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Which Pokémon Version?



So here's something I've wondered for the past decade. Do people pick the same sort of games in a Pokémon version pair? E.g. Does everyone who picks Red Version always pick Gold Version? I'm not asking if you have the games, I just want to know which you'd pick given the choice between them.


Red or Blue?

Gold or Silver?

Ruby or Sapphire?

Diamond or Pearl?

Black or White?


Oddly enough, I always pick the first one in the pair (Red, Gold, Ruby, Diamond, Black) for no discernible reason. How about you?


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I generally just got whatever color I liked better, so it kinda flipped around. I have


Sapphire (actually got Ruby first, but I played this more)




I also have the third versions and all of the main-series GBA games (why I did that I'll never know =P).



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Well, while I don't own any of those (weird!), I did choose HG, and I was gonna get Pearl but then just waited for Platinum, and I'm getting Black.


So no... I just get whichever one has exclusives I like better. I do tend towards liking the colors of the second group, though.

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Platinum (cuz I never got Diamond or Pearl)


Red version was something I didn't pick myself (and I went for Bulbasaur as the starter anyway), but the other one's just had more appealing legendaries. And Platinum was because I jumped on the bandwagon too late and figured why bother with Diamond/Pearl. I would have gone for Pearl though, I generally like more humanoid legendaries.


Which is why I'm going for White Version.


Edit: Also, as remakes go, I didn't get FR/LG, but I definitely would have gone for LeafGreen, to balance it, and I got SoulSilver for the same reason.

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I picked Pearl and Platinum for Generation IV, along with Firered and Emerald. This generation I'm picking Black.


Not sure what that says about me, other than that I have excellent taste in patron Legendaries. :P



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I picked Pearl and Platinum for Generation IV, along with Firered and Emerald. This generation I'm picking Black.


Not sure what that says about me, other than that I have excellent taste in patron Legendaries. :P



Bah, I don't really like Reshiram. :P


But I'm getting Black anyway. Because of the other exclusives, tech tech theme, and also my neighbor is getting White.

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Platinum, HeartGold and Black.


I have all previous main games on my computer and play with an emulator, since I got into Pokémon way too late. Also playing on a DS compared to the computer is a more pleasing experience, if you ask me.


When playing on my emulator I just pick hatever game I feel like playing, but mostly it's FireRed and Ruby. I don't play Red since I play FireRed and I already have HeartGold so I can't be bothered to play Gold.


Then when I got a DS I decided to actually buy games, which happened to be HG and Platinum, because they were the ones available.


When Black and White comes to Europe I'll be getting Black, while a friend of mine from US gets White.



So yes, I do tend to get the "first" ones for some reason.

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I picked...







White (well, soon)


But I also have Red, Yellow, Silver(x2 - same with Gold xD), and Saphire, sooo... Yeah.

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Guest kopakanuva13


I tend to pick the color I like more.






Red Rescue Team



Black (because of the Gothimu family, more than anything)


So a definite trend towards the red/gray/black colors.

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I have various reasons for the versions I've picked, Daimond I picked because my sister had it, SoulSilver I got because my sister bought me it(So I didn't have a choice anyway :P )Sapphire i picked because it was the only one I could get my hands on(Even though I wanted Ruby), and White I picked because I liked the look of Zekrom better than Reshiram.




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