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Status Updates posted by Chath

  1. Got a new laptop! Wazzap with you?!?

  2. Thank you for the compliment. I forget who, but somone was flipping out when I first joined. I chose the name 'Gresh' (That's right), before he did.

  3. Chath

    I got is specially made. It's the 'Night at the Roxbury - What is Love?' Saturday Night Live skit.

  4. That's good. Anything new?

  5. Chath

    White. Left eye purple. Other one (light yellow= full of animal blood, dark = thirsty). Scar over left eye.

  6. Chath

    Cool. So, am I still a PGS in your comics? It's basiclly the same sheet, only witha blue secondary color. So, white and blue. You remeber My other info right?

  7. Cool! So, how are you? BTW, I'm changing my name to Mr. Blue Sky. (It's a song by the Electric Light Orchestra [ELO])

  8. Okay, I guess. What's up with you? (Mind if I still call you Chan'e?)

  9. If you want to be my friend on live, my GT is Ehanz. I'll send you a friend request.

  10. I'm sorry for my outburst. All of my friends back home forgot my birthday (abbout 76 people), and I took it out on all of you. I understand if you don't want to be my friend...

  11. Chath

    I'm still waiting on that transformer pic...

  12. Sorry for the outburst... People back home did forget my birthday, so I kinda flipped out. Oh, and DJ, You were gone?

  13. Yeah, well, then theres the fact that some people (I won't say who but one of their names starts with a G and ends with an I...) really don't understand my jokes, or critisize me how I 'shouldn't be on the site because the comics are ######, and I (he said you in the original, I'm just restating it)should rethink my life'. Then there's the fact that I can't get somone

  14. People forgot my birthday :(

  15. It got cut off. :(

    ohoo! (continuing the song)

    Sorry I mised your original b-day date, it shan't happen again!

  16. Ahem...

    Ceeelebrate good times c'mon!


    There's a party goin' on right heeya, a celebration, for Vahi's 13'th birthday, so bring your good times! and your laughter, too. We're gunna celebrate, your party with you, come on now,

    Ceeelebrate good times c'mon!


    Ceeelebrate good times c'mon!


  17. I am leaving BZPower for a while to plan all of the 4.0 comics.

  18. For the one on Dj's comments

  19. Could I Pgs? I'm not the best co-author...

  20. I'm goin on to 4.0

    Also, I am leavin the studio.

  21. Does anyone care that I closed my comics?

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