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Thomas Hunter

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Status Updates posted by Thomas Hunter

  1. So I'm back and stuff.

    1. B.M.800


      So how have you been?

  2. The fourms are back. Come see them.

    1. Overlord


      I must concur.[/interjection]

  3. Wow you've had a lot of names...

  4. Slid down to #10


  5. Cool. I read the first post, I'll try and read the rest last if I can.

    And oh yeah, did you ever get around to making that one epic with you me and MOC in it?

  6. Yeah, it was getting kinda old wasn't it?

  7. I think I know what one that is...

    Is that the one where *Refers to spoiler* and *Death Spoiler* oh and then *Refers to major plot spoiler*

    That one? :P

  8. And now i'm confused again... XP

  9. *lightbulb*


    I guess I don't get Kudoes then huh?

  10. Hey I got the next Devot. up

  11. O Noez!! Alex taked ovar ur commants!!!


  12. Have you ever heard of FM Static? The lead singer is the same one thats in TFK, and if you like them, you'll like RM Static.

    Thats how I got hooked on TFK too =P

  13. You live in Pensylvania? What city?

    And also, I'll be praying for your bro

  14. Great new chapter! I'm in a writing mood today, so I'll write the next one of its ok. Any ideas?

  15. Dude, your banner is epic =P

  16. Hey I realy like your location, mostly because its mine too. =)

  17. Yeah, I just havn't found time to type the whole chapter =P

  18. I know! And yours are all blue!

    Maybe we should switch colors :P

  19. lol i see you've changed our name

  20. Pillar and Red are touring!


  21. Cool. I've proably heard an Ad on the raido for it, never found out what it was.

  22. oops i ment to say "your"

  23. Yeah I know. It sucks. =/

  24. Whoops, didn't see your comment. I'll PM it to you.

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