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Posts posted by Skarloth

  1. OOC: Not really... I do recall something about him defeating some kind of squad, and believe me, Kayzata would remember the two of them if he had seen them. I couldn't find Djoser's profile, so I know basically nothing about him. :|IC Kayzata - South District - Talking to Djoser: "I do not remember you or him, so most likely not. But I was once a great leader of an empire, my forces were stronger than the Order in those days. But that time is long gone to us; it is possible that you heard of me elsewhere, but my story remains in books and scrolls, legends and tales of old... I am certainly not the person I was all that time ago," he said, thinking back thousands and thousands of years, back to his golden days. OOC: I think I'ma make a new character. -Kayzata

  2. *Slowly nods*I didn't get it at all, just a bunch of bad things happening to Vakama that really couldn't happen.Obviously you won't be continuing it, so I can't give you many ideas on how to improve it. :PI would suggest turning the death off, a lot. No death in a comedy is normally good. XPAnother would be to organize it... it seemed random, kind of like a 'spur of the moment' short story. To be honest, I didn't find the pain and troubles of the Turaga to be funny in the least bit.Er... that's all, folks. (Or folk, since this is directed at Ibrow :P)-Skar

  3. OOC: Whoops, you OOC'd Compassion's location. :PIC Yghari - Green Vine Inn - Talking: "No. That has yet to be determined, I will only follow you all along until - or if - I am convinced I wish to join the Emotional Spectrum," he said, wondering what language French was. "I just recently came from Ta-Koro, and there a quick path to there that I came to here on," he said, walking out of the Inn. OOC: Aha. Infinitus, if you would be so kind as to move Avarice to Le-Koro, that would make all our lives much easier. -Yghari

  4. IC Klastio - Ko-Koro - Talking: "My bet is that he'll deny everything, and he might have some persuasion around to make us leave if he doesn't feel like talking to us. The kind of persuasion that picks you up and tosses you out his front door," Klastio said to the three. Vaarn wasn't alone in that mansion, most likely he had guards around every corner, just waiting to pick a fight with anyone who stepped in Vaarn's home and called him a criminal. "Tahuva, I don't want any surprises, you'd better explain your plan in detail to us, so we can help you pull it off. And if it involves violence, it's out the window unless we want to get arrested by the Ko-Koro guard. Vaarn's house is private property, he can have us removed if he wants, and we lack the evidence to put him behind bars," Klastio said, even though it was painful to say. The truth really did hurt in this situation, tying Vaarn to the sword found in Ta-Koro would be impossible, since anyone could carve a V into a sword and leave it out. If they wanted to save Garth, they needed to go about all this calmly, they couldn't barge in and start accusing Vaarn of kidnapping Garth, they needed to pry the information from him slowly... if they couldn't do that, then they needed to learn of Garth's whereabouts, and get the Ko-Koro guard to help them find their missing Po-Matoran friend. --IC Vaarn - Vaarn Mansion - Talking: "Those blasted fools... they couldn't handle a simple Toa of plasma, and now one of the two buffoons is in prison! Trugak, I need you to eliminate him, and quickly too, if he confirms any of the rumors floating about, then we're all going to prison for a very, very long time." "It will be done, Vaarn," the dark purple Toa said, vanishing from sight. (Profile coming soon) Vaarn leaned back in his chair, and sighed, looking around the large room he sat in. Everything he owned was the product of crime, regret fluttered into his mind now and then, but for the most part, he was unaffected by the burden that a lifetime of crime had thrust upon his shoulders. "If I could go back... heh, there is no going back," the Toa of ice said aloud to himself, taking a sip of his drink as he mulled over his violent past. -Vaarn

  5. IC Oura - Onu-Koro - Going Home: Oura walked silently through the streets of Onu-Koro, unfortunately for him, he had to make his way through the village to get to his home. It was located in a large underground cavern, always wet and dripping... he had built himself a home there, the Rahi never bothered him much, and it was too far from the village for people to annoy him. Just his kind of place.He didn't bother paying attention to anyone around him, he just wanted to get out of the village before someone tried to talk to him.OOC: He might get the reverse... I hope.-Oura

  6. IC Yghari - Green Vine Inn - Talking to Love: Yghari slowly nodded, "I wouldn't say I have any extraordinary leadership capabilities, but I've seen enough Toa teams in my time to know how it works," he said, not fully sure if he would join just yet. "Tell you what, I'll go along with you guys for a while, or until I'm convinced I want to join your team. I've been a vigilante all these years, doing good for the people of Mata Nui, and dishing out punishment whenever and wherever its needed," he said, standing up from the table. "You say you have a guy in Ta-Koro, why don't we go get him?" he suggested, already beginning to play the part of a leader. -Yghari

  7. OOC: Hrm... Well all the current members on the team need to be contacted, and all their characters need to make their way here if possible. I'm not even sure what this team will do, probably wander around until evil really starts appearing in the game. IC Yghari - Green Vine Inn - Talking to Love: "I see... you mentioned willpower before, so I assume you wanted me to join and fill the position as such," he said, mulling over the choice of joining. "Are you neutral? Or do you strongly oppose Makuta or Mata Nui?" he asked, wondering why this Toa team wasn't fully together, normally, teams stuck together. -Yghari

  8. IC Yghari - Green Vine Inn - Talking to Love: Yghari chuckled at Mardi's words, but then thought over Love's proposition. "Hm... depends on where you all stand on current events. You guys don't look like Makuta worshipers, but I do like to know groups inside and out before I even consider joining them," he said, wondering what kind of Toa team this was, one based on emotions? He thought that would make for quite a team, but couldn't see how one person could be bound to a single emotion, it just didn't sound right. Perhaps each member of the team was just more prominent in one emotion than the others, but Yghari couldn't be certain until he heard this Toa's explanation. "Seems a bit odd to invite a Toa onto your team when you don't know them. I'm Yghari," the Toa of electricity said, waiting for the three to speak their own names. OOC: Well, can you list out the positions? I forget what they all are. I'd also like to have active members on the team, because I hate it when things move at almost snail pace. -Yghari

  9. IC(Love, Mardi): "Okay team! We have three of the ES back together now! That makes Love, Despair, and...Mardi. Seriously, how is that an emotion?""It's not. It's French. I got to pick my name, you picked your name, neither of us remember the original name. Anyway, what did you do out there?"Love looked at Mardi. "Oh, you know. Met a guy with incredible Willpower. Could be a good Willpower...which means I don't have to worry about leading the team anymore! You did brief Despy while I was gone, right?"

    OOC: Where is the rest of the group? Are any of the old team members going to join, or not? If not, then we're opening up the positions again, and filling this whole team up with people who are willing to play. IC Yghari - Green Vine Inn - Entering Said Inn: It had been a few hours now, and Yghari was long done with his food, so he decided to head into the Inn that that purple Toa had requested his attention in. When he walked through the vine covered doors, it didn't take long to spot the Toa, she was also with a few others, and the lot of them were sitting at a table. He sighed, not knowing what this Toa wanted from him, and walked over, taking an open seat at the table. "You said you wanted to see me, so here I am," he said, leaning back in the chair, and crossing his arms. -Yghari
  10. IC: "Vaarn."A Matoran walked by. "Again with accusing Vaarn? Sentarn...""Ugh. See what I mean? But that goon dragged him straight to Vaarn's place." Sentarn led them on.Tahuva followed. "Whoa. Karz this place is big." "Secret entrance is here. There was some way he twisted this knob that opened it...I think I remember it well enough to--" A boulder fell from above, which Sentarn used his mask on to prevent it from landing on him. He got out of the way and dropped it. "Nope. I don't remember.""Er, if he has such a good reputation...we'll go talk to him." Dervian knocked on the door. Sentarn hid. "He knows I know about him...just find a way to let me in without him seeing!""Got it."

    IC NPC Servant: One of the two large stone doors that stood before the group opened, and from the building emerged a small frail bodied Matoran. Even though he was well dressed, one could tell he served a master. "May I help you?" he asked, his voice formal and strong, despite the servant stereotypes.IC Klastio - Ko-Koro - Entering Vaarn's Mansion: "Yes, we're looking for someone named Vaarn, is he the owner of this... house?" he asked, not knowing what to call the large building in front of them. "Yes, he is. But I am afraid you will need to schedule a meeting with Master Vaarn if you wish to speak with him. Many come to hear his advice, you know, and right now he is busy with someone else," the Matoran said, glancing at the others who stood behind Klastio."Well, when will he be available?" Klastio asked, realizing that getting into Vaarn's home would not be as easy as Sentarn had implied it would be. "At noon, tomorrow, he has an opening, would you like to see him then?" the Matoran asked."Uh, yes, we can see him then," the Toa of air said, glancing into the house for a second. The Matoran nodded, "I will inform him of the meeting, good day, sirs," the servant said, closing the door on the group."Well... that was a bust. Looks like we'll have to see him tomorrow, guys. We don't want to break into his house and get arrested. There's an Inn over there, we can evaluate the situation in there, and figure out what we're doing," he said, walking off towards the Inn. -Klastio
  11. IC: Djoser, South District:Djoser climbed out of the Tumbler, bored. Normally he didn't sit around and do nothing. Nodding to Kayzata, he leaned against the vehicle and glanced down both sides of the apparently abandoned street."Any idea what happened here?" he asked casually.-ibrow

    IC Kayzata - South District - Talking to Djoser: Kayzata shook his head at the question. "I have not delved into the history of Kai-Nam, for all I know, a plague could have ruined this district," he said. He hadn't noted just how abandoned the South District was, and to be honest, he didn't care what had happened to it. -Kayzata
  12. Next chapter: Tahu in the back seat of the van! Sonu’s horrible escape plan! Rocket Matoran breaking into places! And more exclamation points%

    Best part of the chapter. XDAwesome chapter, I mean.

    I used to be afraid of nothing. But then I took an arrow to the knee.

    I used to make arrow to the knee comments, then it got old.:P(Also, due to Levacius' half negative comment, I have to reassure the author that this chapter was indeed cool.)-Skar
  13. IC Klax - WoL Base - Talking to Myr: "I'm Klax. If you'd like to spar, I'm up for it," he said, looking around the room, "However, fighting outside would be a better idea, I think," the Toa of Iron said, waiting for Myr's response. -Klax

  14. OOC: XD Okay. By the way, this guy, Vaarn, didn't take Garth himself, one of his goons did. I'll have to figure out all the details of why his initial is on the blade, but for now they're just going to talk with Vaarn. IC Klastio - Ko-Koro - Talking to Sentarn: "A secret criminal? What's his name?" Klastio asked, hovering only inches up off the ground. Klastio wasn't entirely convinced by this guy just yet, no matter how convincing the scar was. He was just hoping that this Sentarn person wasn't leading them into a trap or anything like that. OOC: I think that Vaarn has his own huge home that he lives in, where he conducts his business and manages his hidden criminal empire. So they can go there. -Klastio

  15. IC Klax - WoL Base - Watching: While everyone watched the sparring match, Klax noticed that there was another iron user in the group, and that he had been made the team smith, apparently. He walked over to the being, introducing himself, "I saw that you control Iron, just like me," he said, crossing his arms and glancing back at the fight. He watched as Myr looked around eagerly for something, "Something the matter?" he asked. -Klax

  16. OOC: I think that was my last post as him, before I came back to the RPG. IC Klax - WoL Base - Talking to Kairan: Klax was frozen, Irriane was the one person who had been part of his smaller group, along with Fragmentation and a few others who were also gone. It was sad to think that he was the last of that group, but he was glad that what he and Frag started continued on to become this new group. "I see..." Klax said, trying to hide any sadness that was trying to show up on his face. "Well, let's go inside, I'd like to see everyone again," he said, even though he had never truly known anyone in the old group, they were all just allies back then. IC Klastio - WoL Base:Apparently whoever Irriane had been, they had meant a lot to Kairan and this new guy, he decided to leave the conversation alone, and just walked back inside the base.OOC: Last post of the night. -Klastio

  17. IC Klax/Klastio - WoL Base - Talking to Kairan: Klax nearly gaped at who emerged from the ruins. "Kairan!? You're allied with this guy? ... is the rest of the old group in there too?" he asked, hopeful that there would be a few old friends here and there. He sheathed his blades, and deactivated his mask, walking over to his old ally. Klastio stopped, almost frozen, and looked at Kairan, "You know this guy?" he asked, lowering his weapon. If Kairan could trust him, then he guessed he could, but he wasn't about to put his weapon away. -Klastio

  18. OOC: He's outside the base, y'know. IC Klastio/Klax - WoL Base: "Hello? Is anybody in there?""What?" Klastio asked, hearing the shouting that was coming from outside the base. He unsheathed his new sword, shield firmly in hand, and walked outside the base, seeing a red armored Toa standing a distance away from the base. "Who are you?" he asked, noting the being's drawn swords. "I'd love to exchange names, but I'd like to know why you're living in the desert. Are you the only one here?" he asked, glancing at the longsword the being held. "I need to know if you're a friend or a foe, if you're willing to ally, then I can talk, if you're a foe, you might as well leave now." "Depends on who's inside, if there is anyone inside, that is." OOC: I'ma stop here, since I can never RP my own characters talking. -Klax

  19. IC Klastio/Kono - WoL Base - Writing: Klastio scowled at Levacius, and then picked up the stone from the table, writing his own name beneath Elynirus'. Kono did not use the stone, he only waved his hand, and used shadow to carve his own name into the stone. "There is no need to get angry, Levacius." --IC Klax - Parched Wastes - Approaching WoL Base: The Toa of Iron walked slowly toward the ruin, looking around for anyone who might be guarding it or living in the area. No one seemed to be around, but that didn't eliminate the possibility of people in the ruin. He did not want to anger the wrong people, so he simply walked toward the entrance, and unsheathed his blades. Perhaps this was a trap to lure in the unsuspecting... one could never tell. Klax activated his mask, preparing to dodge any attacks or strikes at any given moment. "Hello? Is anybody in there?" he shouted, waiting for someone to appear. -Klax

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