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Posts posted by ALVIS

  1. I hated the way Kaita were handled after 2001. The introduction of Bohrok Kaita and Rahkshi Kaita contributed nothing to the story and only swelled the ranks of potential Kaita to an absurd amount. Ideally, only the Toa Mata would have been capable of forming Kaita; that would keep the numbers at a manageable level.


    However, since the Masters are the only Toa we've seen so far in this universe, I would not at all be averse to seeing Akamai and Wairuha make a reappearance, so long as they are accompanied by the same aura of mystery and mysticism as they were in 2001.

  2. Put me down for recycling some of the more memorable Matoran/Turaga as Protectors. But the characters I really, truly hope to see again, even though I know I won't, are the Piraka. They simply ooze personality, and their sarcastic quips and backstabbing antics made each of their scenes a joy to read. If the new story team could resurrect them with even a fraction of the personality they had in 2006, I would be swift to proclaim this reboot continuity even better than the original.

  3. I appreciate all of the Toa Nuva equally, with the exception of Takanuva. As others have said before me, the story team sidelined his role after 2003 and never bothered to explore his character arc.


    Even worse were the Toa Inika. I've read the Legends books, and I just don't understand how Greg Farshtey and the rest of the story team managed to botch the Toa Inika so badly. The Piraka oozed personality, as did Axonn, Brutaka, the Barraki, and every other character who made their debut in Legends -- but the Toa Inika were as bland as six colorful cardboard cutouts. It's curious, since they were chosen because of their unique and vibrant personalities as Matoran, but immediately upon their transformation into Toa, they lost everything that made them interesting. In retrospect, I would have much rather seen six entirely new Toa arrive on the island than bring back the Mata Nui Matoran just to mangle them.


    However, both Takanuva and the Toa Inika's pure boringness pale in comparison to the Toa Hagah. Like the Toa Inika, they each had unique and interesting personalities when they were introduced as Rahaga -- but immediately upon their transformation back into Toa, they dropped everything and became cookie-cutter elemental stereotypes. A reader can't tell Iruini from Matau or Norik from Jaller, nor can one tell any of the rest of the Hagah from each other. The bland, uncreative Toa we saw in Dwellers in Darkness were a far cry from the unorthodox, intriguing Rahaga we saw in Challenge of the Hordika, and it was certainly not a change for the better.


    All the other Toa are pretty decent. Lesovikk, Helryx, and Tuyet (even though I despise her contrived revival in Reign of Shadows) all contributed interesting personalities and motivations to the mix, and Lhikan and Nidhiki are legendary. We never really saw enough of the other Toa (Jovan, Orde, Chiara, Zaria, Varian, Naho) for me to make any real judgments on them, so I'll let them get off free. But the Toa Hagah, the Toa Inika, and Takanuva were each a complete waste of word space, and should never have been made into Toa at all.

  4. Good choice. Adventures was Farshtey's premiere series, and it exemplifies his strengths as a writer while not being dominated by his flaws. The characterization of the Toa Metru is much deeper, more detailed, and interesting than that of the Toa Inika or Toa Nuva, and their personalities clash with and complement each other in varied and diverse ways. Additionally, Metru Nui is a rich and intriguing setting; while isolated from the rest of the universe at this time, it has a lengthy history, and there are many allusions to other locations within the Matoran universe. On top of all that, the villains are cool, and we all know that a good villain can make or break a story.


    So, yes, Adventures is a very good choice. If you find your appetite continues even after you've read it, I would recommend buying Legends 1-5, purely for the sake of reading up on the Piraka. Their sarcastic banter, villainous antics, and unique perspectives make every scene involving them a joy to read, and the Voya Nui story arc is heavy with tension and dramatic weight.

  5. How about, they use an Olmak to try and get to where the Great-Beings took refuge to find out stuff for Mata Nui, but some protective shield around the Great-Beings' planet warps them randomly to Okoto, and they need to  get the mask of creation in that dimension and revive Ekimu to make a kanohi Olmak to take them back.


    Hurrah! It's a continuation after all!


    I have never seen a purer form of sheer desperation.


    The past is to be celebrated, but we need to move on and learn to let it go.

    • Upvote 2
  6. I'd say this Makuta is hardly comparable to the original one. While his motivation and color scheme (after his corruption) are similar, his origins are very different. Namely, he actually is the brother of the Big Good, as opposed to a megalomaniac wannabe. He's also more sympathetic; at least, by my interpretation, he was just trying to prove he could make a really cool mask, and then everything got out of control (ironic, considering he wore the Mask of Control). However, since we've seen no actual dialogue or conversation from either him or Ekimu, it's hard to pin down any elements of his personality... all of which basically means he's not the old Makuta in any sense.

  7. The return of BIONICLE has rekindled a lot of interest among fans, even among those whose interest had started to wane. However, many of us are older than we were, and I understand there's something of a stigma attached to high school or college age people obsessing over a LEGO toyline. BIONICLE isn't a particularly acceptable or "mainstream" fandom, unlike, say, Doctor Who, or Avatar: The Last Airbender. That leads me to hypothesize that many of its fans conceal their interests during everyday life.


    Now, anyone on BZPower clearly has at least some interest in BIONICLE. But outside of the Internet, how public are you about being a BIONICLE fan? I'm interested to see how secretive the community is as a whole.

    • Upvote 1

    Why do they gotta be female....?


    (1) To remove females from the storyline would be a high offense to all ladies in the fanbase -- and there are quite a few -- and LEGO would lose a huge portion of their fans.


    (2) Even though it's a different universe entirely, Bionicle is based on reality's basic precepts, one of those being the existence of both male and female. If Bionicle lacked these precepts, fans could no longer relate to the characters, and almost all interest in the storyline would disappear.


    (3) As far as I know, many if not most of us want romance to be canonized this time around. And without females present, that would be obviously impossible.


    On a side note, I also hope that they don't throw in a ton of characters that never appear again / don't get a set / aren't even given a canonized appearance.



    You're wrong on point 3. Even if there were no female characters, there could obviously still be romance plots. ;)


    Of course, LEGO probably wouldn't have the guts to include openly LGBTQA+ characters. But a man can dream.

    • Upvote 6

    Bonesiii, with this reboot will you be finishing your history of BIONICLE?

    Oh yes. =D


    And part of me is happy there's now not going to be a canon "future of Spherus Magna" (yet.....), so I'll feel more free to do the small sequel too. :P


    By contrast -- that makes me extremely confident that BIONICLE 2015 will have a coherent, consistent, and comfortably-sized storyline.

    So only Greg writes stories that aren't perfectly coherent, consistent, and comfortably-sized? :P



    Well, you've got me there. But, while I enjoyed some elements of Greg's writing style, he was heavily inspired by DC/Marvel superhero comics, and that influenced him to create overly complex and convoluted plotlines. I also didn't like his philosophy of never planning ahead, and I hate that he always told BZPers who asked him about writing never to write outlines, because what works for one writer might not work for another.


    But I digress. The point is, this story team seems a lot more unified in vision, and the scope of their story is smaller (though it might branch out later). Both of those are promising qualities.

  10. This is something that would actually be worth asking GregF. Personally, I reckon that the Nuva would become "turaga nuva". They'd keep their Nuva-granted abilities while losing their Toa energy.


    We already know that -- it's been confirmed a thousand times over that they would become Turaga Nuva. (Similarly, the Toa Mahri would become the Turaga Mahri and remain amphibious.) The OP's actual question is far more interesting to me, especially because I don't really have an answer. Simply based on my gut reaction, I'd say no; I think the Turaga Nuva would keep the entirety of their Nuva abilities, and any Toa they created would just be regular Toa.

    • Upvote 1

    Well BS01 has them as planets so I go with that.

    That's because you edited them to be that way, in error, and nobody on BS01 has the guts to tell you you're wrong and fix it. 


    Rule of thumb: wiki is only as good as the original source of the information and the people who put it together. 



    There's no need for name-calling. I don't like it either, but if you like, I can start a discussion on that. The go-to solution would be to re-ask Greg for clarification, but we tried that, and he just said "I'll admit I don't actually know much about physics; you shouldn't ask me about those sorts of things in the first place", without confirming or denying anything. Which leaves us... nowhere, really. *shrugs*

    • Upvote 1
  12. I do not believe that the Makuta will return in Bionicle 2015. My reasoning: they are all (except two) dead according to the cannon serial stories by Greg Farshty. My only other argument would be that yes, the Makuta will return in Bionicle 2015 as minor characters due to the fact that there are two left in existence.


    [various other arguments based on events that occurred in the post-2010 serials]


    Respectfully, you've left out the obvious conclusion: that BIONICLE 2015 is a hard reboot, and does not, in fact, share the same continuity with the 2001-2011 BIONICLE saga. As a reboot, the line wouldn't have to consider any of the plot points that Greg introduced in the serials, since they would not even have occurred in this continuity. In a reboot, anything is possible. :)

  13. Looking back on the story, I noticed something. Mata-Nui is not a very good charactor.

    When looking at the vast history of the matoran universe, what do you notice? Mata-Nui could care less about the people inside him. 


    I tried to resist, but I just couldn't. The phrase "could care less" does not mean what you think it means, and it drives me absolutely berserk to see people misusing language in such a patently boneheaded way.




    Now, with that out of the way... yeah, I'm going to have to agree with what Sumiki said. Mata Nui wasn't a very good ruler, no, and his characterization in 2009-2010 wasn't very compelling at all.


    However, keep in mind that, during his epic space voyages, we were never given Mata Nui's side of the story; we only saw his lack of involvement from the universe inside him, as opposed to his great involvement with the universe outside. There was a lot for him to study and think about, and he was probably very dedicated to his duty (just not his people). That's not unreasonable, since his duty was, if you recall, kind of a big deal. :P


    Mata Nui's shortcomings were pretty much the point of the whole story, but he did have redeeming factors. I think one great thing he did do was retreating into the Ignika at the end of the saga. After all, too much hero worship and blind loyalty was the problem that shattered Spherus Magna in the first place. His dormancy, while insensitive to the feelings of Kiina and his friends, was rather wise on the larger scale.

    • Upvote 3


    Of course that rules out a 2 Le- 1 Ta- Kaita. If the Toa involved want to create a Kaita or Nui, they must be different elements. A Vo-, Fe- and Ba-Toa can create a Kaita, but 3 le-Toa cannot. Nor can any Toa who share elements form any fusion.

    Toa can't create Nui sadly. :/

    Can't, or haven't? If the Matoran and Turaga can form both Nui and Kaita, why not Toa?



    Greg eventually confirmed that a Toa Nui couldn't happen, because it would be way too powerful and unbalance the story. Frankly, I agree.

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