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Blog Entries posted by SPIRIT

    Well, it's nearly 20 days since I got the weevil in my cereal and today I noticed an interesting e-mail from Kellogg Canada. They apologised greatly for the incident, thanked me for telling them their cereal was "unsatisfactory" (), and are going to send me reimbursement coupons in the mail. Whether or not I'm going to chance the cereal again once I get the coupons is debatable.
    Now that they've appologised, though, I feel sorta bad about spazzing out on them. I mean, when I wrote the e-mail, it was pretty early in the morning and I was pretty tired since it was a Friday and all. Even so, I did almost get a little more crunch in my cereal than I wanted...
    Either way, the moral of the story is that you should have waffles for breakfast.
    This morning, after finishing a box cereal and munching down on it, I noticed something odd in my bowl. I scooped it out with my spoon and looked at it closely. I then saw that it was a...
    That's right, as small brown beetle was in my cereal. Now it was dead, so it wasn't that gross but the scary thing is that it looked just like a broken off piece of raisin. I immediately taped it to a piece of paper and e-mailed the company in complaint. I'll keep you updated on their response.
    Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to now try my best not to lose my lunch (or breakfast as the case may be).
    ♫"The worst part of waking up, is a weevil in your cup!"♫
    "Were you listening to me Harry, or were you looking at the woman in the red dress?"
    A mash-up of this scene from The Matrix and this scene from Deathly Hallows will occur -- I guarantee it.
    Today was the fateful day that I went to school to receive both the results of my report card and the results of the grade 10 literacy test. All in all, I did very well, I passed the literacy test (obviously) and got over 86% on my report card. The problem, however, was the quest to obtain these documents.
    On the way there, it was sort of warm outside, a bit too warm for jeans, but I wore them anyway. When I finally got to the bus stop, I was pretty hot, sweating and whatnot. The bus came about five minutes later and it was packed- I barely managed to get on. After a smelly, hot bus ride to my other bus stop, I was pretty tired. When I finally got there and checked the bus arrival schedule, I saw that it was twenty minutes until the bus came so I decided to walk up the hill to my school (which takes only ten minutes). I finally made it, got inside, grabbed my report card, and left. As I made the trip back down the hill, I heard about 15 splats, I turned around in fear that a flock of seagulls had just flown overhead, but luckily it was only rain. When I made it to the bus stop at the bottom of the hill, it had already started to rain lightly, so I tucked my report card under my shirt and waited for the bus. By the time the bus came, it had started to rain heavily. I got off at my bus stop and the pattering of rain against the pavement was deafening. Dejectedly, I thrust my report card under my shirt again and set off for home. 2/3 of the way to my house, the rain let up, but it was too late, my clothes and report card were both completely soaked. I was then forced to walk the rest of the way home half naked (since I was wearing a white t-shirt) and to make matters worse, a wind picked up that was very unpleasant against my damp skin.
    I finally arrived home with an ironic smile on my face and set to drying myself and my report card off with a hair dryer. I succeeded with the report card, but as I type this, I'm still cold and damp.
    It's been nearly a month since my last blog update and I'd like to say that it was because I was busy, but quite frankly, I'm just lazy.
    Since I last updated, I was promoted to Reference Keeper, finished that sound project that I had been promising you, ripped off an idea from Exo, filmed my first staff set review, and wrote a new chapter for Wildfire (which no one has reviewed yet ). From there, I finished the script for my next PSA (a script that I started writing back around AC#12 and never finished ) and so I just need to give it to the cast members as soon as they sign on to AIM/MSN. For my PSAs, I've been doing a bit of thinking and depending on the quality of Rayg's 2.5 kit, I MIGHT turn them into an actual series, but I will need someone who is willing to draw human sprites for me as well (if you're interested, drop me a PM with a sample of your work). Other than that, I've done another 0.5 of a chapter for Wildfire, but it needs quite a bit of cleaning up.
    Lastly, I was fiddling around with Flash and came out with something that you Harry Potter fans might find very useful:

    In case you're wondering, it's only 11 KB and I would very much appreciate credit if you use it.
    Well, after the 25th, I pretty much dropped off the face of the map as I celebrated Christmas and took an extended break from BZP. As I understand, there were subsequent riots in the street due to this absence, but fear not citizens -- I am back!
    So here's what I've been up to lately...
    Being the careful planner that I am, I went Christmas shopping on the 23rd. The mall was packed and selection was limited, but I somehow managed to get exactly what I was looking for. I got in a lot of driving practice as well, ferrying my sister to her various orthodontist appointments and now that the strike of whatever union gives out driver's licences is over, I'm going to need all the practice I can get to get fully licensed (as you can imagine, totalling two vehicles did not help my confidence behind the wheel).
    On that note, I got another battery of x-rays and CAT scans to see how my chest was doing all these months after the accident. And I must say, a CAT scan is much different when you aren't still woozy from anaesthetic. And in other leg-related news, I'd say I'm up to 90% now. I'll be in peak physical condition again in no time.
    I got my marks back from last semester as well. Turns out if I had gotten 1 percent more in any one of my courses, I'd still be on the dean's list, so I'm going to see if I can talk to any of my professors about that because that's just annoying.
    Well, with that out of the way, onto Christmas.
    I ended up getting The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks (FANTASTIC game, by the way), Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince for PS3 (although I like the fact that you can actually get Trophies in this game, it does seem a bit similar to Order of the Phoenix minus a few bells and whistles and unfortunately comes nowhere near the masterpieces that were games 2 and 3; good graphics, mind you), LittleBigPlanet (which I really haven't had time to properly dive into yet), and Scribblenauts (which is a fun little puzzle solver to pass the time).
    I also got my sister LEGO Batman and thanks to co-op mode, I ended up playing quite a bit of that as well.
    Now, if I might divert your attention for a moment for a mini review of Spirit Tracks.
    When I first heard they were making a game based around the steam engine, I was a little dubious, but Nintendo had yet to steer me wrong in the franchise so I decided to stick with them. This game was BRILLIANT. If Phantom Hourglass had a flaw, this corrected it. Great story, great characters, great side quests, great puzzles, great action, great gameplay, great everything! I also really enjoyed Zelda in this game and she is by far my favourite incarnation of the princess: high-fiving Link when they complete a level, wanting to beat up Byrne, freaking out about Malladus wanting to take over her body (and not really caring about him wanting to destroy mankind ), and taking control of invincible metal soldiers. For once, she deserves having the Legend being named after her.
    So yeah.
    On Boxing Day, we went to visit my mom's side of the family and we did a present exchange game. I wound up with a mountain full of candy, but for a moment I was in possession of a pair of highly-coveted Canadian Olympic mittens (if you live in Canada, you probably know what I'm talking about). Not that I normally wear mittens, but I would've liked the bragging rights.
    Then we spent a few days with my dad's side of the family before it was off to Florida for a week.
    Sadly, it was not one of the best Florida vacations we've gone on as the temperature barely ever went above 10 Celsius. Our house was nice, though; easily 20 foot ceilings and a private pool in the backyard (which was unusable as it had no heater). We still had fun as a family, though, doing much more mini-golf and bowling than going to the beach like we usually do.
    Well, fun's over and now it's back to the old grind.
    So I was procrastinating today.
    "Whoa, SPIRIT was procrastinating? Stop the presses!"

    So I decided to see what this whole Twitter craze was about and went to check out the site. On the main page, they've got like this search bar, so I thought to myself, hey, why don't I see if people are tweeting about BIONICLE?
    So I search for some random BIONICLE words and while I'm sifting through the results when I come upon a series of... just weird tweets. I don't know if this is a prank or some promotion by LEGO... but it's just... weird...
    So yeah, here is the guy's profile. There's also a bunch of other accounts he's following that seem to be doing the same sort of thing.
    Has anyone else seen this? I don't even know what to say about it...
    So, as most of you probably don't know, when Tahu killed all the Rahkshi in the last comic with the golden armour, he actually gained their powers. Now, according to Greg, not every type of Rahkshi would have been sent on the invasion of Bara Magna so he probably doesn't have all 42 powers, but if you were in charge of the storyline, which powers would you give Tahu, which ones would you not give him, and why? (For your convenience, here's my Flash Kraata Maker).
    So here's what I think:
    Fear: Yes. Tahu seems like the kind of guy who would be fine with scaring his enemies away, plus the Fear Rahkshi was red.
    Disintegration: No. This means of destruction is a bit too subtle for Tahu.
    Poison: No way José. Rahkshi poison and Tahu do not mix well.
    Fragmentation: Absolutely. I don't think Tahu would be satisfied if he didn't get the ability to make things blow up after his ordeal.
    Hunger: Yes. I think Tahu would have no problem draining power from foes, especially since it's a fairly non-lethal way of beating them.
    Anger: No, not unless he could use it on himself, lol.
    Weather Control: No, this seems more like something a Toa of Water would use.
    Elasticity: No, Tahu is a bit too proud to absorb hits like a cartoon character
    Heat Vision: (He already has this one).
    Illusion: Yeah, Tahu has been known to use trickery.
    Teleportation: Yeah, I mean, the world's a big place, so how else is he going to get around?
    Quick Healing: Yes, Tahu probably could've used this one eons ago.
    Laser Vision: Yes, I mean, he has heat vision, so why not?
    Gravity: Yes, Tahu could use it as a sort of telekinesis.
    Electricity: Yes. We've seen Fire and Lightning with Jaller so why not with Tahu?
    Sonics: No, doesn't seem like a Tahu power.
    Vacuum: No, Fire doesn't do too well when it comes to vacuums.
    Plasma: Yes, I mean, that would sort of get him back to his original power level, wouldn't it?
    Magnetism: No, just doesn't fit with him.
    Fire Resistance: No, he has this one innately anyway.
    Ice Resistance: Yes, I think he'd get a real kick out of using this one against Kopaka.
    Mind Reading: Yes. I mean, half the characters can already read minds anyway without any adequately explained reason as to why or how (I'm looking at you Takanuva and Gali) so I could see Tahu joining the club.
    Shapeshifting: No, this one seems a bit much for a Toa.
    Darkness: No way. Even if he did get this one, there's no way he'd use it.
    Plant Control: Nah, unless he only used it to grow Madu Cabolo, I don't think this is really a power for a Toa of Fire.
    Molecular Disruption: No. Once again, too subtle for Tahu's taste.
    Chain Lightning: No, not if he gets Electricity. This one would just be too redundant and powerful.
    Cyclone: Yes, I can just imagine the fire tornado he could make with this one.
    Density Control: Yes, I think it'd be great to see Tahu just go intangible and be unable to be hit one moment and then become super-dense for an attack of his own the next.
    Chameleon: Yes, while it's not quite the Huna he used to have, it'd still be good for sneaking around.
    Accuracy: Yes, especially when Tahu gets really hotheaded he'd need this one.
    Rahi Control: No. Seems like a slap to the face for 2001 if he got this one.
    Insect Control: No, it's pretty much the same thing as Rahi control anyway.
    Stasis Field: No, freezing things isn't Tahu's style.
    Limited Invulnerability: No, this one's a bit much for a Toa.
    Power Scream: Yes. Tahu likes to shoot his mouth off at times, so why not have him do it in style?
    Dodge: Yes. Jaller sort of had this as a Toa Inika, and I can see Tahu using a similar strategy.
    Silence: Yes, I imagine he'd also use this one to cheat and win in arguments by just silencing whomever he was arguing with.
    Adaptation: No, seems a bit much for a Toa.
    Slowness: Yes, largely this power would work like the Vahi, I think.
    Confusion: No. Tahu's usually the confused one, he wouldn't need his enemies becoming confused too.
    Sleep: Yes, makes for a lot of easy wins.
    Code (if you're really lazy ):

    [b]Fear:[/b] [b]Disintegration:[/b] [b]Poison:[/b] [b]Fragmentation:[/b] [b]Hunger:[/b] [b]Anger:[/b] [b]Weather Control:[/b] [b]Elasticity:[/b] [b]Heat Vision:[/b] (He already has this one). [b]Illusion:[/b] [b]Teleportation:[/b] [b]Quick Healing:[/b] [b]Laser Vision:[/b] [b]Gravity:[/b] [b]Electricity:[/b] [b]Sonics:[/b] [b]Vacuum:[/b] [b]Plasma:[/b] [b]Magnetism:[/b] [b]Fire Resistance:[/b] [b]Ice Resistance:[/b] [b]Mind Reading:[/b] [b]Shapeshifting:[/b] [b]Darkness:[/b] [b]Plant Control:[/b] [b]Molecular Disruption:[/b] [b]Chain Lightning:[/b] [b]Cyclone:[/b] [b]Density Control:[/b] [b]Chameleon:[/b] [b]Accuracy:[/b] [b]Rahi Control:[/b] [b]Insect Control:[/b] [b]Stasis Field:[/b] [b]Limited Invulnerability:[/b] [b]Power Scream:[/b] [b]Dodge:[/b] [b]Silence:[/b] [b]Adaptation:[/b] [b]Slowness:[/b] [b]Confusion:[/b] [b]Sleep:[/b]
    I hope that got your attention.
    I saw the movie about a month ago and I have a fairly neutral opinion of it. Sure there was a lot of impressive CGI and stuff, but for some reason I'm not seeing how it became the number one selling movie of all time or why I keep hearing about people desperately wishing to go to Pandora.
    I can pretty much trace this back to the sense of nausea the 3D effects of the movie induced in me, so as impartially as you can, I'd appreciate hearing what exactly it is about the movie that has everyone hooked.
  10. SPIRIT
    So here's something I've wondered for the past decade. Do people pick the same sort of games in a Pokémon version pair? E.g. Does everyone who picks Red Version always pick Gold Version? I'm not asking if you have the games, I just want to know which you'd pick given the choice between them.
    Red or Blue?
    Gold or Silver?
    Ruby or Sapphire?
    Diamond or Pearl?
    Black or White?
    Oddly enough, I always pick the first one in the pair (Red, Gold, Ruby, Diamond, Black) for no discernible reason. How about you?
  11. SPIRIT
    This last couple of weeks has been quite the whirlwind for me. Millions of things due in school, not to mention Reading Week, so here's what I've been up to lately.
    Just before reading week, my professors decided to make everything due at once. Wasn't that nice of them? After finally stressing and fighting my way through a seemingly endless pile of assignments, it was suddenly Reading Week, but it was no time for relaxing.
    No sir, no relaxing at all. Some people from my church and I would be going to the distant snowbound lands of central Manitoba on the very fringes of civilization itself. We went there to go visit four Native reserves so that we could organize some game days for the kids as well as second-hand clothing sales.
    It's a very different world all the way up there. Alcoholism and cycles of poverty and abuse are unfortunately rampant, not to mention extremely overpriced goods and a lack of good public services. Despite all that, they manage to survive. The kids were really happy to see us, though, and running around the gym was just like being back at camp again.
    And today I went to court about the accident I had this summer. I chose not to go to trial and we managed to get the charge down to 2 demerit points and an $85 fine. It was a very stressful experience, to say the least, as I had no idea what was going on and the guy representing me kept leaving randomly. On the bright side, I did find out that in Canada, we don't say "your honour", we say "your worship". Still, though, I'd have been happier not knowing if it meant I didn't have to go through all this...
    So that's what I've been up to lately.
    Coming soon:
    The last few chapters of my TLR Spoof. An overhaul of the Software Forum rules. Me actually updating the BRC timeline for the first time in months. Me finishing that pronunciation guide... hopefully.
  12. SPIRIT
    Well, it took some fiddling about, but I've finally managed to get my Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Connector working again, which means that now I can start playing Nintendo DS games against people over the Internet once more. If you have any of the games listed in the content block marked Gaming Info, drop me a PM and hopefully we'll be able to face each other. I'm particularly keen on getting a game of Civilization Revolution going to see if beating the computer on Deity level is actually something to be proud of.
  13. SPIRIT
    Hey, I just entered The Legend Continues contest. The prizes sounded pretty good, and I felt that the Skull Slicer kind of got a raw deal only showing up in 2 web animations and getting like a sentence of lore. He was this arena champion who inexplicably had 4 arms. So many questions...
    Also, I've been off and on writing another movie spoof. I'll finish it someday...
  14. SPIRIT
    Has anyone else beaten Xi on Playstation Home yet (or even heard about it, for that matter )? I did this morning and managed to secure myself three shiny trophies.
    But I will admit it, I had copious amounts of help from online walkthroughs.
  15. SPIRIT
    So I’m a productive adult. I’ve got a job and friends and things are pretty good when you average everything out. I’m entitled to a little mindless television every now and then. But, as a major cheapskate millennial and someone who hates media commitments because of how seriously he takes them, I don’t have TV so I just bum around watching cruddy YouTube videos in my recommended videos feed to opiate my brain from a long day of thinking and worry.
    And here’s what grinds my gears, what gets my goat, what shivers my timbers, what rustles my jimmies.
    When YouTubers state that their opinions are opinions.
    You spineless, mewling milksops!
    You can’t stand by an opinion? You’ve got to water it down with “oh just FYI this is my opinion don’t get mad pls”. WELL TOUGH TAMALES, AMIGO! THIS IS THE INTERNET! PEOPLE GET MAD! PEOPLE DOWNVOTE THINGS THEY DON’T LIKE!
    I don’t care how mundane your video or your opinion is. Just present it as fact! Stick to your guns! That’s the difference between strength and weakness, and people are sure as heck more interested in that than right or wrong. Even if I disagree with what you say, I can at least respect you standing up for what you believe in.
    Because like I was saying before, the internet hive mind gets mad. Whoop dee doo! Just ignore them!
    As the saying goes “haters gonna hate”, or the more updated version “dab on the haters”.
    You can’t please everyone, but at least please yourself. There are worse fates than being hated on the internet. “Oh I can’t say this, the Internet will get mad!”
    An angry view and a happy view still bring in the same ad revenue!
    Okay, that’s all I got.
    But can we also stop with the weird standard intros to things, catchphrases, and stupid names for YouTuber fanbases? Like I get that traditions are fun, people like repetition, and inventing words is fun, but just stooooooop! For goodness sake, this part of YouTube culture is much worse than the whole inability to support an opinion.
    It’s cool that you’re famous for talking to your webcam everyday, but try to get a little perspective on the content of your videos.
    Okay, that’s it for me.
    Be sure to rate, comment, and subscribe. Don’t forget to SMASH that bell! And let me tell you about my friends at some stupid website that sells junk no one wants.
  16. SPIRIT
    Just saw Zootopia today. Good movie. 6/6 Spirit Stars. Would recommend.
    I thought it was a pretty good sequel to Disney's Robin Hood, even if it makes no references to the original characters. I guess that can be forgiven since the movie takes place 800 years in the future. (Okay, it's not really a sequel, but there are a lot of similarities: the mayor's a lion, the heroes are a fox and a rabbit? It totally fits!)
    But yeah, there were so many Easter Eggs in that movie, it might be worth getting the DVD just for a chance to pause and catch them all.
    Wait a minute...
    A movie starring a rabbit full of Easter Eggs? You sly devils...
    The story was pretty great as well, albeit a bit predictable. I think I'm okay with that, though, because it was still a good story. Media has taught us to predict the unpredictable, but a good story is still a good story. The movie also had a really good message about tolerance, prejudice, and the plight of the white cishet male in the modern postcolonial world... or maybe it was just rehashing season 1 of The Legend of Korra. Who can say? (Cameo by J.K. Simmons, though -- it totally fits!)
    Also I saw the Australian version, so I was treated to David Koalabell instead of the glory that I'm sure was Peter Moosebridge. Really cool of them to make regional variants on that scene. The whole film was cool. $16 AUD well spent. I can't wait for Zootopia 2: The Rezoovenation.
    It's a bit strange that they would have a modern society, but keep animal-themed names for things. Judy Hopps? Zootopia? That'd be like having a human called Judy Walker or a human place called Manhattan. Oh...
    And all through out the movie, I had this weird feeling of deja vu. Futuristic city where the neighbourhoods are divided into different biomes... Now where have I seen that before?
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