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Blog Entries posted by SPIRIT

    Don't pull the fire alarm at 2:00 AM, for starters. :angry:
    So for those of you who don't know, I started university this fall and am now living on residence. So far, it's been a lot of fun meeting new people and getting accustomed to the campus. What hasn't been fun was last night where someone thought that it would be funny to pull the fire alarm when everyone was asleep. We all got up, got some sweaters on, and headed outside into the cold for twenty minutes while firefighters arrived.
    Seriously, if you really want to be funny, go make a PSA or something.
    Hello friends.
    If you're anything like me, you use Facebook for three things:
    1) To stalk people (let's be real, that's why the website exists)
    2) To stay in the loop
    3) To message people
    Notice how "read stupid articles and dank memes" was not on that list?
    For quite some time now, I've been getting pretty sick of seeing dumb posts on Facebook. "So and So shared this dumb article on veganism", "What's her Face was tagged by a friend in this poorly made Vine", "Oh look, another post shared from a Facebook page for octogenarians". I could go on.
    This is ridiculous. I don't want to see any of this junk. But I also don't want to fall out of the loop on important issues.
    So what do I do?
    At the top right of every Facebook post, there is a drop down menu. If you click it, you can see the option to Hide All From X. This will still keep your friend's vacation pics, status updates, and relationship announcements, but hide any and all future garbage from that source that they might decide to share with you. I've been doing this for about a week now and my Facebook feed is much less terrible to go through.
    But wait, you said it doesn't hide status updates! What do I do if my friend keeps posting racist, sexist, homophobic, climate change denying posts?
    If that's the case, I think you just have a terrible friend. This is much harder to fix in a democracy with free speech. Vote for SPIRIT as dictator for life.
    I've seen many theories
    Time after time
    I've some closed topics
    Been in the light of lime
    And bad mistakes
    I've made a few
    I've had my share theories dis-proven
    But I've come through
    I are the champions - my friends
    And I'll keep on fighting - till the end
    I are the champions
    I are the champions
    No time for losers
    'Cause I are the champions - of the world
    Not sure if you've seen yet, but I just won a Gold Key to Nongu Award!!!!! :winner: :winner:
    I'd like to thank the academy- *is cut off by music*
    Anyway, in the realm of PSA production, I've been having troubles with the songs. Last time you might have noticed that sometimes my voice didn't sync perfectly with the music; this was a recording error that I have been trying to solve. I've also strained my voice quite a bit in the recording (when the PSA comes out, you'll see why) so now I actually keep a bottle of honey beside the computer when I record to soothe my throat. Plus, if it's good enough for Winnie the Pooh, it's good enough for me.
    I never get tired of that line...
    Anyway, the more observant of you may have noticed that something is ary with my blog today. That's right, I had a bit of free time on my hands and shifted all the content blocks "two inches to the left" . I am well aware that the space between the two sides may or may not be two inches long (not sure, being Canadian and whatnot), but I just couldn't resist throwing that line in one last time.
    Why the shift?
    Well I finally got fed up with people's comments crashing into my content blocks and becoming unreadable. Hopefully this solves the problem and I also hope that you don't mind scrolling a bit if you have an 800 x 600 resolution like me (if you do, well then you probably need the exercise anyway).
    And this concludes one of my most pointless entries.
    I didn't ask for this... I didn't ask for any of this...
    I didn't want to go back to school, to be a student again.
    Writing papers...
    Cramming for tests...
    Using public transport with a heavy backpack...
    I wanted
    To be
    A lumberjack.
    Leaping from tree to tree, as they float down the mighty rivers of British Columbia. The Giant Redwood. The Larch. The Fir! The mighty Scots Pine! The smell of fresh-cut timber!
    The crash of mighty trees!
    With my best girlie by my side!
    We'd sing! Sing! Sing!
    So turns out that in Pokémon, Ice Type is not super effective against Rock Type... It's been over a decade and I'm learning this today...
    It was so exciting. I was napping and I fell into the wonderful crack between dreaming and knowing you're dreaming. I also developed, what I now realize in hindsight, was a totem from Inception. Granted, it's not a very good one. When I was dreaming, I was able to hear an odd cover of The All American Rejects' song Gives You Heck and then when I was awake, it would stop. It was really weird, though, because the song would keep cutting out intermittently as I drifted between consciousness and unconsciousness and I'd notice that there were parts of it missing. Unfortunately, my mind got the totem confused and thought that the song was real and that silence was part of the dream, so I lost the state and woke up.
    Ah well, it was good while it lasted. I unfortunately didn't get to make good full use of it, but I did have a nice game of Laser Tag using death lasers before it ended.
    So I was at a party a few weeks back and someone brought some cheese. I was excited because it looked very much like the Camembert cheese I had enjoyed when I spent a year in France, but when I tried some, it didn't taste quite right -- sort of dull and flavourless.
    Some Internet research later revealed that the cheese served at the party was Brie cheese. Brie, as it turns out, is virtually indistinguishable from Camembert, with the exception that Camembert has more flavour.
    That's when it hit me.
    I have become a cheese snob.
    I have become THAT guy.
    Edit: Yes, the server burped when I posted this. We've all been there before, guys.
    Aw man, my topic got closed due to someone reviving it? When I'm admin, that'll be the first thing to go.
    Not so long as I'm around.
    Well, in that case, you're banned.
    Hmmm... Nice try, but only an admin can do that.
    Well, he could be the future admin.
    Yeah. So you have to do what I tell you.
    Not yet I don't. And with an attitude like that, I'm afraid you're shaping up to be a pretty pathetic admin indeed.
    Hmph. Not the way I see it.
    *Everything becomes bright and colourful.*
    I'm gonna be a great admin
    So dumb spammers beware!
    I've never seen a poster here
    With quite so little flair.
    I'm gonna reign all the forums
    Like no admin before
    I'm brushing up on banning noobs
    My post count, it will SOAR!
    To let you rule would really be a sin
    Oh I just can't wait to be admin!
    You've got a long way to go, young SPIRIT, if you think --
    No one say close this
    Now when I said that--
    No one say delete that
    What I meant was--
    No one say hide that
    What you don't realize--
    No one say see here
    Now SEE HERE!
    Free to revive topics all day
    Well that's definately out--
    Free to ban 'em all my way
    I think it's time that you and I arranged a PM to PM
    Admins don't need advice from BS01 staff and their phlegm
    If this is where the administration's headed
    Count me out!
    Out of service, out of Bionicle
    I wouldn't hang about!
    This staffer's asking for a punch to the chin...
    Oh I just can't wait to be admin!
    Ev'rybody post all day
    Ev'rybody post all night
    No matter where you post I'm
    In the Member Spotlight
    NOT YET!
    Let every member go for broke and spam
    Let the news hit you with a wham
    SPIRIT's rule will never be a sham!
    Oh I just can't wait to be admin!
    Oh I just can't wait to be admin!
    Oh I just can't waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait...
    To be admin!
    *Elephant falls on -Bionicleman-*
  10. SPIRIT
    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Okay, at the end of Brother in Arms 7, Mazeka and Vultraz are transported to a strange land. 
    Here, the trees are banded with gold, massive beasts are disguised as lakes, and the roles of Toa and Matoran have been reversed.
    Then it hit me.
    They aren't in Spherus Magna.
    They're actually in...

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Soviet Russia! 
    Think about it! In Soviet Russia, you do not protect Matoran, Matoran protects you. In Soviet Russia, you do not swim in lake, lake swims in you. In Soviet Russia, you do not get confused by web serials, web serials get confused by you.
    Turaga Dume's going to be behind all of this. Mark my words.
    I'll take my next Golden Key to Nongu now.
  11. SPIRIT
    I'm finally free of schoolwork and exams.
    I'm not sure how I did on the exams, but I do know that it's not physically possible for me to fail (exams are only worth up to 30% and I had high enough marks that my exam marks are negligible; needless to say, I still would like a good mark). Hopefully I can now get back on track with my BZP stuff (specifically my job as a FT Member), not to mention my epic, TOTA, and Flash movie. Also, I'll be trying to update this blog a bit more so I at least have a chance (no matter how small) of winning the blog of the week award.
  12. SPIRIT
    Let the record show that I am psychic.
    From nearly 3 years ago.
    I called the release of LEGO Harry Potter done by Traveller's Tales.
    Not only that, but I'm going to make another prediction based on other things I've seen and read lately: this will be one of the greatest games of all time.
  13. SPIRIT
    The day was December 25th, 2002; Christmas Day, if memory serves.
    A 12 year old boy who was not yet known as SPIRIT online received Pokémon: Crystal Version as a gift from his parents under the guise of Santa Claus (in order to fool his younger sister into believing that magic and wonder were real). This boy had already played Gold and Silver Versions. Why did he then ask for Crystal, which was effectively the exact same game with only a few changes? Certainly not even he knows...
    Regardless, this young boy could not have known the quest he would be sent on because of this so called "gift". Or was it perhaps...
    A CURSE?!
    For little did the Boy-Who-Would-Be-Called-SPIRIT know, but one of the new features in Pokémon: Crystal Version was a Battle Tower.
    "Gadzooks!" eclaimèd he. For where once there had been a sparse rock-face on the 40th Route of the Region of Johto, there now stood a mighty edifice stretching for the sky, as if to mock Arceus himself. "Perchance I shall return anon upon the completion of mine main campaign storyline," said he prior to embarking upon a seaworthy Pocket Monster and traversing the seas of the 40th and 41st Routes of the Johto Region.
    And yea did he return upon the completion of his main campaign storyline. Spake he to the smartly-dressed attendant who said unto he: "thou shalt bringeth with thee only three Pokémon. No more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt bring, and the number of the bringing shall be three. Four shalt thou not bring, neither bring thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out."
    "Fair maiden," replièd he. "Thou shouldst not fret thineself, for verily I say unto thee: I am the Master of the Monsters of the Pocket. Upon mine breast are pinned one score less four badges from the regions of Johto and Kanto. I have defeated the Team of Rockets, the Four who are Elite, and the man who calls himself Red. All have fallen to me and my power, as they shall again this day."
    And so the Boy-Who-Would-Be-Called-SPIRIT chose his mightiest Monsters of the Pocket. Their names and species are lost to history, but the chronicles are quite clear about the use of a Typhlosion (because let's be honest, Fire Types are best types).
    The Boy-Who-Would-Be-Called-SPIRIT charged into battle with his loyal beast at his side. His Typhlosion that he had raised from a tiny Cyndaquil. His Typhlosion who had been by his side battling every trainer in the game. His Typhlosion who had never lost a fight.
    His first opponent sent out a Miltank.
    "Ah yes, the Tank of Mil," scoffed the Boy-Who-Would-Be-Called-SPIRIT. "My old foe. I have seen your kind before. I know your allegiance to the one called Whitney. I was not afeared then and I am not afeared now! Go! Typhlosion! Use Flamethrower!"
    But his opponent simply said, "Miltank! Use Surf!"
    It was all over in a matter of seconds. The Boy-Who-Would-Be-Called-SPIRIT had never seen a Miltank so swift. His entire team of champions were taken down by a simple cow. He vowed his revenge that day. He would not be bested by a cow. TYPHLOSION WOULD NOT BE DEFEATED IN VAIN.
    Many years would pass and with them, many more Pokémon games would be released, each with its own Battle Tower or an equivalent. Try as he might, The Boy-Who-Was-Finally-Called-SPIRIT failed time after time after time. Every time victory would seem within his grasp, the A.I. would come up with some trick or scheme to pry victory from his grasp.
    Eventually, he would learn the existence of the Values of Effort, the Values of the Individual, and the Smogon University Overused and Uber Tier Lists of Pokémon. Yet even with this knowledge it was not enough.
    He came close in 2011, when he beat the Battle Subway in the Doubles competition using a rain-based team, but the victory felt hollow. Drizzle Politoed was a very cheap strategy and spamming Surf constantly was no fun. Plus, the true test was to win the Singles competition, not these new fangled Double Battles.
    But he did not give up hope.
    At long last, a beacon of light in the darkness: Pokémon: Omega Ruby Version made breeding Pokémon a breeze. Improved breeding mechanics, move tutors, and an infinite cycling path just outside the Daycare. This was it. If it was going to happen, it would be here.
    It took time to find a well-balanced team, but at long last a team of an Eelektross, a Gengar, and an Aggron holding some Aggronite began to show some promise. Sure, they had their issues losing to unlucky Random Number Generation (one battle they all died to Swagger. SWAGGER!), but they seemed to achieve victory more surely than any other team SPIRIT had used.
    Then came the fateful night.
    SPIRIT should have been studying for exams, but he had no idea he would get this far. He got past all the trainers, even the one with Legendaries that sometimes appears unfairly at Rank 42. Then he beat Rank 49. He tried not to get too excited. He had been here before and lost many a time. The Battle Chatelaines used powerful Legendary Pokémon and had a surprising amount of luck on their side. Now was not the time for mistakes...
    The battle lasted a mere 5 turns.
    And when the dust settled...
    Where once sat a man on a couch now sat a true Pokémon Master... on a couch. So impressed with his battling prowess, were the Non Player Characters, that they erected a monument in SPIRIT's honour in the Battle Maison lobby. And trainers from all around would look at it and say, "that's Phil's boy! That's right!"
    And with that, his 13 year long quest had ended. He had finally beaten a Battle Tower on Singles (or its most recent equivalent). The Typhlosion from Crystal had long since been deleted when the game cartridge's internal batteries died, but now its spirit was at rest.
    And all was well.
    tl;dr beat the Battle Maison on Singles. Check it out, yo: ML8W-WWWW-WW3X-8SBV
  14. SPIRIT
    Bishop Alan Grant: Episcopaleontologist
    "Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, bones to mineralized remains."
    "He died and rose again in 20 million days."
    "I can't reach that excavation plot, I can only move diagonally!"
    And yes, , there will be feathers.
  15. SPIRIT
    SPIRIT: Excuse me, sir. How much did you pay for that fedora?
    Person: Why, I paid twenty dollars for it. Why do you ask?
    SPIRIT: *takes fedora and throws it in the nearest waste receptacle* Here's twenty bucks. Buy yourself LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE.
    I think for the most part we've managed to quell the fedora outbreak, but there are still a few stragglers out there who need to be dealt with before we're safe altogether.
    While I'm raising funds for this project, I'm also taking ideas on how to tackle the Man-Bun and Coif epidemics. Suggestions are appreciated.
  16. SPIRIT
    Today I thought it would be a good idea to go through my e-mail inbox and see if there was anything I should delete. A few minutes in, I was shocked to find an audition and an audio question for Treespeak on the Air both dating back several months! Quickly I sifted through all the episodes of the show as well as my PMs, but found nothing to indicate that I had done anything with these e-mails or even replied to them. Frantically, I sent PMs to the members from whom the e-mails were sent and waited for a response. Luckily, it turned out that in both cases, it had already been discussed and I had just forgotten about it. :annoyed2: In an ironic twist of fate, my worry about all this made me forget to ask my dad if he could pick up a copy of Bionicle Legends 3 for me on his way to Chapters.
    Well, I hope you can all learn from my misfortune so get out there and delete as many e-mails as you can!
  17. SPIRIT
    I just got back from staff training when I found one of the best emails I've ever received in my in-box from a certain Michael Petranek. Who's that, you ask? Well, wait and see. The message was entitled Bionicle Video Contest Entry and it read as follows:
    Dear [sPIRIT],
    We here at Papercutz really enjoyed your video that you sent in for submission. From the Yakov Smirnoff bit to the Family Guy style cutaways, it was very funny. Our only problem was that the video is a bit long. Could you edit it down to say, five minutes? We especially liked the bits with info from the comics. Please write me back when you get a chance. I'd love to discuss the video with you in greater detail.
    As you may or may not remember, I entered the Mantax Facts PSA into the Papercutz video contest. So this email is EXTREMELY promising, as you can probably tell. The thing is, I'm not really sure what needs to stay in this movie as I trim it down. The songs will probably be the first things to go, but is there anything I should specifically save? I'd really appreciate your input.
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