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Status Updates posted by Zionfighter7G

  1. Interesting... Where can I find this 'group'? I wish to epicly fail with people I slightly know, rather than with people I actually do know. Lol.

  2. 1: I see... Well get a better connection. 2: Ah well, Everyone has it on the Xbox...

  3. Its about time I actually got around to watching Prince of Persia....

  4. Question 1: Do you haz live, and if you do haz live, do you haz Reach?

    Question 2: I see you haz Command and Conquer 3 as one of ur list of games. Do you haz it on PC?

  5. Phew! I'll tell ya one thing, Louisiana is NOT Laptop friendly... But I made it out ok. There are now TWO, Yes, you heard me, TWO NEW CHAPTERS! *applause*

  6. I read your rule about why Kat's Death was lame, and I think I have an explanation. *clears throat* As Kat was very un-observant (That being the case of how she lost her arm) and she was exposed to the radiation flare longer than any other spartans, it could of explained that her energy sheilding was de-activated. But yes, it was lame.

  7. Even I don't know what I'm talking about DX

  8. I just assumed by your skill, and the fact you helped with HF You were an adult. Lol

  9. Wow, I just noticed you're only 14.. That be Shocking it is.

  10. I decided to be nice and put it online already! Better then my 2 year anniversary...

  11. Also, one other thing, the New Chapters will be on the website a day before it's on BzP.

  12. Yes, you will. KahB 2 should be up this week!

  13. It fits inside the set boundaries.

  14. I probably will see it sometime this month... if not, Iron Man 2.... Hopefully Prince of Persia.

  15. Not Really... My Friend really likes it... I still haven't seen it! XD

  16. You CLEARLY don't like Prince of Persia... (XD Sarcasm)

  17. Actually, The Chimoru is True... Go to Google Translate, choose Detect Language, and Type in Chi, and Moru... You'll see what I mean... Thanks about the Sig!



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