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Toa Blackout

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Status Updates posted by Toa Blackout

  1. lol o) i believe thats the correct way and im doing good been stuck at home for the past to days i hurt my leg it hurt to even sit but its better and also ive been mocing alot lately and upgrading alt terry people seem to like my version so im doin B)

  2. lol var im watching ep. 7 of the iBZP and i noticed st the bottom i see ut name

  3. mephiles is coming qqqq

  4. neryt is a cheater =0 yet you let him stay in the contest when he is cheatin

  5. no cuz he died :( we buried in the garden next to my room and hes with my other turtle i had bandit that died two months ago

  6. no im sayin he was tall and has reddish brown hair not tall hair

  7. no thanks im loyal to the reds

  8. noooo you changed your avatar ;-;

  9. o i upgraded terry i added white nuva legs (you know the ones from pridak) in the arm socket hole to fill it and it does the job while looking nice then i added armour to the black vahki hip and its completely covered then i changed the arm and now it has the posability of a normal set then i lengthened the handle on the war hammer and filled in the gap on the foot but the design is the same just


  11. Octagons taste good covered in cheese.

  12. oh i wasnt acussing you i was just wondering where they are gettin the info

  13. ohia thats kewl B)

  14. okay i dont care who wins either it actually makes it more fun now that were tied may the best eam win c.v.

  15. olook a fellow texan B)

  16. olook a fellow texan B)

  17. olook your in the spotlight

  18. ono double comment :o

  19. ono ur a member again D:

  20. oops sorry bout that computer malfunctioned

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