command bridge gave him a view of most, if not all of the workstations therein, and an unparalleled view of the multiple external camera feeds. Valnad could see everything that was happening around the Tarnhelm.


    He glanced to his left, a small viewscreen coded to his retina that allowed him to converse with the Shipboard AI in private. He tapped a few messages into the screen, waiting for the AI’s almost instantaneous response before nodding. The command bridge electronics leapt into action, lights and sensors simultaneously popping on.


    Valnad’s voice came over the ship-wide intercom, stern and matter-of-fact with an almost wraith-like quality to it. “This is your captain speaking. Crew of the Tarnhelm, man your stations and prepare to conduct scans of the surface of Kal Dormus.”


    Once again he typed on the keypad privately to his Ship: .//Brunhilde, spin up weapons systems and mark possible exit strategies. I want to figure out what stirred up the hornet’s nest on this planet and get out before anything bad can happen..


    Brunhilde’s reply was brief, as usual. .//Yes sir..


    The Tarnhelm flared to life in the void of space, and began to move towards the planet’s surface.

  10. Name: Valnad (Arrik)

    Species: Toa

    Gender: Male

    Appearance: Average height and average build for a Toa. Though his red and gold armor has rusted and faded over the course of many years, he is still imposing enough when he wants to be. To most of the Tarnhelm’s crew, he is frail and bitter, though in combat, face-to-face or otherwise, he is still a fearsome opponent. His mask is an ornate Hau, shaped in the same way as the legendary Hau Nuva, albeit with three “fins” arching over the top. His left arm is weak, the armour mangled, but when angry, he takes on an almost ethereal quality, which earned him the nickname Valnad, or Wraith, which has come to replace his actual name.

    Powers/Equipment: Control of flame, as with all Fire Toa. He also wears a Kanohi Hau and wields a wickedly curved Sabre and Tower shield into combat, though in an age of ship-to-ship warfare he rarely needs to use them.

    Skills: Valnad is skilled with his blade, a fast opponent and very disciplined. He’s also a master tactician, and combines this with the help of the Tarnhelm’s artificial intelligence to great effect.

    Weaknesses: Valnad, though quick and disciplined, can be fairly predictable into personal combat. Though with the help of the Tarnhelm’s AI he becomes far less so in ship combat, on foot he dislikes taking silly risks.

    Personality: Valnad is, for the most part, a distant authoritarian, who demands the best of himself and his crew. As the face of the Tarnhelm, he takes it upon himself to act as a guiding figure, directing the ship and her crew when need arises. Outside of that, Valnad has confidence that his crew can run things without him most of the time, and leaves them to their jobs.

    Affiliation: Neutral

    Alignment: Lawful Good

    History: Valnad is very guarded about his past, as evidenced by his refusal to use his real name. Though it has been speculated that he was any number of things in his past – a merchant of death, or mercenary, or spy for the Order of Mata Nui, or even the ruler of some land forever lost to the Makuta, The truth is actually fairly close.

    As a former agent of the Order, Valnad intensively studied tactics so that when the time came – if it ever did – he would be ready to command whatever legions he was given to wage war against the Makuta with. Unfortunately, he never got the chance, and in the aftermath of Makuta’s takeover he abandoned the Order. Over time, he travelled to a myriad of planets, always charting, trying to find some backwater planet where he could be alone.

    And when he finally found it, he eventually realized he wasn’t the first one to get there. And that’s where the Tarnhelm comes in.

  11. IC: {Kiharu and Seryna}


    “I’ll give you the condensed version. Some… elements on this island like to get their hands on things from as many different places as they can, and it’s my job to make sure they do. Seryna here was one of my contacts until she decided to double cross me and try to have me caught by the Marines. It’s not the best use of my talents, I always much preferred assassination, but thievery pays my bills quite handsomely. A key here, a statue there, and everyone’s happy except for the people who “misplaced” their ancient family heirloom.”

    Kiharu sighed loudly, arching her back and letting it crack with an audible pop. “Truth be told, it gets a little boring though. And thanks to Seryna here it’ll be much harder to work in Ga-Koro undetected. And now that I’ve told you all this, I really have only a few options don’t I? Either I leave and you both forget you ever saw me, and I continue my business here through other means. Or we fight, one of us dies, and the other gets to fill out the paperwork. There’s no way I’m getting arrested in this place.”

    And then there was a knock at the door. Kiharu, immediately on guard, summoned up her weapon and stood. “Made some friends in the last day have we Seryna?” She looked between the two others in the hut, before settling her gaze on Darien. “Open it, and if you breathe a word of what’s happening, or try to use some code, this blade is going through your heart.”

  12. IC: {Kiharu and Seryna}


    Having made their way out of the tavern and across the marketplace to Seryna’s hut, Kiharu ushered Seryna and Darien into the hut. Even with two Toa and a Matoran inside, there was still more than enough space to defend herself if it came to that.


    Kiharu sat Seryna down on a chair, and after closing the door sat down on the couch, draping herself across the cushions. She sat for a time, eying Darien. He returned the gaze for a few moments before the spinning world got the best of him, and Kiharu’s look changed from that of a trapped Rahi to one of a hungry predator.


    “Kiharu, please, I didn’t mean for you to get hurt! I knew you’d be fine and you really, really wanted that –“ Seryna was cut off by Kiharu once again flash freezing her mouth shut. “You’ll speak when spoken to, Marine.” The words were calm, but Seryna could see clearly that Kiharu was angry.


    And that meant trouble was coming, so she didn’t even try to move.


    Kiharu looked over at Darien, her lips curling back into an amused sneer as she noticed he had sat down. “So, I can only assume that you know exactly what’s going on here, or think you do. So let me give you a choice, because I’m completely fine with sitting here and telling you what’s happening and why, and I’m also completely fine with destroying this hut and everything around it.”


    Now of course, Kiharu knew she couldn’t actually destroy everything around it, but she could do a pretty good job of Seryna’s hut in the amount of time it took for Darien to sober up.

  13. IC: {Kiharu and Seryna}


    "Very well...if that's what Seryna wants to do."


    That settled it then, this could get ugly fast if she wasn’t careful. Kiharu drove her fingers into Seryna’s shoulder, gentle prodding the pressure point she knew was there that could cause considerable pain if she were to force it. Seryna got the message and nodded, turning to lead the way to her hut.


    Kiharu’s plan was simple, lead this Marine to Seryna’s hut, see if she could extort and/or use him, and if not simply run. If that didn’t work, trash the place and everyone else inside it.


    Kiharu was not having a good day anymore.


    It was just a shame that the Marine was kind of cute, even though that was kind of offset by the fact he was drunk.

  14. IC: {Kiharu and Seryna}


    "Ma'am.... I'm gonna have to ask you to let the Matoran go.”


    Kiharu flashed a winning smile, “What? Sorry, my friend here was just getting really excited about a job I might have gotten her. She’s always had a thing for shiny trinkets, and I was just telling her about a deal I could make with one of the vendors in the marketplace. Fifty-Fifty split.” Kiharu put her hand on Seryna’s shoulder, squeezing it tightly as she took her hand off the Matoran’s mouth.

    “I just didn’t want to make a scene out of it, but I suppose it’s a little late for that.”


    Seryna looked at Darien, pleading with him for help even though he was clearly drunk. The small Matoran shivered slightly as she reached towards a small knife strapped to her waist. It was suicide, probably, but if Darien couldn’t do something, she would.


    Kiharu flashed her same smile again, “Why don’t you join us somewhere more private than this? Seryna’s hut perhaps?” Kiharu was already planning out her escape, if the Marine took her up on the offer, well there was only so much she could do.


    Chances were in the battle that followed one or both of the Toa would be hurt, and Seryna would be taught a valuable lesson about not messing with incredibly bored, rich thieves when she got the bill for repairs to her house.

  15. IC: {Kiharu and Seryna}


    Seryna gasped softly as she felt the chilling grip of the ice around her mouth fade into nothingness. She rubbed her jaw, sore as it was, and began examining the tavern. Her eyes darted back and forth, but something always drew her back towards Kiharu’s smug grin and the way she held her glass.


    Almost like she didn’t care what happened. So Seryna did something neither of them would’ve expected her to do: she screamed bloody murder.


    Kiharu reacted fast, her hand covered the Matoran’s mouth within a split second, muffling the scream before her drink was even back on the counter. What Kiharu didn’t realize was why she’d screamed, which was to say that Seryna had noticed Darien and recognised him as a fellow Marine. Though Kiharu was quick, she wasn’t quite quick enough to stop a good portion of the bar’s patrons to turn and look at her, wondering just what was going on and if the Marine’s should be called now, or later.


    The barkeep himself simply shrugged and continued counting the spare change he’d been handed by Darien, and so many of the less brave patrons simply continued on with what they were doing.


    Slowly, the tavern returned to its regularly scheduled dull roar of conversation.


    Except for the bar, that stayed pretty quiet.

  16. IC: {Kiharu}


    I used to be indecisive but now I’m just not quite sure. Perfect way to describe this situation Kiharu thought, It would almost be poetic if it wasn’t for this situation.


    Which is to say, Kiharu was being chased, and not your usual chase where some huge monster or other such entity was trying to eat her, or kill her, or worse. It was the kind of chase that, from an onlooker’s perspective, would’ve been hilarious. Kiharu, a relatively average sized Toa, was being chased by a not-so-averagely sized throng of Matoran.


    With Pitchforks.


    And Spears.


    And there might have been a sword or two.


    Each of the Matoran wore the signature armor of the Ga-Koro Marines, and each of them looked scared, which was funny, considering Kiharu was the one running, but not so funny when you examine what she did next.


    With a graceful leap the Ko-Toa flipped over two matoran engaging in casual conversation, dived into the water, and waited. Her weapon, an ornate and ancient Naginata, materialized in her hand and started to glow faintly. The water around it crisped and cooled, a light mist settling around the blade. Okay, now I’m sure.


    Kiharu swung the shaft of the polearm towards the seabed, a purely symbolic gesture that she’d always done, and in that instance forcibly drew the mist into the weapon, and released it just as forcefully into a small snowstorm around her, just large enough to fill the water with a blinding swirl of ice.


    And then she was gone, strolling slowly down a crowded street in a dark cloak, whistling a tune that would’ve gone well with some lyrics, something about it being a great day to be alive, and the sun still shining when she closed her eyes. It would be something for her to work on during any downtime she got, however unlikely that was. She palmed a small bag at her hip, looking around wearily before pushing her way through a crowd that had gathered around a particular fruit vendor.


    She brazenly grabbed one of the fruit, a small red orb that looked foreign enough to her, and dropped four coins, catching the eye of the vendor as she did so. She continued to flip one coin in the air as the Matoran reached down and pulled out a small scroll. Kiharu took the scroll, flipping the coin in the air one last time before dropping it into the vendor’s waiting hand. She stepped away and opened the scroll, reading the name written twice over before deciding she’d paid far too much.


    Seryna. The name struck a slight chord with Kiharu, who tightened her grip on the paper and crushed it into a ball before throwing it aside on the street. She knew the Matoran, vaguely and from a distance. She’d appeared once or twice before to the impatient, then-marine-applicant, offering the equivalent of a week’s pay in exchange for what little information the Matoran could offer.

    In fact, that information had been what got her chased after earlier, so Kiharu decided it was time for a chat. And knowing Seryna, who had undoubtedly tried to double-cross the Toa, there was only one place that would be deemed safe enough.


    The Tavern, because safety in numbers right?




    Oh how wrong you are, silly girl, Kiharu mused to herself, walking briskly towards the open doors of the aforementioned establishment, looking perfectly normal wrapped in her heavy travellers cloak and stalking slowing towards Seryna and another Matoran who appeared to be her drinking partner. Seryna looked to be in the middle of saying something, when Kiharu extended her elemental energy to flash freeze the Matoran’s mouth shut.


    Seryna looked over, wild eyed and trembling as she realized whodunit.


    “Now that I have your attention, we have unfinished business, and I believe you owe me… oh, a month’s pay for your shoddy information. Of course, I guess you can always refuse, but something tells me that between the number of drinks you’ve had and your drinking partner here, I’m not going to have much of a problem forcing what I want out of you. So what’s it going to be, or do I have to start breaking things?”


    Kiharu ordered a drink from the barkeep, turning to sit on a stool and watch Seryna and the other Matoran. Her drink arrived, and she held it loosely in her hands, swirling it around the glass. “Oh, and make it snappy. Something tells me it’s going to be a lot harder than normal for me to move around here soon, or was that what someone was hoping for?”

  17. Hmmm.... As far as Literature goes the first character I made would've been a horribly written Matoran of Magnetism named Nutaro (No I was not watching Naruto at the time. It just sprung into my mind :P). Shortly after that I wrote up profiles for two other characters personally, Toa Arrik, a Blacksmith turned Toa General, and Kini, A very ancient Turaga.


    Kini changed back into a Toa and into various other Incarnations over time before I decided on him as my namesake. Most Incarnations in my stories (Which usually never get finished) see him as some kind of deity, so I don't RP with him much. And there's also the fact that he changes constantly.


    Arrik was the first character I Roleplayed with, In fact I believe Lloyd's RPG "Night of Infinity" may have been my first RPG ever. In the RPG he aspired to command more than he did, eventually gaining command of an (Admittedly huge) capitol ship and Using it for exactly one battle before dying and life getting in the way.

  18. IC: {Seryna}


    "The way I see it Lawyers are blood-sucking parasites half the time and greedy barbarians the other half. I'm sure you're the exception to the rule though." Seryna's comment either came out as sarcastic or just stupid. She wasn't entirely sure which in her current state, six very strong drinks in, so she decided to put on a smug face and hope she looked sarcastic, which she probably didn't at all and just succeeded in making herself look even more ridiculous than any half-drunk Matoran would already look.

  19. IC: {Seryna}


    "Wow, a Lawyer eh? And death penalties? You know, we should just make gladiatorial combat a thing. Fight it out for what we want cause that's basically what's already happening, and then you don't need to be worried about being a terrible Lawyer cause we won't need lawyers in the first place!"


    Yarre's eyes dropped.


    "Okay, so maybe that's a little harsh but hey, could make a fortune if you were the one to start up a combat arena."

  20. Personally named or not the statement was made to apply as a blanket for anyone who voted for LJ's comic, if the intent was to call out a select few than it clearly failed because I took the phrasing at face value.


    That being said, I will back out for the night and/or the duration of this. I've said my peace and done what I felt needed to be done. If everyone wants to continue this in PC or whatever (not that I can see why they would *shrug*) they're welcome to do so.


    Honestly everyone, even myself, is making this more of an issue than it needs to be. It's become quite the circle of offending and being offended, but I will back out and enjoy a cookie as suggested :P

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