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Blog Entries posted by Fenrai

  1. Fenrai
    No, it's not my name, it's my friend's. He changed it from nmk1 to Vampire Shadow.
    P.S.: Vampire Shadow is sitting right next to me. Say hi, VS!

    Vampire Shadow: hi hi hi!
  2. Fenrai
    No, they're not random letters, they're the two new games I got today (at around 3 to be exact)! I just got Pokemon Ranger: Guardian Signs and Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity for $50 bucks at Best Buy! (PR:GS was $30, and SR:ZG for Wii was $20).
    Anyway, I've pretty much been playing Sonic Riders Zero Gravity since then, and I've already beaten the Heroes story. That game is FUN!
  3. Fenrai
    I had to do one over the weekend (which, for me, is still going on! ). It was on yeast and sugar and CO2 and BTB and more science-y stuff. It was about two pages long. I think mine is actually pretty good, even though science isn't my best subject.
  4. Fenrai
    in my new Diamond file. I finally got to doing that, and the theme in my team is.....
    to only use Grass-types!
    (Sorry, AR for not using your idea, but I found out my neighbor is doing the exact same thing.)
  5. Fenrai
    Today, my Literature class is having something called "Starkid Day", where we all wear stuff that represents ourselves. It's based off of the book Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli, which we read in class.
    I couldn't really think of much, so I decided I'm gonna wear a T-shirt with "Wii" on it. My mom made it with the same kind of iron-on paper I'm gonna use for the Sonic Contest, but it turned out that the shirt was all faded. I'm gonna postpone the Sonic Contest until the iron-ons can be un-faded. I'm still gonna wear the Wii shirt, though, because it kinda looks cool.
  6. Fenrai
    I finally got them. I just need to test one out and see if it works before I can open the contest.
    EDIT: Any ideas for the test shirt? I'm not sure what to make.
  7. Fenrai
    Such an awesome song. Crush 40 is the best band EVAR. I'm so glad I get to use the song in this new Literature class assignment.
  8. Fenrai
    Since my sister had open house at her school today, we ordered Chinese food instead of cooking it. When I got to my fortune cookie, I was confused. It read:
  9. Fenrai
    Well, in Rise of the Rockets, I found out that Umbra of Doom is sick in the hospital, so I made this entry so that anybody who wanted to would be able to say...
  10. Fenrai
    That's what went on at the Autumnfest at the resort I'm at. We started by getting a big bag of kettle corn (about 3 feet long) and some french fries. Then, we walked around the booths there, and finally, my sister and I each painted our own birdhouse.
  11. Fenrai
    from a laptop in the car on the way to a ski resort
    But they to have things in the summer and fall like indoor pools, cart tracks down the mountain, climbing towers, etc.
    I'm excited.
  12. Fenrai
    My friend, nmk1 came over to my house today. We finished our BBC 60 entries. He posted his (Flyguy), but I have yet to post mine (I posted mine now, and it is right here.) (the Dark Gaia Mantis). Also, nmk1 is sitting next to me. He says that he is excited for the contest, and I quote:
    "YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: "
    He iz happy.
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