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Posts posted by Skarloth

  1. IC Klastio - Ta-Koro Hospital - Leaving: Klastio had gathered his equipment, and was ready to go. "To Ko-Koro," he said, exiting the hospital, and heading for the main gate to the village.OOC Klastio to Ko-Wahi.-Klastio

  2. Now this... this is true epicness. He looks absolutely sinister, and his weapon only adds to his awesomeness.I get the sense that he would make an incredible villain in a major video game, or any story, actually.Truly, I can't say how brilliant this is. However, it does not remind me of a Makuta, not at all, it seems like it would be better off having its own species. Now maybe that's just because of how Lego depicted the Makuta in the sets, but I never envisioned any Makuta to look like this, not in my wildest dreams.Not a bad thing, though, it's nice to see how diverse Makuta can be and look, and that they don't all have wings and are pitch black.If I were to rate him, I would say 9.3/10.0. He would get a solid 10/10 if I were able to see him more clearly.Good job, very good job.-Skar

  3. IC Klastio - Ta-Koro Diner - Talking: "Seven, at least... but we don't have seven days. If we go back to that hospital, I'm willing to bet this arm right here that they have a mask of healing somewhere in there," he said. "Once I'm all better, I say we find some of Vaarn's goons... Vaarn is the leader of the guys who kidnapped our friend, Garth," he said to Solaris and his group. "Anyway, we find some of his goons, and we get some information out of them, however we need to," he said. OOC: Gotta go soon... To carry on, uh, I don't know, just please don't run off and deviate from the plan, okay? :P -Klastio

  4. IC Klastio - Ta-Koro Diner - Talking: "Garth..." Klastio said, surprised that Dervian didn't remember him, but he remembered Garth. "I'm wounded, we can't just run off and find Garth until we're back to full power. And... what about you guys? Will you stick around to help us find our friend?" Klastio asked Solaris and the two others. -Klastio

  5. IC Vaarn - Ko-Koro, Vaarn's Mansion - Talking: "So, a disturbance outside, you say? And those people who came by the other day were the participants in this large battle?""Yes, master, I saw them outside, they were all fighting other beings, powerful beings... I do not know why they were fighting, though," said the servant. Vaarn nodded, "You may go, servant, observe the Koro further," the elderly Toa said as the servant bowed, and left the large room. A Skakdi walked up to talk to Vaarn next. "I bring news, Vaarn. Utario has informed me that he has located his target, and that he resides in Ta-Koro, searching for a hiding place as we speak," the brutish being said. "I see... send Irarak and Aldarin to Utario's location, and have the three of them deal with this faulty bounty hunter," he told the Skakdi. "It will be done, Master Vaarn," the Skakdi said, bowing, and leaving the room. Vaarn was left to reflect upon the past few days, and to decide what was to become of his newest prisoner, Garth. "Koon, what shall we do with the Matoran of stone? Ransom? Torture, perhaps? I am at a loss, for once..." he said, letting his Toa assistant walk over to advise him. "Perhaps it would be best to free him, master. He has no worth to us, and you are in no need of any money now," the Toa said. Vaarn nodded slowly, "I don't think we'll be doing that. This Matoran owes me a great deal of money, and if his friends - assuming he has any - will not come forth and pay, then we will make them pay, by taking his life, and giving them the body." One couldn't deny that the Toa assistant was slightly stunned, but he quickly regained composure, and nodded firmly, "I agree. I forgot that he had come to you for monetary assistance so many years ago... or, rather, his father did," he said, prompting a nod from Vaarn. "Indeed, and he will pay, one way or another." -Vaarn

  6. OOC: Good job, TNG, good job. Albeit violent, but I guess it's over, at least. Now we can slowly get back to finding Garth... IC Klastio - Ta-Koro... diner? - Talking to Tahuva: Klastio was still rather wounded, but he was now floating due to his mask. He floated into the diner, and took a seat, ordering some food, "I guess I got in a fight with that Fallen guy..." he said, gesturing to his left arm, which was heavily wounded and bandaged. "Well, at least that's over with, sort of," he said. -Klastio

  7. Name: KylusGender: MaleSpecies: VortixxAppearance: A rather short Vortixx, he stands a little taller than a Toa, and is stronger than most known Vortixx. His armor is pure black, along with his eyes, even.Kanohi: None, obviously.Powers: Again, none.Weapons: Weapons are as follows;
    • [*]Two curved blades that his uses for everyday combat[*]An electrically charged whip, which has been known to leave black marks on his opponents (can also stun to some degree)[*]A laser cannon that is built into his right arm (not very large, it can be retracted into his arm)

    Implants: His armor is one large implant; it has a built-in AI that is his second pair of eyes, along with various devices, such as a GPS, a coolant system, along with a HUD in his helmet that easily lets him communicate with other people, and keeps tabs on his health.Personality: Silent when he has to be, talkative when he needs to be; he's a vigilante, and he is against any evil that presents itself to him, or the innocent.Alignment: Neutral/Slightly TechnaBio: Kylus has spent his time on Techna Nui building himself up; ever since the day he arrived, he has only done that which has led to something good for himself. He abides and lives by a creed, a few rules to keep himself from slipping into the realm of evil. Never take an innocent life; Be discreet, never draw attention to yourself, and never reveal your identity; Be sane, if you ever find yourself questioning your motives, stop and take a good look at the situation, you may be breaking your own rules. Right now, Kylus' day to day life is average, he adorns his armor only when he believes he must.-Skar

  8. IC Klastio - Ta-Koro Hospital - Waking Tahuva: Klastio nodded, watching as the elderly being made the launcher. He then turned to face the unconscious Tahuva, who he walked over to, and shook, attempting to wake him up for the coming battle. "Tahuva? Wake up," he said, if he wanted to survive, he would need to be alert, and safe. He was in no fit shape to fight, though, and he would have to stay in the infirmary. "Are there others coming?" he asked Jetian. Orgath's appearance obviously had something to do with their fight in Ko-Koro, and Klastio only hoped that there wasn't going to be any more trouble while they recuperated. -Klastio

  9. IC Klastio - Ta-Koro Hospital - Fighting: If Klastio had been in any shape to fight, Orgath would be dead, but since he was wounded, he could not strike him outside elemental attacks. He created a vacuum around Orgath's head, sucking all the air inside of it and pushing it out; if Orgath didn't close his mouth, the air would be sucked right out of them. -Klastio

  10. OOC: Ask Tahu, I only posted as my character in a hospital, I do not know which one. IC Klastio - Ta-Koro Hospital - Shouting: Klastio had turned at just the right moment, and was only grazed by the blast that was fired at him. He shouted in pain, and turned to see who his attacker was, once he located him, he raised his arms (though his left one was a little less responsive) and blasted the being back with a huge burst of wind. "Help! Someone's attacking!" he shouted, hoping that someone would come to their aid. --IC Oura - Ta-Koro - Entering the Koro: Oura walked out of the tunnel that lead to Onu-Koro, stepping into the warming climate of Ta-Koro with pleasure. Onu-Koro was warm, but not as warm as Ta-Koro, and being a Toa of plasma, Oura was more accustomed to very warm temperatures. Now all he needed to do was find a good place to hide... somewhere quiet, somewhere that was rarely disturbed...-Oura

  11. IC Oura - Onu-Wahi - Heading to Ta-Koro: Oura had come home only to check on his possessions and his cavern, he was going to hide out in Ta-Koro, a place where they would never find him... hopefully. He left his cavern, heading through the village and into the tunnel that lead to Ta-Koro.OOC: Oura to Ta-Wahi. LOL, five new replies! XD-Oura

  12. IC Klastio - Ta-Koro Hospital - Waking up: Klastio lay in a hospital bed, wounds here and there on his body, and a reddened white cloth wrapped around his left arm. A nurse walked into the room, and spotted his bleeding arm; she quickly grabbed another cloth, and rushed over to him. She unwrapped his arm, setting the red, blood soaked cloth aside, and holding the new cloth to his arm to stop the bleeding. Once his arm had stopped bleeding, she grabbed another cloth, and wrapped his arm in it, pinning it tight to keep pressure on it. Once she left the room, Klastio slowly woke up, opening his eyes first and looking around the room. He then attempted to sit up, and thankfully, he could without any pain. He moved his legs off the bed, and stood up straight, looking around the infirmary he was in. He spotted a red being lying on a bed nearby, who he recognized as his friend, Tahuva. The Toa of air tried to rush over to him, but found that he could barely walk, let alone run. He limped over to the Toa of fire, and stared at him, spotting wounds all over his body. "Mata Nui... what happened?!" he asked aloud, looking around for someone to explain this nonsense to him. Sadly, nobody came forth to answer his question, and he was left to stand by his wounded and unconscious friend. -Klastio

  13. OOC: You should have messaged me that information, instead of leaving me to find out.IC Fulok - Wherever he is - Doing whatever it is he is doing: Fulok didn't pay the leaving Forcyte any attention, instead only sitting calmly, waiting to either be addressed by someone, or for something of interest to happen.-Fulok

  14. Name: OuraGender: MaleElement and Species: Matoran of PlasmaCharacter Appearance: An average Matoran in height, he is slightly muscular than your everyday Matoran of stone, making him quite the athlete. His body is pure jet black, with many orange streaks running across his mask, wrists, shins, and his upper chest. Power Disk: Disk of Truth (The Disk of Truth is used as any ordinary mask of Truth would be used; to spot out the lies in a persons words, similar to a lie detector, only it cannot be tricked or fooled) Mask and Tools: He wears a useless Calix, and his tools are as follows;

    • [*]A short sword that he uses for everyday combat[*]Retrievable throwing knives for ranged combat situations[*]Two wrist blades that he can extend and retract at will[*]A simple leather whip that helps him with climbing, swinging, and grabbing opponents when he needs to

    Character Biography: Not much is know of Oura, he stays silent, never revealing anything of his past or his whereabouts. He is known for being a vigilante, though, and will aid any citizens in need should they be in danger. He spends his days traveling the island, stopping trouble, keeping tabs on current events, and making sure he remains anonymous from anyone who would do him harm. -Skar

  15. IC Fulok - Science District - Doing little, if anything at all: Fulok had lost contact with Torch and the others, and the Metal cat he had been chasing had gotten away from him. Without a stable line of communication to Torch, Fulok had been left to resume his wandering, lacking the Toa Techna of Plasma's coordinates. He attempted communication once more, this time thinking the text, and having it type as he thought up his message;'Torch? Are you recieving this message?'-Fulok

  16. It appears there are many more pages to the gaming topic...I'm not sure if I have the time for RPGs, or even Bzpower anymore. To be honest, I only took up the position of co-GM because I am a friend of LL and because he asked me if I wanted the position.In these past five days, however, I have not been a co-anything in the least. If it were not for my hunger for power and rank, I would give up my position in this game... but I cannot be certain that I can fill the position as well as another could.-Skar

  17. IC Fulok - Science District - Off to Find Torch: Fulok took a few deep breaths, stopping the chase at last. He decided that giving up was better than wasting his time, no matter how intelligent the beast was... he would definitely have to look into it later when he could. He caught his breath, and hopped up onto a rooftop, speaking into his implant again, "Torch, the creature got away. It was entirely sentient, and could attack with energy beams or some sort, I think it should be looked into some other time. For now, though, I need to know where you are so I can find you," he said, his implant turning the audio into text, and sending the text to Torch.OOC: I'm off for the night.-Fulok

  18. IC Fulok - Science District - Chasing Metal Cat: Thanks to the energy beams giving hims some warning, Fulok was able to catch the chandeliers with his power over metal, and set them down in a safe place. He apologized to the owner, and saw an employee exit door closing itself. Fulok took off, running out of the shop and into the back alley where the Metal Cat had run to. He spotted the beast making a run for it down the alley, and he took the opportunity to send a shard of metal at the beast at high speed, resuming his chase.-Fulok

  19. IC Fulok - Science District - Chasing Metal Cat: Fulok wasn't fooled by the Cat's attempt to escape, he had spotted the Cat sitting atop the vehicle, and had chased after it, and in turn the Cat. Fulok watched the Cat leap into a decoration store, and ran in after it, looking around the shop for the cat. Thankfully, there were few people in the store, none of which paid Fulok much attention, and he was allowed to search the shop without interruption.He kept his eyes on the exit, and the only thing that stopped him from closing it off was that this was a public store, not some abandoned warehouse; so he was left to search with his own two eyes... and his elemental powers. He slowly felt through the store, sensing all the metals in the shop, including the shapes and forms they were in. He would find the Cat in moments, and then capture it.-Fulok

  20. IC Fulok - Science District - Chasing Metal Cat: "Well," Fulok said, climbing to the top of a roof, and leaping to another, catching only glipses of the cat, "I'm chasing what appears to be a... Metal Cat," he said, hopping down into the alley after the creature. He saw it shoot around the corner, and he ran after it, just barely keeping up pace with whatever it was that he was chasing."Once I get hold of it - or if I do... I'll come to your location," he said, turning the corner and watching as the metal cat ran through a crowd of people. Sadly, the cat had the advantage here, it could weave through the legs of the people, while Fulok had to gently push his way through. And that was where rooftops came in. He scaled a building wall, using the smallest of ledges to get to his destination. Once atop the roof, he could easily see how large the crowd was, and managed to spot his metallic runner fleeing down yet another alleyway. He leaped from one building to the next (only just making it), and rushed to quickly climb back down into the alley that the cat was in.-Fulok

  21. IC Fulok - Science District - Chasing Metal Cat: "Hold that thought, literally," he said, taking off after the Metal Cat. When something like that presented itself to you, and growled, it could be considered an outpoint. Now, Fulok hadn't been wishing for some trouble to come along (or maybe he did), but he was determined to investigate what that was all about.He chuckled, a Metal Cat couldn't escape him to save its life, as soon as he got it in his sights, he would simply pick it up with his elemental powers.OOC: No clue on what to do with the cat once he's caught it, though...-Fulok

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