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Thomas Hunter

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Status Updates posted by Thomas Hunter

  1. So Feb 24 is your actually birthday, corect?

    I need to get your cake done by thin if it's true :P

  2. Elements? What does they mean!!

  3. No thanks, Imma good :D

  4. Cookie... Cookie... *rummages around in backpack to find only crums*

    Oh thats right... I wondered what I had for dinner last night.

    Sorrie! =P

  5. What do you use to listen to music? iPod, Playlist, MP3, ETC.

  6. Wow, you havn't gotten a comment sence I last left one.

    Yikes :P

    Anyways, your PM inbox is full, and I cant PM you until you do something about it.

  7. Cookie... Cookie... (scours around house looking for a cookie)

    Let me get back to you on that one.

    Oh yeah, and if your so smartical, then whats the name of the song?

  8. Just to tell you, you are only allowed to have 5 lines of text in your sig (you have 6)

    Not trying to be rude or anything, but if you don't change it before a Moderator sees it, they will remove your sig.

    And thats no fun.

  9. *Reads interests*

    Uhh... 149?

  10. Haha, yeah. I didn't know either, I knew it from (what is currently) my favorite song. Then I googled it and went "Oh... cool"

  11. Haha :P

    Google it, see what you get up.

  12. Haha, I see you've noticed.

    Do you know what it is?

  13. No, not yet. I will after I read the other books I'm reading right now though

  14. Haha.

    I reccentlu read Kiss and went "Oh wow good book."

    And then I read Thr3e and went "OMO HOLY PLOT TWIST"

    Should be reading Burn whenever it comes out (not sure if its out yet) and maybe Blink of an Eye



  16. Is that control of earth or something?

  17. Imma going to be in Outbreak this time around.

    Going to be a dude who can make worm holes and go behind you to give you a lump on your head.

    Good Luck!

  18. Hahaha.

    I'm in 2010 already, and you're an hour behind me so you're not.

    Your still in 2009...


  19. So you're a twichy pirate now?


  20. Aaaah.

    So I guess you saw the end?

  21. It's Valborg Svensson XD

    So who is Jack yelling at now?

  22. Only the ones that are high off their own emotions >:D

  23. @ Your Post(About my sig): It the equasion for Evil :P

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