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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Mesonak

  1. *I rip my wing off and throw themn at you like boomerangs.*

  2. Happy birthday...Even tough you probably wont get on to read this...

  3. Happy Birthday to you!

  4. Can you please review my comedy?

  5. The starter of the Vahki fad is Terrakk, now known as sword7battle. He resigned when they swithched to Bohrok, and now Krana Kong is.

  6. Oh no....*I start running away, but then you catch me and hold me up. I kick you in the chin and teleport to Krazor Cave. I set up Chaos targeting turrets outside the cave.*

  7. I would like to apologize for BZPower's rudeness toward you and your writing. As I explained in that PM from a while back, your writing is central and core to the Bionicle world. I hope that you return soon, for BZPower will not be the same without you.

  8. *I try to dodge, but it hits me and I scream in pain. I then fire a Nova sphere at you, which has all the elements packed into one sphere.*

  9. *I roll to the right and fire my Acid Krazor sphere at you.*

  10. Your personal pic is WIN.

  11. *I am sent crashing into a mountain from the force of your blow. As you advance, you are pulled underground into a Blade Burrower nest. Yes I teleported.*

  12. *Teleports behind you.* KATANAX! *You get shot with exploding DarkIce.* P.S.Check my blog.

  13. Welcome to BZP!

  14. Happy birthday!

  15. GRRR! *Lets loose....NOVA POKE.*

  16. *Lets loose unbelievably huge blast of DarkIce.*

  17. Happy birthday!

  18. *I charge and throw my hand out. A wave of DarkIce hoots toward them, freezing them in place. Then I hurl the large block of frozen BBs at you.*

  19. Hey dude! Hope you have fun here!

  20. I crash into the mountain with an explosion. Then I teleport underground. Next thing YOU know, You get pulled underground by me and thrown through the tunnels...Straight into a Blade Burrower nest.*

  21. *I backflip over the b oomerang and jump on it. I ride it for a while. The I vanish. I reappear behind you, and blast you with ice, freezing you solid.*

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