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Tifosi 94

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Status Updates posted by Tifosi 94

  1. Other people will look at our profiles and have no clue what we're talking about. =P

    And yeah if I have the time I'll do that. I've got to get to work on finishing textures and scenery for our game though. Not to mention some school too.

  2. *Takes Jedi weapon and strikes down SPIRIT*


  3. Oh, and no, I haven't seen the Valencia preview. =P

  4. The only alternative I see to that is allow to choose (Example) Fisi on Ferrari and Force India. And when you do races, it would just select random people for the teams that did have driver changes. So you would be racing against Piquet one race, then Grojean on another.

  5. I think they'll do what EA did with 2002. How the grid line up was at the start of the season is what they'll use for the game. In F1 2002, Arrows was a team and they didn't even make it through the season.

  6. I've played the demo of Grid, and I'm in the same boat as you. Code masters (I hope) is going too make any other F1 game look like SNES material. =P

  7. Um... None of the F1 games we had (F1 1997 N64 and F1 2002 GameCube) had comentary, but they did have annoying pit radio people.

    If they have comentary though, I hope there's a way to shut it off, that way it's just you and the sound of the car at the point. =P

  8. Ditto, that's the game that my brother and I can't wait to get for xbox.

  9. I just started playing F1 2002 on the gamecube and I forgot how much of a blast it is. =P

    Do you have any F1 games?

  10. Well I think we all have to cool down a bit.

    Is it just me or F1 can be just as touchy of a subject as politics? =P

  11. You need to add "Hating Gresh" to your interests page. =P

  12. I take it you officially hate Renault after this scandle then huh? *lol*

  13. Didn't I teel you when you needed to beta test already? *Confusion*

    Also, I'm in charge of the beta testing sector, so if you need something to ask, ask me about it.

  14. Yeah, I figured that out about a minute later I posted that comment. Sorry for the trouble, I never commented again saying I new that.

  15. Life size replica? Ooh-rah!

    Oh, ant the end of September is fine, it's just there is a lot sprite work that needs to be done and I'm planning ahead.

    Don't feel rushed! =P

  16. It was kinda funny, because we were just discussing what the weapons will be named, then KS-13 came up, and it just kinda stuck for some reason. Also, what will be the ETA for that pistol sheet you think? (I'm in no rush, but before November 12 would be nice.)

  17. I suppose so. =P

  18. I know... :( I miss all the European tracks. But hey, Bernie isn't dumb, the only reason why he's making deals with the Asian and Middle East countries is becasue they've got the money. I mean, c'mon look at Abu Dhabi, they're swimming in money over there. =P

  19. Another question: Does "KS-13" sound good as the weapon name? We verification since you're the creator.

  20. Oh, by the way meant to ask in the PM, is it alright if we uae Komas' pistol as a weapon in the game?

  21. Alrighty, I'll get to that now. Don't ignore it! =P

    (Shoot me. >_

  22. YAY! *2 year old moment*

    That's great, we won't be ready though until november maybe, so it's not like you'll be testing by tommorrow or anything. I'll give a run down on the main plot and stlye in a PM. That sound good to you?

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