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Tifosi 94

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Status Updates posted by Tifosi 94

  1. I don't know who turned that on.. O_o

    But hey! I can use the force. Duh. =P

  2. The word filter is hilarious on this site. Keep up the good work guys! XD

  3. Uhhh... *Thinks*

    No. =P

  4. I've never really understood why they call it "Football" when you don't really use your feet...

  5. You do know that Peach 00 is my little sister?

  6. That's what you think. =P

  7. Another question: Does "KS-13" sound good as the weapon name? We verification since you're the creator.

  8. The topic is a dork magnet sadly...

    By the way, you do know that Peach 00 is my sister?

  9. Knowing Alonso, he hired that guy. (Joking) Who knows these days? =P

  10. I log in invisibly. =P

  11. Yes, it's sad, but Ferrari is loosing there touch...

    *Hides head in hands*

  12. I don't ignore you! =P

    right? o_O

  13. Do you remember when I said the 458 Italia looked geeky?

  14. I have no idea why I said but, or spelt their and losing wrong.

    Garg! brain cramp!

  15. Plot-twisted me too. (Here comes a new Internet phrase... =P)

  16. Ditto. :P

    But like the ancient philosopher Clarksonious (Late 2000 A.D.) once said: "How Hard can it be?"

    Which episode is that from, and who said it? =P

  17. I am always welcome to talk to fellow F1 fan, but it's brilliant to talk to a Ferrari fan. *lol* Welcome to BZP, and nice to know that there's another Tifosi on the site!

  18. Just viewed those videos you gave me the hint to look at. The game looks pretty different on PC.

  19. Never mind... =)

  20. I haven't even played it! Remember that there IS a 5 hour time difference. =P

  21. Well duh it's a set up. =P What's funny is, the SLS probably can't do that, but the Merc F1 car on the other hand... *Evil laugh*

  22. Now I'm hoping THAT was sarcasm. =P

    Understandable though.

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