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Thomas Hunter

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Status Updates posted by Thomas Hunter

  1. Is that a.... Hampster with facial hair? OH WAIT-- Hampsters have hair all over XD

  2. Yeah, I don't go to concerts much, but I really hope they come near me so I can go.

  3. 2 days in advance? XD

    Anways, marrah christmas to you too.

  4. Correction; EPIC WIN

  5. Pillar and Red are touring!


  6. You live in Pensylvania? What city?

    And also, I'll be praying for your bro

  7. ♀ = Evil :P

    Thats the gender sign for girl if for some reason you didn't already know.

  8. 0_o

    So while you swim, do you want to RP in Heroes? I'll be sitting in the topic until you post, because I have nothing better to do =/

  9. Well so are you! Unles...

    Ha! Now you swimming in un-assigned gender blue!

  10. Your sig is a little bit too big (You can only have 5 lines of text.)

    Just thought I would give you the heads up ;)

  11. HA! WHo's swimming in pink now?

  12. I know! And yours are all blue!

    Maybe we should switch colors :P

  13. Yes, in fact it is.

    1358 people have read it mind you.

  14. You do realize that you just spoiled it for everyone who hasn't seen that one :P

  15. I think I know what one that is...

    Is that the one where *Refers to spoiler* and *Death Spoiler* oh and then *Refers to major plot spoiler*

    That one? :P

  16. Yes, him :P

    So how far are you thru S5?

  17. Lol. I love your new pic. :P

    So Jack is yelling at James again?

  18. Yay, I live.

    So I take it you've heard Hello Hurricane by now?

  19. *Eyes wide in fear*

    Prompt ninjas?


  20. No... but that big invisable thing behind you is!

    *Runs Away*

  21. *GASP*

    You're right!

    *Looks around*




    Say... you know latian. You want to be my bodyguard.

  22. I said, I'm in Villian 102, but does this mean im a villian?

  23. Ha! They even sue the people who Triumphantly Narrow Their Eyes!

    You're going to be broke!


  24. Oh, but they will. They always take the people who smirk loopsidedly.

  25. The children are taking you to court for hiding behind them

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