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Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Entries posted by SPIRIT

    Well, sort of.
    This time it's inside me as opposed to my computer. This morning I had trouble waking up and felt really nauseous. When I wasn't even able to take two bites of cereal (which hopefully was weevil free), my parents decided I should stay home for the day. I had a nap and a small piece of turkey pot pie (leftover from Canadian thanksgiving) and I'm feeling better now, but certainly not 100%.
    On a more positive note, I beat Lego Star Wars II over the long weekend and I'm almost done VNOLG so if my other computer is fixable I will have a charmed life.
    Wikipedia was unhelpful in this regard, so I bring my question to you. As a child, when you played tag, there would have been a "safe zone" that while touched prevented you from becoming It. I would like to know what term you used to name this safe zone.
    Personally, everyone I knew called it T (short for time-out). Wikipedia calls this "gool" or "base". What names do you know of?
    Alright, BZPower. I know I'm generally not a very serious guy, but there come times when the joking must stop. I come to you about a very serious issue that I believe everyone should be aware of.
    A bonobo chimpanzee by the name of Kanzi has discovered many troubling things in the past few years. He can use sign language, recognize pictograms, make fire, cook food, make tools, use knives, and even play video games.
    That's right, ladies and gentlemen. Throw out your zombie plans; the ape-ocalpse is coming! I've seen Planet of the Apes, unless we come up with plans to deal with this coming threat, we'll all be wild savages and zoo exhibits.
    Now, assuming the apes don't figure out computers or written English, I should be safe posting my own Ape-ocalypse Plan here, but I will have a backup plan just in case. So here's my plan:
    1) Forget bribing them with bananas. Scientists say that the banana will go extinct in ten years -- it'd be suicide to rely on them!
    2) Apes are notorious for not being able to throw. The advantage we humans hold over the apes is that while apes are able to swing from tree to tree easier than us, we can throw much better than them. That being the case, we should destroy all our firearms and invest in throwing spears and atlatls. I, myself, will set up a private stockpile in the basement just in case.
    3) Since apes are tropical creatures, our only hope may be to retreat to the north, where we'll be safe unless they figure out how to use animal pelts for warmth. With my quiver of throwing spears and winter coat, I should be safe. If not, I can still use snowballs as weapons because, once again, apes can't throw.
    4) Humans have the most stamina for running out of any other creature -- as long as the apes don't figure out how to use our vehicles, I should be safe.
    5) My eventual plan will be to retreat to a remote ice floe in the Canadian north where I'll be safe to run guerrilla (yes, I realize the irony) attacks on the simian uprising, doing my part to gradually whittle down their numbers so that we can reclaim civilization (as you know, humans breed more often than apes).
    So what are your Ape-ocalypse Plans? Let me know in the comments or post it in your own blog and give me a link.
    Guns, scary elves, and bail; suspect freed
    By The Canadian Press
    MONTREAL - A man who allegedly armed himself with high-powered weapons because he believed elves were stalking him has been granted bail.
    David Abitbol will have to respect a number of conditions which include surrendering his firearms and not using electronic devices like computers to communicate with others.
    His father has also agreed to post $25,000 bail.
    Testimony at his bail hearing revealed that Abitbol thought he saw elves everywhere and needed the firepower to keep them at bay.
    Found this article on Yahoo! News. The article goes on to mention a few things which I can't post on the site, but suffice to say that he's been caught doing some bad things. Now tell me this article isn't the sort of thing to appear at the end of an Artemis Fowl book.
    Around 8:00 AM today, my mom told me that she thought she heard something hit our house. Both she and my dad checked all around, but found nothing. Later, it turned out that a nearby house had exploded and that my house (about 3 km or so away) had been hit by the shock-wave! Around 5:00 PM, my family drove over to the site of the explosion and there were people, news cars, firetrucks, and the smell of burning everywhere. The whole area was blocked off by police tape, but we were able to see some footage of the rubble on the 6 o'clock news. Luckily, no one was killed, but two people were injured (the house's owner and ironically the guy who had owned the house 10 years earlier, who was out for a stroll). Even stranger, was the fact that the exploded house in question was actually sold that very day. Police don't know the cause of the explosion yet, but they assume it was a gas leak.
    The scary part of it all is that I know three people who live in that area (like a block or so away), but as far as I know, they're okay.
    UPDATE: It turns out there's evidence that it was an attempted suicide, but police aren't sure yet.
    Just wanted to do a mini survey to figure out if raising one eyebrow is really as difficult as people say it is. Can you do it? Can you move both your eyebrows independently of one another? I've been able to for as long as I can remember and it absolutely amazes some people (granted, there are some people out there who don't know how to wink and I just feel sorry for them).
    So yeah, in a similar vein, what other "party tricks" can you do? Vulcan salute? Ear wiggling? Nostril flaring? Asynchronous eye movement? Tongue curling (I also find it astounding that not everyone can do this either)? Elbow licking?
    I only ask because I can do them all.
    No one is out to get you.
    No one at all.
    Your life is boring and you are not the centre of some dastardly plot.
    Get over it.
    Actually, now that I think about it, there is someone out to get you:
    Me, if you don't stop harping on about your irrational fears! :angry:
    That is all.

    Since April 14th, 2006, those of you with microphones have been waiting for this moment. You have been hoping, nay, praying for a day when you too could star in another Flash PSA. Previously, I have only recruited people whose voices I had heard before, but no longer. The script has been written and now is finally the time when I hold open auditions for parts in PSA #5!!!


    Yes, I know. So without further ado, I present you with the long and complex audition process:


    Mantax: "Oh come on! That's hilarious! Man, you never laugh at anything I say."

    Lewa: "*makes sounds to hush the person he is talking to* I know what I'm doing, when have I ever been wrong before?"

    Tahnok: "Hey there. I'm a Bohrok, and I’m here to return Mata Nui to the way it was in the before time."

    Matoro: "Oh, this’ll be a huge fad, let me tell you. It’ll be in all the signatures."


    Having chosen a part for which you plan on auditioning, simply record yourself saying the given line in italics. Then, attach it to an e-mail and send it to spirit [at] bzpower.com (of course replacing the [at] with an @) with the subject as Audition.
    IMPORTANT: Your audition must be in an e-mail and it must have Audition in the subject line or you will not be considered ().

    The deadline for submissions is 23:59:59 EST Saturday, February 9th, 2008 Anno Domini, which means you have roughly two weeks to do this.


    Q: Why didn't you just write out your e-mail there?

    A: Because, kids, that's one of the many ways spam bots send you e-mails.

    Q: Can I audition for more than one part?

    A: Absolutely. In fact, I encourage it; less people to share the script with.

    Q: What if I had a part in a previous PSA, can I still audition?

    A: Go right ahead.

    Q: Are those lines from the PSA?

    A: Sort of. I've changed them a bit, though, to get a better idea of the voices.

    Q: So how do you want me to say these lines?

    A: It's up to you. Don't keep the character in mind as much as the spirit of the line itself.

    Q: Can I use more than one voice for a particular line in my audition?

    A: Absolutely; the more the merrier.

    Q: Seriously, though, what does PSA stand for?


    Legal Stuff

    Upon becoming a cast member, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WHATSOEVER may you share information from the script I will send you. Doing so will cause me to use the :angry: emoticon and trust me, you wouldn't want that.
    Lets play a game. I'll type a whole story using only autocorrect suggestions. Let's see what we get:
    The fact I can see it as an excuse for the year and I don't think that I have a great way of the day before I get a follow back on my way home from work to be the first half of the year and I don't think that I have a great way of the day before I get a follow back on my way home from work to be the first half of the year of high quality of life and the first half of the day I have to go back and I don't know how much you love it and it is not the same thing to say I have a good time with the new version is better to be the best of the year of high quality of life and the first half of the day I have a good time with the new version is better to be the best of the year and a lot more fun and addicting and I don't think I can see it as an excuse for the next few weeks of school tomorrow and I'm still not sure what I was a great way of life is so cute I can't even see it in a while ago but the fact I can get it right away with the same thing to say I have to go back and I don't think that the two sides to be the first half of the day before the end of the year of high quality and the other hand is the only thing that would make it a lot of the day before I go back and I have a great way to the gym today and it was the best thing to say I love it and it is not the same time as the best thing to say that I can get it right away.
  10. SPIRIT
    As always, I seem to choose the worst time to go on hiatus, but at least I get to stick around for BZP's anniversary... for the first time ever... Anyway, I got the prestigious award of blog of the week while I was away and it had ironically been four days since I had added anything to my blog. It made me feel special, but I wasn't really expecting to win that particular prize (see below). Either way, I still have a snazzy banner and you don't.
    I was also a little sad to have missed the bulk of the Inika promo, but since us BZPers pretty much know all the ins and outs of the Inika already, it wasn't too much of a loss. The thing that I mentioned above that I was planning on winning was the S&T Contest, but as I agonised about it all week and practically tore out my hair with worry, little did I know that it the polls wouldn't start for another 2 weeks. :annoyed2:
    Well, enough about BZP and more about me. On the 29th, my family and I went up to Muskoka to visit my grandparents' house and to celebrate my little sister's 12th birthday (on the 30th) as well as Canada Day. The birthday went without a hitch and my sister had a lot of fun (and cake). July 1st rolls around and so does a thunderstorm (thus, no fireworks). Instead, we had to watch Lilo and Stitch on ABC (most of the other channels being out due to the storm). The next day, my parents left to go back to work and the weather cleared up, allowing my grandparents, sister, and I to finally see the fireworks; perhaps not the best ever, but still pretty cool (as are most explosions).
    The rest of the week was fairly uneventful as I spent it in the quiet of semi-rural Ontario. It rained a bit, I went swimming in the river and lake, got to help take down a dead tree, and played 13 games of Sorry (unfortunately, my grandpa pwned us all with 7 wins). In addition to that, I made excellent headway in my Age of Empires game, but I just ended up moving to a new degree of being stuck. I checked an FAQ site and it said the place where I'm stuck is the hardest point in the whole game, go figure.
    Coming home was fun, my mom made a huge lunch and dinner for us all and I ate pretty much all that I could short of explosion. The week pretty much ended with an experiment on my dad's part which involved Mentos, Diet Pepsi, and me getting splashed in the face with lukewarm soft drink (if anyone wants the video, please send me a check for $300 dollars... in fact, just send me one anyway, it will help the economy.)
  11. SPIRIT
    Well, I'm finally settling down from Lego Star Wars II. I'm ever so slightly over 80% done and I've found just about all the easy stuff which means I can start to get serious about BZP again. I've already gotten in a new Bionicle Captions Contest round as well as a new chapter in Wildfire. All that remains now is TotA and I'll be officially caught up. For Episode 12, you should expect quality similar to that of Episode 11 (Doc recorded this one too), but I've gotten a few more tricks up my sleeve since 11 that will hopefully make it better. After that, I've got to record Episode 16 and then work on a special surprise for the show with Doc. Either way, it's definitely worth keeping your eyes (or ears, in this case) pealed for updates.
  12. SPIRIT
    Some are born great
    some achieve greatness
    and others have greatness thrust upon them.
    And then there's Bionicle, where everything is Great This and Great That.
    More like a Great Lack of Adjectives, am I right?
  13. SPIRIT
    It's hard to believe that it was just over two years ago that I decided to become a full-time bearded man. There's a surprisingly deep subculture surrounding the grooming of one's facial hair, I've learned.
    Before committing, I made the conscious decision to look at what other men were doing and pick and choose what I wanted for my own face. One of the things I learned from this is that different men have different bald spot patterns on their face. So a beard like Jafar's might just grow like that naturally rather than being the product of careful shaving.
    Another thing is moustaches. Some people have a large canvass of hair follicles for moustache growth (see also Tom Selleck), whereas others do not. It seems to me unless you can grow a Selleck-esque moustache, you're probably better to go with at least a goatee if not the full beard. The ol' pencil moustache just ain't cutting it these days (especially if you wear those giant glasses from the 1970s -- I think that gets you immediately arrested).
    And don't think you can cheat the system by going with no moustache. That's right, Amish people. A moustache on its own looks good, a moustache and beard looks good, but a beard without a moustache looks awful. Obviously no Amish people are reading this, but if you see any Amish people, let them know I think their practice of going moustache-less is very silly. (As well as their reasoning for it, but you can look that up on your own time).
    Now what else...
    A good beard is well-trimmed around the edges. Make sure you shave off those stray cheek hairs and your neck. Probably follow the jaw-line for that. That's a good rule of thumb. I notice a lot of guys don't do that, and once you go past a certain length, it just doesn't look good. A jaw-line beard really adds definition to your face.
    And then there's women with moustaches. Hate to break it to you ladies, but if men have to groom our facial hair, you definitely have to groom yours. Yadda, yadda, beauty on the inside, but it takes like two seconds and makes the world of difference.
    Personally, I do the full beard to the jawline, and I think my ideal length is somewhere around 3/8 inch, but it is fun to grow it out every now and then to feel a little regal.
    How about you guys? What's your facial hair situation?
  14. SPIRIT
    A little something I thought of today with regards to being unique: there's a difference between standing out and sticking out. I have great respect for the former and great disdain for the latter.
    This has been philosophy with SPIRIT. Tune in next time to see an explanation of why everyone in the world is incredibly stupid, especially SPIRIT.
  15. SPIRIT
    Today I went to my local Chapters and purchased three new BIONICLE Books: Power Play, Legacy of Evil, and the Official Guide to BIONICLE.
    Power Play was quite interesting indeed- a nice look at the Inika, their powers, and their personalities. Basically it goes along the lines of Ignition #3, but that's okay because it goes into much more detail and the scene with Vezon at the end is MUCH creepier.
    The Official Guide to BIONICLE was surprisingly more useful than I thought it would be. It has many colour pictures that are now rare and hard to find. There is also some interesting information on the Toa Nuva that isn't too jumbled up by Wiki entries and the likes.
    Legacy of Evil was a fascinating read. I don't know how much about it I'm allowed to say, but it certainly explained A LOT about the way things are and filled several gaping holes in the storyline.
    Well that's about it- I don't want to spoil too much because you should all go out and buy the books yourselves (especially if you want BIONICLE Legends #7 to come out ).
    Oh my, what short paragraphs I have here...
  16. SPIRIT
    I am so there!
    When I first heard about the Bionicle Graphic Novel Contest, the first thought that came to my mind was PSA#5. Hey, it worked for the Zamor one so why not this? There's a slight flaw to this in that many people still owe me stuff. I've sent them all PMs, but I can only hope that they'll be able to get me their stuff within the next three weeks.
    Also, there's the fact that there are a few in-jokes and Internet fads that are referenced in the movie. I'm not sure whether or not BIONICLE editor Jim Salicrup, publisher Terry Nantier, and the BIONICLE experts at The LEGO Group will find them all funny, but I figure there's enough other content in there that they would find funny for the movie to work.
    Understandably, I have become quite jittery as winning this contest could mean quite a bit of publicity for my movie making abilities as well so much more. So fingers crossed.
  17. SPIRIT
    omg i have so much i should be doing right now why am i making a blog about this okay spirit dont panic breathe in breathe out thats it oh dear how did things go so wrong everything was cool yesterday and now its all fallen apart i wonder if i could hire a secretary or personal assistant to help me deal with all this because this is just crazy i consider myself a person of roughly average intelligence and ability and i cant imagine how dumb people manage but i guess there arent many dumb people in my situation so it all balances out i wish i had a time machine so that i could just be six months in the future when my life is all figured out or even a crystal ball to tell me which paths to take would be handy i dont even care about causality or missing out on my true destiny or free will at this point im sure there are many outcomes that would lead to a happy ending good gravy its hard to type like this for comedic effect i guess many years of typing english class and reading have ingrained several difficult to break habit i wonder if this entry will even be legible or if it will get any reputation points its so weird that there isnt a better name for those rep points reppies repertoire im sure theres a pun to be made but my brain cant make it right now i guess i feel a little better after typing all this and things have certainly been worse but i think thats a poor excuse because i can imagine them being so much better i guess im going to repress that by playing video games speaking of which i cant believe sun and moon are almost out i am so hyped for generation seven im also hyped for civ vi and i would love to play more of that but i just cant commit the time right now and my computer is growing a little slow in its old age i think skyrim killed it man id love to do another playthrough of skyrim too on a modern desktop super gaming computer that would be so dope but obviously i wont have the time or the money for this for some time which i guess is the point of finishing my degree getting a job and starting my career i mean i figure i can build a pretty sweet gaming lounge for like five thousand bucks that should include computer chair tv wireless keyboard and wireless mouse i wonder what the range is on those things i guess it doesnt matter at this point maybe i can set up a receiver closer to my chair if theres an issue man i wish these were the problems in my life and not the bureaucratic quagmire i have to wade through right now also i should probably be studying oh crud and then theres that assignment i have due and dont even get me started on that comedy i was supposed to be writing oh well itll get done when it gets done okay this is probably enough they got the joke now i guess ill just drown my sorrows in video games and hope everything sorts itself out
  18. SPIRIT
    Ever had one of those days where so much dumb stuff happened that pretty much all you can say about it is "bleh"? Well even if you haven't, I'm too busy having a bleh day to care.
    The day began, innocently enough at 9:00 AM when I set off to do some vollunteer work for my church. I kind of live far away from it, so I knew it was going to be a difficult walk with lots of bus rides, but I was okay with that. So I walked to the first bus stop and got there just as the bus pulled out which means I had to wait about 10 minutes for the next one, but that's okay, I wasn't in a hurry. The bus got there, I got on, no big deal. I rode the bus for about 15 minutes and I eventually got to my next stop (even though I probably should have switched buses at the train station, but it really didn't matter because it was only five more minutes of walking). After walking to the stop for the second bus, I waited around there for about half an hour until the bus finally came (since that street gets less traffic, the bus company can't afford to run buses by there more frequently). Another 15 minute ride and I was dropped off about 5 minutes away from the church so I walked there and started working. Four hours of cutting branches, pulling down trees, and picking up twigs later, I'm more or less done so I go home which takes pretty much the same amount of time except I ended up at the far reaches of my city because I took a different bus than the one that came every half hour. On my trip home, however, I tried to brush off what I thought was a leaf that had fallen on my head, only to find out that it was a wasp (which didn't like being brushed off and attacked ). Finally, at 4:00 PM, I made it home and was exhausted, hot, and insanely thirsty. I chugged down a quarter of the orange juice and half the apple juice (seperately, of course) and then collapsed down in front of the TV for an hour.
    Well, at least it didn't rain.
  19. SPIRIT
    Unfortunately, this is the sort of idea I could never get away with, but maybe in posting it, someone slightly cleverer than me will be able to devise a way to profit from it.
    Now, let me start off by saying that I don't get the appeal of professional sports. I just cannot bring myself to care who wins or who loses or follow a tournament at all in any sport. They're just people who are being paid an insane amount of money to play a game against another group of such people. Granted, they're really good at what they do, but I still am not entertained by you.
    I don't want to knock professional sports, to each his or her own, but they're just not for me.
    Where am I going with this?
    In today's day and age, we can make images of things and people look very realistic. In a few years, you won't be able to tell the difference.
    Why not remove the scandal-causing, money-wasting players and replace them with fictional constructions? All sports games could become well-animated movies and could become much more exciting with a crack team of writers to amp things up so that it comes down to the last second or the underdog comes from behind with a heroic victory. The entire multi-billion dollar sports industry could divide its money among just a few people who'd become insanely rich, now that you've removed the players from the equation.
    Yes, it's against the spirit of the game and many people would be really unhappy about it, but the thing is, how do we know this hasn't already happened?
  20. SPIRIT
    Finally, after nearly six months, BionicleSector01 is back. I really missed all the reference materials there and found it really hard to have to research things elsewhere (like on the real Wikipedia ). Anyway, this time around, I'm an Adviser. Not quite sure what that means, but from what I understand, it was pretty much what I was doing before the site when down anyway. Aside from the fact that I'm now BS01 staff, I have now apparently added another forum to my growing empire (I feel like a Barraki at times ). Yup, the BionicleSector01 forum is now mine to control. Not that I can really do much, being only a Forum Assistant, but it's still a nice feeling. So at last count, I'm at 5 forums, tied with bonesiii and Kex for world domination.
  21. SPIRIT
    Pope Gregory XIII was a doofus as was Julius Caesar. Did they not foresee the importance of a logical calendar in a technological society? Here are some changes I would make if given supreme dictatorial power over the Free World.
    1) New calendar starts the day after the winter solstice (i.e. the winter solstice is the last day of the year). The days start off short, get long, and once they're short again we start a new year. I could compromise by going with the summer solstice or one of the equinoxes, but the current system of "ehhh, I guess we'll start the new year like a week and a half after the solstice" is stupid and dumb and I hate it.
    2) 12 months, 30 days each. Months 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12 all get an extra day. That adds up to 365.
    3) No leap years. The final day of the year will be 0.2422 days longer to help the rotation and the revolution counts catch up to each other.
    4) Better month names. September, October, November, and December are months 9, 10, 11, and 12 just so that we could fit in two holidays named after emperors who have been dead for like 2000 years? That's insane. Nope, scrap the whole system. Pick some new naming scheme. Name them after stars, rocks, trees, historical figures, elements, or dinosaurs. The current system has no cohesion or logic.
    5) Now that there's no shift in which day falls on which date, all holidays are static and better spaced out. Every month gets a holiday and they all happen either on a Monday or a Friday. None of this "oh, sometimes it lands on a Wednesday". That's not a lottery I'm interested in gambling at. Now I realize many religious and cultural celebrations may follow a lunar calendar or that certain groups may be attached to celebrations that are already tied to specific days. Well tough tamales! You should've thought of that before electing me supreme leader of the world.
    I think that's a pretty good start, and it's pretty easy to fit a 5 step plan into my manifesto. I could go into detail on my plans for a 3 day weekend, second Christmas, or regulations about which holidays warrant fireworks and which ones do not, but I think I can save that for the supreme world leader election circuit.
  22. SPIRIT
    Hi there, I'm SPIRIT. You might remember me from such BIONICLE fansites as this one, but I'm not here to talk to you today as a Prem Forum Leader/Ref Keeper.
    You see, my former youth pastor is going to be running across Canada this summer to raise money for child poverty in Canada. Partnered with World Vision, his goal is to raise one toonie per Canadian [a toonie is our $2 coin for those of you not from the true north strong and free]. There will also be the opportunity to join in the relay at specific dates and places so if you'll be in those places at those times, I encourage you to come join in. (At the very least, it'll give you a chance to get some extra steps on your Pokéwalker )
    Here's a few facts about child poverty in Canada:
    -Canada scores a “C” grade and ranks 13th out of 17 peer countries.
    -More than one in seven Canadian children lives in poverty, with Aboriginal children being hit the hardest.
    -Canada’s child poverty rate increased between the mid-1990s and the mid-2000s while the US's, which is still worse than ours, has been decreasing.
    -Children who experience poverty, especially persistently, are at higher risk of suffering health problems, developmental delays, and behaviour disorders. They tend to attain lower levels of education and are more likely to live in poverty as adults.
    -Canada's child poverty rate of 15 percent is three times as high as the rates of Sweden, Norway or Finland.
    -Every month, 770,000 people in Canada use food banks. Forty percent of those relying on food banks are children.
    What does this mean?
    It means that 1 in 7 children does not sleep in a warm house or with a full stomach and it sure as heck means they don't get LEGO sets for Christmas.
    So yeah, here is a link to the site: One Nation Run. If you don't want to donate, that's cool too. Just making sure you're aware. Tell your friends. And if you aren't from Canada, nothing's stopping you from donating or spreading the news. If you'd prefer to help the folks back home, just peruse World Vision's website and see what programs are offered in your country.
    Remember, it takes a village.
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