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Status Updates posted by Bioduel

  1. can you post the next part of those crazy sets please?:}

  2. Da bd wrd! *Shoop Da Whoops Blade and this time I didn't miss :P*Tke dat

  3. Da chnge sis dere!!111!!!!LOL

  4. Dan...*eats myself and Sky Blazer come out of nowhere*Dat ws a bt od.

  5. Dark Blazer is back.

  6. Dats nt meh commnt.Crse yuo Rse!

  7. deres a plce clled iaza.com.

  8. deres o bmob rihtg bevhid ya.

  9. Did you get the other troops yet?

  10. Dis mes ceioke!1!1

  11. Dn dnd nd!im bckk......srooy meh ws gruonded.

  12. Do you want cookies and cake with that sir?

  13. FEAR ME NOOBS!!!!!

  14. Go to Gerlicky's page. He has a newbie war going on right now.

  15. Good news: I'm going back to comic making again.

  16. Guess whose back.

  17. Ha you all fall it!I'm Rose his sister I just hacked into his account!

  18. Ha! And I delete the comments on my profile!

  19. Happy a day later Birthday!

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