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Rocket Plumber

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Status Updates posted by Rocket Plumber

  1. Is that you in your personal pic?

  2. I didn't know that WATER could improve athletic performance.

  3. Hi, where did you get the quote in your sig from? The music makers one, that is.

  4. My congratulations on making BIONICLE history

  5. I'm sure that B6 would be all "Banned members are not to be discussed- B6" if he saw what you wrote, Lieutenant

  6. Thanks! I'm glad! What's up, BTW?

  7. Oh, well, we all have our own talents. You should really see me plumb, though.

  8. I guess being stabbed is your thing, right?

  9. Hi! Just popped by, lol. But yeah, seriously, I just popped by.

  10. Hi! Sorry I missed your birthday, but I had an exam yesterday. Late cheers! Not to mention invisible cake!

  11. Well, you DO resemble me in some ways. You're just better at it :-p

  12. But seriously, you're one of the people on my role model list right now. And you're very high up. You are an all round awesome person. 'Nuff said.

  13. Hi Smeag! You provide awesome retaliation to those who screw up your forum! I salute you![/infomaniac voice]

  14. Wow, Arpie...But HOW exactly did you dress as Zeddy?

  15. Are you deaf? No, really.

  16. Nah, no problem at all. I get that a lot. No offence, but, who are you?

  17. Mind if I add you as a friend?

  18. Yeah. Even I've seen that guy. I know him in real life. He used to be spinaxenergyhound.Doesn't use his account anymore, though.

  19. Umm.....no. If we did, then I forgot. Haven't been here for a few months

  20. You're Indian? Do you live in Delhi?

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