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Blog Entries posted by Fenrai

  1. Fenrai
    Has anyone played that game? I find it really fun, and I'm hoping I get a PS3 for Christmas so that I can play it.
    Oh, and I'm working on a MOC of the Blue Knight from that game.
  2. Fenrai
    Well, it's December, and I chose a new song to get the monthly FR Awesome Song Stamp.
    Now, there were many choices (only three, actually ), but I decided to choose:
    Caught Up in a Dream by All Insane Kids
    requested by Kuvok: Toa of Shadow
    This song has been one of my favorites for a while, actually. The guitar part is really cool, and the overall theme of it is awesome. Also, it's been one of the songs that've been reminding me of Bionicle (this, Hero, Crashed, Move Along, Gravity Hurts, and Bye Bye Babylon) and the fact that it's Bionicle makes it all the more epic.
    So without further ado...

    If you want a song to be stamped for January, just place a comment in this entry.
  3. Fenrai
    Well, I'm flying back from Florida. I'm sad that I'm leaving, but I'm also kinda glad to be going back, since I'll be able to build with my Bionicle pieces again.
  4. Fenrai
    Does anybody remember that song stamp I made up earlier? I gave it to Free by Chris Madin. Anyways, I've decided that I'm gonna choose a song every month to give it to. So, if you want, you can request a song (NO BAD LYRICS), I'll listen to it, and if I like it, I'll give it the Song Stamp.
  5. Fenrai
    A lot of my friends (and my cousin) are saying that I should get a PS3 for X-mas, but I'm not sure if I'll like it. I already have a Wii.
    What do you guys think?
  6. Fenrai
    I played it at my cousin's house, and it's a fun game. You get to roll up stuff! And what could be more fun than rolling people up with a large ball?
    The story is kinda weird though. It looks like somebody went crazy while making it.
    But other than that, it's very fun.
  7. Fenrai
    I got it yesterday at GameStop. I won't be able to play it until I get back on Sunday night, but when I am able to play it, I hope it'll be good.
  8. Fenrai
    I was thinking of changing it to something else, possibly from the Pokemon Ranger, Kirby, or Sonic series.
    I'm probably going to keep the "____Rider" theme, just a different beginning.
    But I'm not sure if I'm even gonna change it.
    Any ideas if I do?
  9. Fenrai
    So, at school, I decided that I would have a week for each section of voting in my Sonic MOC Contest, and I planned the dates out.
    And then I realized something.
    I'll be revealing the results on Christmas.
  10. Fenrai
    I'm so excited! I'm finally gonna see my cousins and aunt and uncle and grandparents!
    (Also, I get to miss 3 days of school next week B) )
  11. Fenrai
    I wore the pre-order hat all throughout the mall, and I heard comments like "Silly hat" and "What's he wearing?"
    I didn't care. I was just happy that I HAZ SONIC COLORS!
    *goes off to play it*
  12. Fenrai
    IT. IS. FUN.
    I really like it. My character is a Paradox Space Marauder named SkyeDasher. I have about 60 Faction Tokens (How can some people get those so quickly?), and I ROCK AT RACING!
    Anybody else on Lego Universe?
  13. Fenrai
    Yesterday, Vampire Shadow and I were playing Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and VS kept trying to beat me while I was Link.
    He failed.
    But you would not believe how many times Bonsly was sent out. We eventually came up with a phrase "FEAR DA BONSLY!" (hence the title).
  14. Fenrai
    Ordinarily, my homeroom class has donuts every Friday.
    But today they didn't.

    But when I got home, my mom gave me some.
    and now I get to eat DONUTS...

  15. Fenrai
    I just realized something about my blog entries.
    The ones with random talking, all-caps, and barely any discussion value are usually the ones that get commented on.
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