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Frank Zappa

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Status Updates posted by Frank Zappa

  1. Thanks man. I waited too long for it

  2. Thanks. I like to think we put on a good show, so it's always good to hear that from the fans.

  3. Thanks. I wouldn't say I'm an addict just because I write our lyrics and sing. I like to be more humble than that. Great taste btw. Elo, beatles, stones and rhcp are all amazing

  4. That hurts my feelings. =/

  5. That picture of you is quite scary.

  6. The instrumental version of count of tuscany is way better. the singing and lyrics in the original kinda ruin it for me.

  7. three stars

    what did I do to deserve this oh my god my world is over now kill me oh mighty bzp admins kill me nowwwwww

  8. tots is banned. What a shame.

  9. Wait, if you were really 70 years old, you wouldn't even be online...

    I mean, people your age don't even know what the word forum means.

  10. We'll try and make it a great show.

  11. Well, you gotta tone it down, cause those kids are definitely gonna be scared.

  12. What did this man do to deserve four star?

  13. What is this, facebook?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Frank Zappa

      Frank Zappa

      Gasp. What a revalation

    3. Frank Zappa

      Frank Zappa

      Revelation I meant

    4. Tenebrae Invictus

      Tenebrae Invictus



      And the profile feed really seems to be based off of it, yeah.

  14. Who are you? And who is that ##### who just said yay?

  15. Yeah dude such a good song. Like all the songs off that album are great, especially rime of the ancient mariner.

  16. Yeah dude Van hagar totally sucks. I wouldnt say kiss is metal though.

  17. Yeah I'm a big bionicle fan as it turns out. Nice to see a fellow Irishman.

  18. Yeah sorry I listen to pretty loud music.

  19. Yeah, I know right? How could I be that oblivious.

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