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Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Entries posted by SPIRIT

    There are just so many good contests this summer and so little time to do them in!
    True, I've gotten the Mantax Facts PSA [/subtle advertising] out of the way, but I've still got two more chapters of Wildfire and the rest of school to get through.
    Now, if I'm going to enter the S&T and Epics contests, I'm going to have to delay Wildfire even further. From the way Dark Mirror is going and the way The Kingdom went, I don't think I'm in any danger of Greg "stealing" my idea for the ending. Since the contests have a deadline and this does not, I'm afraid it'll have to take the back burner.
    Another problem is that I have job training the week that has both the deadlines in it, so I need to finish my entries early. I'll have some time off school, thanks to exams, but since I'm headed to university in the fall, school takes priority. Basically, if I can finish, I'll finish, if not, Wildfire gets finished- everyone wins.
    My house is over the hill. Not physically, mind you, but in age. And because it is so old, various things decide to die at inconvenient times. Last year, it was the air conditioner and the pool heater, in the winter, the roof kicked the bucket, and now the phone-line is down.
    But then how am I posting this? Well, when my family first moved here, we had a second phone-line put in for the dial up modem. When we got high-speed, we just left it there and never used it. Now, though, we had a guy from the phone company come in and he's switched our phone-line to that one temproarily. Unfortunately, this phone-line only has one jack which would normally mean no Internet (), but I luckily noticed that the modem is able to hook up to the Internet and to a phone at the same time and so I ended up saved the day *stands with hands on hips majestically, while the Canadian flag billows in the background*.
    Today I'm going to complain about people who like olives, but not for the reason you might think.
    Personally, I love olives. Black, green. Can't get enough of them.
    My beef is with people who buy olives with the pits still in them.
    If you people are out there, why do you do this? We live in the information era. No longer must we be beholden to pits in our olives. For 3000 years the peoples of the Mediterranean struggled with this minor inconvenience, and now we have a factory machine that saves us the trouble. Anecdotally a random food blog I found on Google suggests that including the pit improves the presentation of the olive. Oh please, get over yourself. It's just going straight in your mouth anyway, and if you don't include the pit you can finish your meal even faster and get on with your miserable food blogging life. Now some of you may be thinking, "Hey, isn't it cheaper to buy the ones with pits in them? I'm on a budget, man!" Look, buddy. If you can afford olives, you can afford ones without pits in them. It's such a minor additional cost for a massive increase in quality of life. I dream of being about to pay an extra dollar to make my other minor inconveniences go away, and here you are spitting in the face of science.
    In conclusion, I'll probably never work as a food critic.
    Everything involving paperwork and school administration will go perfectly and I won't have to worry about such things as my exam mysteriously vanishing. Luckily I went into the exam with a passing mark, so it isn't vital that they find it, but I really don't want a 55% mark.
    It was one afternoon ago on this day that I received an unexpected instant message from none other than Black Six. "SPIRIT," he asked me in a now paraphrased way, "how would you like to be a staff member?" Without a second's hesitation I said yes as calmly as I could type it, but my heart rate just about tripled. Well, here I am now, and what a journey it has been. I'm an RK, one who worked on revolutionising BZPower's reference system, and am working in seven forums right now. In my personal life this year, I've been all across the continent for various reasons and have seen and done some pretty amazing stuff. I got my G2 driver's license, read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in about 13 hours, excelled at my job working at a day camp, and released a smash-hit PSA.
    Of course, now the pressing question is where can I go from here? Forum Leader, perhaps? Do I have the time or the experience? Time will tell.
    I recently had my 17.5th birthday; not much longer until I'm an official AFOL. For me, though, it's not a question of money or maturity for whether or not I'm going to buy more sets -- nor has it ever been -- it's going to be a matter of space. Where will I put them all when I'm off on my own?
    Oh well, enough about the confused worries of tomorrow and back to the present. I'm working on finding the right university as well as balancing my seven high school courses. It's tricky, but I'm getting there. I've also got this weird twitch in my right eye recently, which, according to Chinese tradition is good luck (that or I need more sleep ).
    And one quick skip back to the future, I've got some ideas rolling around my head for the next PSA. I've got a few cutaways planned already and a very rough plot. Estimated release time? Februaryish? I'll keep you posted.
    So, for those of you who don't know, I am no longer living in Canada and I'm living in Nice, France for the year as I study French as part of an exchange with my school.
    When I have time, I'll probably update my blog with details on this trip as well as my summer, but a lot of my time has been devoted to settling in and exploring.
    Production for the next PSA is officially underway.
    The plot has been more or less decided (it's top secret, though), so now all I have to do is write the script. For what I have in mind, there should be at least room for a few more voice actors, even if they only get one or two lines. However, once a voice actor or actress in one of my PSAs, always a voice actor or actress in one of my PSAs (no, it's nothing like Narnia, it's just that you'll have a better chance of being in another future PSA, that's all). Anyway, I've got a pretty tight schedule, so don't expect anything very soon- I'll do what I can when I can.
    Q: Will there be another song in the next PSA?
    A: No.
    Q: What?!?! Why?!?!
    A: Because there will be two, and I have already written them.
    Q: Can I be in the next PSA?
    A: When I finish the script, there will be open casting hosted in this blog for any roles I need to fill. More details when that actually happens.
    Q: What does PSA stand for?
    Things are going great with the newest PSA (despite the fact that Dr. Bionicle and -Chicken Little- still owe me their lines ) and if this keeps up, you should expect a release before the end of summer. Thanks to the Rayg 2.5 kit, the animation is going to be much better in this one (even if it is only people walking on and off screen), however, as the kit is not yet complete in certain areas, I've had to resort to using 2.0 or simply just improvising in some parts. The whole thing is probably going to be very big when it's done, both in file size and in length (it's a five page long script and it's so far shaping up to be around 8 minutes long, but quite possibly longer) so I'm looking into how to add a preloader.
    Well, that's all for now. Hope the board comes back online soon.
    EDIT: -Chicken Little- just sent in his lines yesterday. Only one more cast member to go. *glares*
    "Paradox-free time travel? Now I know you're crazy, SPIRIT."
    This has been bugging me lately, so I felt I needed to get it off my mind. So listen well, sirs and madams, while I explain the mechanics and feasibility of time travel that doesn't have to interfere with physics or logic as does much of the time travel we see in popular media.
    Parallel Universes
    First thing's first. For paradox-free time travel to be possible, we need to assume that there are parallel universes or timelines. Many prominent physicists agree upon this, that our universe is simply one of many floating in the 11th dimension. Where do these universes come from? They split off every time a sapient being makes a decision, thus making all possible choices for them real.
    Now, we also have to assume that humans have free will. You can argue the philosophy of this until the cows come home, but if humans don't have free will, they can't make choices, and then we can't have our parallel universes, and now we have some angry physicists.
    But wait, couldn't random events trigger these timeline splits? Like what if the sun randomly blew up one day?
    Nope. And to explain why, here's a quote from Stargate:
    "According to Newtonian physics [...] if you could know the position and velocity of every particle in the universe at any given moment, you could accurately predict all of their interactions for the rest of time."
    Now, assuming we have free will, that means that apart from the choices we make, all things that happen in the universe are inevitable and governed by fate: a domino effect throughout the universe that began since the dawn of time. Therefore, unless something with the ability to make conscious decisions intervenes, everything will happen in a predetermined way that will not alter from timeline to timeline.
    In conclusion: human decisions make parallel universes.
    The Nature of Time
    "Time isn't made out of lines! It is made out of circles. That is why clocks are round!"
    This is absolutely wrong. Time is made out of neither lines nor circles, it is more like the branches of a tree. We'll call the trunk of the tree the original timeline, the one that existed when everything began. Then come along us clever humans who can make conscious decisions. Each decision we make, the tree branches off, each branch representing the various different choices we could have made. This is obviously quite a large tree.
    Now, don't get me wrong, universes aren't shaped like trees (physicists can't agree on the shape, but it really relevant at the moment), rather, the conceptual functioning of the splitting of timelines looks like a tree.
    The Time Machine
    Right, we've got our parallel universes and we've got our time tree, now for the fun part: our time machine. Before we begin, we have to imagine that cost and technology are not an issue as this deals with things that may take eons for humanity to develop.
    The machine itself doesn't need to be anything fancy. Just something big enough for you and anyone you intend to bring with you to fit in. Here's what it needs to do, though:
    1) Escape the fourth dimension
    According to Einstein (who seemed to know what he was talking about), we live in four dimensions of space-time (length, height, depth, and time). As we are all moving forward through the fourth dimension at more or less the same speed (except for those of us who can move at the speed of light), if we want to move backwards through time, we will need to escape its clutches. Now, since dimensions 5-10 are somehow wrapped up in superstrings, we'll need to journey to the 11th dimension, or the plane that contains all the various universes on membranes (just go with me on this, it's what physicists are saying).
    Going forward through time is much easier (just freeze yourself and wait), but if ever you want to get back to where you started, you're still going to need to go back.
    2) Make you feel at home
    As you depart the fourth dimension, you'll find that you sorely miss the laws of physics as the atoms that form your body begin folding in on themselves. So, the interior cabin of your time machine will need to retain or simulate a pocket of four dimensional space-time so that you don't crumble into dust.
    3) Be able to navigate the "time tree"
    Since your eyes probably aren't adjusted to working in the 11th dimension, you'll need your time machine to have the capability to detect your point of origin on the time tree and then calculate where it is you would like to re-enter the fourth dimension. Once again, problematic in that the concept of "where" would be quite different in the 11th dimension, but let's just say it's doable.
    Changing the Past
    The main issues that people have with time travel is that if you mess with the past you could alter the future so that you would never have travelled back in time in the first place, thus never having changed the past...
    This is a paradox. Logically, an action cannot cause or prevent itself from occurring.
    Therefore, as your time machine enters the past, you will instantly create a new time branch, given that you did not exist in the original series of events. Now, you can do whatever you like, even kill your past self with no adverse effects because the future that your actions create is a different one than the one you came from.
    Similarly, if I were to go into the future and bring back a Playstation 4, I would create a different timeline and thus a new future than the one the device originated from.
    Benefiting from Changing the Past
    Unless you wanted to watch the Egyptians build the pyramids or see what colour dinosaurs were, chances are you travelled back in time to change something in order to improve the life you presently live.
    Let's say you're a broken-hearted inventor with a time machine. Five years ago, your wife got in a car accident and now you're all alone. The accident was preventable, though, and you could have saved her. So you go back in time and save your wife's life. She happily returns home to your past self and it looks like all is well.
    Feeling rather pleased with yourself, you return to your own time only to find that nothing has changed. "That's right," you say. "I need to go to a future that stemmed from the change I made." So you hop back in your machine and jump one universe over, to the exact same time, where you find your alternate universe self still happily married.
    Now you're left with a difficult decision:
    A) Let them live together happily and get on with your life.
    B) Convince your alternate universe self to trade lives with you (this shouldn't be too hard, heck, in your life, you own a working time machine!).
    C) Kill your alternate universe self, dispose of the body, and then pretend to be him.
    Sticky, yes, but paradox-free.
    Well, I hope you budding geniuses out there will be able to use this lesson to work out the kinks in your time machines. If this does help you, you can repay me by getting me a pet Compsognathus.
  10. SPIRIT
    So Sisen and I thought we'd make our own versions of Katy Perry's I Kissed A Girl, only a Harry Potter version. Let us know which one you like best.
    (Sisen's version).
    My version is sung by a Dementor right after he's kissed Barty Crouch junior at the end of the fourth book, sucking out his soul.
    This was always the way Fudge planned
    It's his intention
    Crouch was so pale and not tanned
    Lost his discretion
    It is what, I'm used to
    Just wanna taste his soul
    I'm ravenous for him
    Caught my attention
    I kissed a Crouch and he's soulless
    The taste of him losing his mind
    I kissed a Crouch 'cause Fudge told me
    I hope Dumbledore don't mind it
    It felt so wrong
    It felt so right
    Don't mean that he's dead tonight
    I kissed a Crouch and he's soulless
    He's soulless
    Well, I just only know your name
    It's not a good one,
    You are my alimental game
    Dementor nature,
    It's just what,
    We guys do
    Just how they should behave
    My head looks really gross
    Cinch to obey
    Wizards they are so magical
    Soft souls, and joy, so kissable
    Hard to resist so touchable
    Too good to deny it
    Ain't no big deal, if innocent
  11. SPIRIT
    ...Itty bitty living space.
    Actually, the afore mentioned phenomenal cosmic powers refer to the brand new piece of paper that currently resides in my wallet:
    MY G2!!!
    Now for those of you living outside of Ontario, you're probably saying to yourselves "a what now?", well my friends, a G2 is the second level of the Ontario driver's license, which means that I can now drive wherever I want, whenever I want with the sole restrictions of having an alcohol level of 0 and not carrying around more than one passenger under the age of 19 who isn't related to me between the hours of midnight and 5 AM for the first six months of being in possession of the G2 license (specific much?). Anyway, now I'm free to drive wherever I please, given that my parents let me use the car. BTW, do you think it's a bad sign that I had "and then I crashed into you and I went up in flames" stuck in my head while taking the test?
    In other news, the PSA is roughly 2/3 done (Doc's lines are on their way) and there's a new chapter of Wildfire up.
  12. SPIRIT
    I've thought long and hard about what I want my life to be about. There are so many philosophies out there, but I've found they're all pretty limiting in one way or another. But I think I've found the one that suits me the best.
    From now on, I'm going to be a humanitarian!
    I've already tried being a vegetarian, but I think this diet will be easier to maintain. Just don't tell the cops. They're already pretty upset after my egalitarian diet. Which is a shame, because eagles are just so darn tasty.
  13. SPIRIT
    I saw Pirates of the Caribbean 2 yesterday and I thought it was a really good movie. The special effects and costumes were amazing, especially Davy Jones and all his tentacles. The plot wasn't too bad, but it could have been cleaned up a bit. Also, the sword fights were really cool, it's surprising how athletic the special effects people can make the actors look. I'm pretty sad that many people didn't like the movie, but I guess I'm just like that since loads of people loved Napoleon Dynamite and I thought that it was the worst movie I had ever seen.
    P.S. Happy 5th Birthday BZP!
  14. SPIRIT
    Yeah, they were up for a few minutes today, but "the Man" wanted them taken down. Luckily, SPIRIT snagged them before they vanished. The first word is their English name and the second word is their Pokedex species in Italian... for reasons I won't go into. Enjoy.
    * Victini Vittoria 0,4 m 4,0 kg
    * Snivy Serperba 0,6 m 8,1 kg
    * Servine Serperba 0,8 m 16,0 kg
    * Serperior Regale 3,3 m 63,0 kg
    * Tepig Suinfuoco 0,5 m 9,9 kg
    * Pignite Suinfuoco 1,0 m 55,5 kg
    * Emboar Suincendio 1,6 m 150,0 kg
    * Oshawott Lontra 0,5 m 5,9 kg
    * Dewott Apprendista 0,8 m 24,5 kg
    * Samurott Dignità 1,5 m 94,6 kg
    * Patrat Esplorante 0,5 m 11,6 kg
    * Watchog Sentinella 1,1 m 27,0 kg
    * Lillipup Cagnolino 0,4 m 4,1 kg
    * Herdier Fedeltà 0,9 m 14,7 kg
    * Stoutland Generosità 1,2 m 61,0 kg
    * Purrloin Furbizia 0,4 m 10,1 kg
    * Liepard Sanguefreddo 1,1 m 37,5 kg
    * Pansage Scimperba 0,6 m 10,5 kg
    * Simisage Spinpanzé 1,1 m 30,5 kg
    * Pansear Testacalda 0,6 m 11,0 kg
    * Simisear Sfavillante 1,0 m 28,0 kg
    * Panpour Annaffiatore 0,6 m 13,5 kg
    * Simipour Spruzzacqua 1,0 m 29,0 kg
    * Munna Divorasogni 0,6 m 23,3 kg
    * Musharna Dormiveglia 1,1 m 60,5 kg
    * Pidove Piccione 0,3 m 2,1 kg
    * Tranquill Granpiccione 0,6 m 15,0 kg
    * Unfezant Orgoglio 1,2 m 29,0 kg
    * Blitzle Caricavolt 0,8 m 29,8 kg
    * Zebstrika Saetta 1,6 m 79,5 kg
    * Roggenrola Placca 0,4 m 18,0 kg
    * Boldore Minerale 0,9 m 102,0 kg
    * Gigalith Pressionalta 1,7 m 260,0 kg
    * Woobat Pipistrello 0,4 m 2,1 kg
    * Swoobat Cercamore 0,9 m 10,5 kg
    * Drilbur Talpa 0,3 m 8,5 kg
    * Excadrill Sottoterra 0,7 m 40,4 kg
    * Audino Ascolto 1,1 m 31,0 kg
    * Timburr Forzaimmane 0,6 m 12,5 kg
    * Gurdurr Forzaimmane 1,2 m 40,0 kg
    * Conkeldurr Forzaimmane 1,4 m 87,0 kg
    * Tympole Girino 0,5 m 4,5 kg
    * Palpitoad Vibrazione 0,8 m 17,0 kg
    * Seismitoad Vibrazione 1,5 m 62,0 kg
    * Throh Judo 1,3 m 55,5 kg
    * Sawk Karate 1,4 m 51,0 kg
    * Sewaddle Grancucito 0,3 m 2,5 kg
    * Swadloon Coprifoglia 0,5 m 7,3 kg
    * Leavanny Balia 1,2 m 20,5 kg
    * Venipede Centipede 0,4 m 5,3 kg
    * Whirlipede Rotopede 1,2 m 58,5 kg
    * Scolipede Megapede 2,5 m 200,5 kg
    * Cottonee Cotonpalla 0,3 m 0,6 kg
    * Whimsicott Spiffero 0,7 m 6,6 kg
    * Petilil Radice 0,5 m 6,6 kg
    * Lilligant Fiorfronzolo 1,1 m 16,3 kg
    * Basculin Irruenza 1,0 m 18,0 kg
    * Sandile Sabbiadrillo 0,7 m 15,2 kg
    * Krokorok Sabbiadrillo 1,0 m 33,4 kg
    * Krookodile Minaccia 1,5 m 96,3 kg
    * Darumaka Daruma 0,6 m 37,5 kg
    * Darmanitan Altefiamme 1,3 m 92,9 kg
    * Maractus Cactus 1,0 m 28,0 kg
    * Dwebble Pietracasa 0,3 m 14,5 kg
    * Crustle Scogliocasa 1,4 m 200,0 kg
    * Scraggy Mutapelle 0,6 m 11,8 kg
    * Scrafty Furfante 1,1 m 30,0 kg
    * Sigilyph Pseuduccello 1,4 m 14,0 kg
    * Yamask Fatuanima 0,5 m 1,5 kg
    * Cofagrigus Bara 1,7 m 76,5 kg
    * Tirtouga Ancestruga 0,7 m 16,5 kg
    * Carracosta Ancestruga 1,2 m 81,0 kg
    * Archen Paleouccello 0,5 m 9,5 kg
    * Archeops Paleouccello 1,4 m 32,0 kg
    * Trubbish Spazzatura 0,6 m 31,0 kg
    * Garbodor Discarica 1,9 m 107,3 kg
    * Zorua Malavolpe 0,7 m 12,5 kg
    * Zoroark Mutevolpe 1,6 m 81,1 kg
    * Minccino Cincillà 0,4 m 5,8 kg
    * Cinccino Sciarpa 0,5 m 7,5 kg
    * Gothita Fissosguardo 0,4 m 5,8 kg
    * Gothorita Raggiro 0,7 m 18,0 kg
    * Gothitelle Corpoceleste 1,5 m 44,0 kg
    * Solosis Cellula 0,3 m 1,0 kg
    * Duosion Scissione 0,6 m 8,0 kg
    * Reuniclus Espansione 1,0 m 20,1 kg
    * Ducklett Alacquatico 0,5 m 5,5 kg
    * Swanna Biancuccello 1,3 m 24,2 kg
    * Vanillite Nevefresca 0,4 m 5,7 kg
    * Vanillish Geloneve 1,1 m 41,0 kg
    * Vanilluxe Bufera 1,3 m 57,5 kg
    * Deerling Stagione 0,6 m 19,5 kg
    * Sawsbuck Stagione 1,9 m 92,5 kg
    * Emolga Petauro 0,4 m 5,0 kg
    * Karrablast Addentatore 0,5 m 5,9 kg
    * Escavalier Cavaliere 1,0 m 33,0 kg
    * Foongus Fungo 0,2 m 1,0 kg
    * Amoonguss Fungo 0,6 m 10,5 kg
    * Frillish Fluttuante 1,2 m 33,0 kg
    * Jellicent Fluttuante 2,2 m 135,0 kg
    * Alomomola Assistenza 1,2 m 31,6 kg
    * Joltik Appiccicante 0,1 m 0,6 kg
    * Galvantula Elettroragno 0,8 m 14,3 kg
    * Ferroseed Spinaseme 0,6 m 18,8 kg
    * Ferrothorn Spinasfere 1,0 m 110,0 kg
    * Klink Ingranaggio 0,3 m 21,0 kg
    * Klang Ingranaggio 0,6 m 51,0 kg
    * Klinklang Ingranaggio 0,6 m 81,0 kg
    * Tynamo Elettropesce 0,2 m 0,3 kg
    * Eelektrik Elettropesce 1,2 m 22,0 kg
    * Eelektross Elettropesce 2,1 m 80,5 kg
    * Elgyem Cervello 0,5 m 9,0 kg
    * Beheeyem Cervello 1,0 m 34,5 kg
    * Litwick Candela 0,3 m 3,1 kg
    * Lampent Lanterna 0,6 m 13,0 kg
    * Chandelure Attiranime 1,0 m 34,3 kg
    * Axew Zanna 0,6 m 18,0 kg
    * Fraxure Mascellascia 1,0 m 36,0 kg
    * Haxorus Mascellascia 1,8 m 105,5 kg
    * Cubchoo Freddo 0,5 m 8,5 kg
    * Beartic Glaciale 2,6 m 260,0 kg
    * Cryogonal Cristallo 1,1 m 148,0 kg
    * Shelmet Lumachina 0,4 m 7,7 kg
    * Accelgor Sgusciato 0,8 m 25,3 kg
    * Stunfisk Trappola 0,7 m 11,0 kg
    * Mienfoo Marziale 0,9 m 20,0 kg
    * Mienshao Marziale 1,4 m 35,5 kg
    * Druddigon Grotta 1,6 m 139,0 kg
    * Golett Statuanimata 1,0 m 92,0 kg
    * Golurk Statuanimata 2,8 m 330,0 kg
    * Pawniard Lamaffilata 0,5 m 10,2 kg
    * Bisharp Fildilama 1,6 m 70,0 kg
    * Bouffalant Sfondatoro 1,6 m 94,6 kg
    * Rufflet Aquilotto 0,5 m 10,5 kg
    * Braviary Baldanza 1,5 m 41,0 kg
    * Vullaby Pannolino 0,5 m 9,0 kg
    * Mandibuzz Ossaquila 1,2 m 39,5 kg
    * Heatmor Formichiere 1,4 m 58,0 kg
    * Durant Ferformica 0,3 m 33,0 kg
    * Deino Impeto 0,8 m 17,3 kg
    * Zweilous Irruenza 1,4 m 50,0 kg
    * Hydreigon Brutale 1,8 m 160,0 kg
    * Larvesta Torcia 1,1 m 28,8 kg
    * Volcarona Sole 1,6 m 46,0 kg
    * Cobalion Metalcuore 2,1 m 250,0 kg
    * Terrakion Caverna 1,9 m 260,0 kg
    * Virizion Prateria 2,0 m 200,0 kg
    * Tornadus Turbinio 1,5 m 63,0 kg
    * Thundurus Fulminante 1,5 m 61,0 kg
    * Reshiram Bianco Verità 3,2 m 330,0 kg
    * Zekrom Nero Ideale 2,9 m 345,0 kg
    * Landorus Fertilità 1,5 m 68,0 kg
    * Kyurem Confine 3,0 m 325,0 kg
  15. SPIRIT
    My Pokéwalker went through the laundry... AND SURVIVED!
    And accumulated over 1 300 steps to boot.
    In your face, Nintendo!
    Which is more than I can say for my LEGO Harry Potter game, in which I've become trapped in a room with a white dragon with no escape (and I've done some Google searches that confirm this is a glitch). I hope TT releases a patch soon...
  16. SPIRIT
    On a Harry Potter fansite, there is a caption contest held every so often using various Harry Potter related pictures. A few months ago, I gave an entry for one of the rounds and it was rather well received and was once voted the number one caption on the site (it has since been knocked down to 7, but it has yet to fall off the list).
    Recently, I did a Google search and found that I accidentally spawned somewhat of a fad, which was pleasantly surprising. Now, since I'm not as well-known in the Harry Potter fandom as I am in the BIONICLE one, I thought I'd take this opportunity to state that I did, in fact, write this caption that has taken the Internet by storm.
    For those interested, here are the picture and caption:

    Cedric: So. How is it that you - a skinny boy with no extraordinary acting talent - managed to defeat the greatest actor of all time? How did you escape with nothing but eight movies, while Robert Pattinson's powers were destroyed?
    Harry: Why do you care how I escaped? Pattinson was after your time...
    Cedric: Pattinson is my past, present and future, Harry Potter...
    *Cedric pulls Harry's wand from his pocket and begins to trace it through the air, writing two shimmering words*
    *Then, Cedric waves the wand once, and the letters of his name rearrange themselves*
    Harry: Um... so?
    Cedric: You know, that made a lot more sense in my head...
    Granted, there's no real proof that the person you know as SPIRIT and the author of that were the same person, but I offer this as evidence, from which I took inspiration for the caption and which was written several weeks earlier.
    In summation, I am funny no matter which fandom I'm in. B)
  17. SPIRIT
    I seem to have been pranked. No longer is my avatar a floating rock with moss growing on it, but it has been in fact changed to a two dimensional spinning image a Chiara Zanni's head; bonus points if you know who she is.
    Also, the PSA's coming along swimmingly. So far Cee's the only person who's been able to give me satisfactory lines, but I'm in no rush.
  18. SPIRIT
    It's super effective!
    So most of you won't know this, but today there was an earthquake on the border of Quebec and Ontario that I felt all the way in ADDRESS WITHHELD. They say it measured 5.0 and it even hit some of the north eastern states.

    Where I live, it wasn't too bad; the wall shook a little and rattled a picture frame, but nothing was damaged. I thought a truck had driven by or something, but when I looked outside, there was no truck, so I was a bit confused until I heard about it on the radio.
    Then we had a tornado warning.
    Nature is trying to kill me.
  19. SPIRIT
    Yep, it's time for me to once again use this blog for the intended purpose of all blogs: to passive-aggressively rant about minutia in every day life.
    Today's topic: people who drink loudly.
    Everybody drinks; if you didn't, you'd be dead. Whether you're drinking water, soup, coffee, juice, pop, or what have you, for the love of all things liquid, COULD YOU PLEASE DRINK IT QUIETLY?!?!
    SERIOUSLY! How hard is it to ingest liquid without slurping it loudly, gulping it down loudly (especially the gulping!), then letting forth a loud sigh of relief before slamming down your cup, waiting a few seconds, and starting the tortuous process all over again.
    I mean, it's not acceptable when you eat. You'd be thrown out of a restaurant if you ate your food by saying OM NOM NOM NOM NOM. It's rude and disgusting is what it is and I won't have it.
    What's worse is people who do this in tests and exams. Excuse me, but in case you haven't noticed, this isn't a who-can-drink-the-loudest-contest, IT'S AN EXAM WORTH AN UNFAIR AMOUNT OF OUR MARK AND IT'S REALLY HARD TO REMEMBER MY LAST-MINUTE CRAMMING WITH YOUR OBNOXIOUS SLURPING, GULPING, SIGHING, AND SLAMMING RIGHT IN MY EAR.
    So please, spread the message about drinking as quietly possible to everyone you know or I'm going to lose it. Tune in next time when I rant about people who put random songs blaring in the background of Internet videos for no apparent reason. Pro-tip: if I have to hit mute to watch your video, you've done something wrong.
    Also, I'm still not posting yet.
  20. SPIRIT
    Took a few weeks, but everything people have asked me to re-post that I had archived has been re-posted.
    Apologies to @fishers64 because I did not think to save Mata Nui's Performance Review and to @meglatorian because not only did I not save The Three Bohroketeers, but I completely forgot I wrote it! If anyone happens to have those topics backed up, I'm sure both they and I would be very grateful to get to read them again.
    Also to note, there are still a few stories in my own private archive. They're largely earlier work or stuff that didn't get an overwhelming critical reception, but I could be persuaded to re-post them if anyone really wants to read them.
    Anyway, now that that's out of the way, maybe now I can focus on making new stuff.
    Stay tuned.
  21. SPIRIT
    I have done it. 100 000 years of events cobbled together into a coherent series of events. The BIONICLE Reference Centre's timeline is fully up to date! Have a look, let me know what you think, and please let me know if there are any mistakes.
    And now, I embark on a new, top secret project for the Reference Team. All very hush-hush for now, but I'm pretty sure you'll like the end product. To my knowledge, nothing of this sort has been done before and I think it's about high time it has been.
    That's all I say for now, but stay tuned for some very fancy Reference Keeping.
  22. SPIRIT
    Well folks, I've had a nice long run posting on BZPower.com, but now that I've reached 9999 posts, I think it's time for me to retire from posting in the main forums and start a prosperous career of posting in New Member Q&A, Bionicle Artwork II: Shops & Kits, Bionicle Games & Trivia, BZP Voting Booth, Completely Off Topic, and blogs.
  23. SPIRIT
    Another one bites the dust.
    Took down Battle Chatelaine Morgan on Super Rotation Battles in Omega Ruby. Swept her whole team with a Gliscor -- it was brutal! Special mention to the Vaporeon, Mega Aggron, and Dragonite that helped me get through 49 other battles to reach her.
    The code to see it is G75W-WWWW-WW38-WQJP.
    So that's Singles and Rotation taken care of. I think I'll try Doubles next. Any suggestions?
  24. SPIRIT
    Inspired by the success of Dr. Bionicle's The Academy, I decided to enter the next RPG contest with an altered version of my epic Wildfire. IMO, it sounds pretty fun and easy to understand- I just hope everyone else thinks so.
    For all those interested, the entry is here.
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