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Status Updates posted by Bioduel

  1. I has come back to LIFE!!! >:D

  2. I haz reprely agian!1!!1!11111

  3. I haz reprely.

  4. I know that your are a comic maker.

  5. I know the noob's self-destruct code. 1o03h7h8*Destory every noob in the universe*

  6. I making a comic right now.And maybe editing it.

  7. I press alt+4f but I didn't win anything. :o

  8. I said.......YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!!!!

  9. I still say its a Mahi.

  10. I was playing along. But you now awesome.

  11. I will now speak in n00d.lsfeubobo!1!1!!1!1!1!

  12. I'm Dark Blazer!!!!!

  13. I'm done with the first comic but I didn't made a topic yet.

  14. I'm HITM the chao

  15. I'm making a comic with pictures.

  16. I'm naot a talking dog! I'm am Duel Flame!

  17. I'm now evil.MWHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

  18. I'm still alive and better then ever.

  19. I'm watching you......

  20. I'm watching you...

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