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Status Updates posted by Jayk

  1. Thank you very much, although that's probably only 'cause there's so few T-800 MOCs around. :P Your mecha Moc's fantastic, BTW.


  3. Thanks for the comment on my comics. I just wanted to say: that sandworm cat is HILARIOUS. :P

  4. Drawing cities.

  5. Many happy returns, Mr. Sherlock Holmes!

  6. Well, that's only wimps who worship Linkin Park and Green Day and wish they had huge six-packs. :P No, I haven't seen the tour in person. Havn't been to any of their concerts. Someday, though.

  7. Name and Flight of the Conchords reference FTW.

  8. *No offense to anyone is intended by previous comment, BTW*

  9. I am Jayk's comment on your profile.

  10. Jayk

    why thank you good sir :D

  11. Congratulations! :D I was hoping they'd get it, once the Caps and Hawks were out. Sid's the youngest captain to ever lift the Cup, which is pretty cool.

  12. I'm not back, I'm just checking in. :) Listening to "Summer's Gone" by the Beach Boys, and remembering old times...

  13. That's for sure. If the Pens can win this one, there's a good chance they'll finish it back in Pittsburgh.

  14. Your Interests list is, to quote a certain individual, "Fascinating". Much of it I wholeheartedly agree with. Always nice to see similar interests, sir. :D

  15. Good luck to the Pens in the finals, Xeso. :D

  16. Unfortunately, no.

  17. I've been a miner for a Heart of Gold.

  18. Steve McQueen.

  19. I admit, I shouldn't have joined in the argument there; but I'm a big Coldplay fan, and calling that a "creepy fetish" was stupid and rude. There are millions of people who feel the same way, about Coldplay or a different band, and you have no right to insult my opinion or theirs like that.

  20. Tchaikovsky...Nice. So few people I meet like classical. Good for you. :D

  21. Jayk

    Say, does the username "BioKid2006" ring any bells?

  22. Jayk

    That they are, that they are. There's a movie called "Michael Clayton", with George Clooney, that was written by the scriptwriter of the Bourne trilogy. It's very good.

  23. 2-0 Pens, IN Detroit. It's lookin' good for Pittsburgh. :D

  24. Hi, Nuparu. I just joined. I've got my profile set up and added you as a friend. You're rated a five by me. :D See you around!

  25. Breakfast food.

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