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Tifosi 92

Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Tifosi 92

  1. Yeah, I saw that. Doesn't look anything at all like what we've got. =P I tried to find a screenie, but to no avail.

  2. Yeah, there was an F1 game on the N64 that we had that would allow you to do that. It only went to the extent of having your name on the telemetry, though. =P So it's mostly a graphics hack for the game, then?

  3. I'll ignore what the word filter did to both our comments. *lol* So you mean you couldn't pit Schumacher vs. Vettel then, huh? For shame. =P Can't race a forty car grid, either, too, I'm guessing?

  4. A little bit of math shows that you've gotten almost two profile views for every hour you've been a part of this site. That's a lot of views. =P

  5. "Yes Marina"? Very funny. =P You can't really Moderator Gamecube games to feature stuff like that, and I haven't really had good experiences with PC racing games. *lol* So you could like, race '09 cars against '06 cars with that, right?

  6. Wait, is he on right now? O_o I wish I had an F1 game with more recent drivers. 2002 may have cut the mustard back in '03, but not anymore. =P

  7. Probably coming a bit late, but congrats on POBZPC. =)

  8. What've you been up to lately?

  9. Not to waste your time or anything, but what would you do if someone asked you to e-mail something into the news? =P

  10. Wow, that's odd--it didn't give me any messages saying you had commented either. I only just now noticed. =P

  11. Yeah, I was wondering what happened to you. That's cool about the epic--I'll definitely have to check it out sometime. I've only posted three new stories since The Sniper, so nothing really all that new. =P

  12. Based on features alone, PS3 for sure--360's only marginally better for online play, but you have to pay for that, and it's less reliable. All things being considered, I'd take an N64 or Gamecube over both. =P

  13. Haven't heard from you on the writing scene in a while--how've things been going?

  14. I posted it, but I dunno if I'm in. *crosses fingers*

  15. Just barely--can't be bothered, 'cause I might be late by like five/ten minutes plus edit and coding time. Hopefully it won't be such a big deal.

  16. How're things looking on your entry?

  17. "Where have you been? It's all right--we know where youve been..." Love that song.

  18. Ah, okay, I gotcha. Haven't had any computer problems in a while. *crosses fingers, knocks would, and does any other computer-demon-repelling gesture* =P

  19. Happy birthday! =)

  20. My brother says your next name change should be "The Spinkinator" or something like that. =P How's the repairs on the ol' Xbox coming?

  21. Okay, I'm stumped, so I'll ask you: I'm torn between two possible entries for SSAO P3. Either one about a time paradox or a good 'ol fashioned haunted house story. The first one will be long and may not fit the theme, and the second one will but sounds a little cliche. Whaddaya think?

  22. What, with the Piquet thing? Nah--it's gotta be something everyone would understand. I'd like to use an example, but for some odd reason can't think of one right now. =P

  23. Hey! I've seen you around before. Happy birthday! ^^

  24. Tell me what else you taught me, then.

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